DNA Integration Superthread

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, June 30, 2016
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When Geni has propagated MtDNA, and then connections along a path that was propagated are changed, what does Geni do?
Does it cancel all the propagated DNA and start over?
Or does it assume people it had propagated to are still valid and then propagate from them? Or?

You’re correct that it should NOT go to him at all
Anders Joutsen

Anders Joutsen and his wife Anna Antintytär Tervaskangas are the parents of Hilma and are 1st cousins 1 x removed through maternal lines. It scews the relationship finder.

If you look at Hilma Beck profile on the DNA tab as Erica Howton said to do, you can see the direct maternal lines for me and for the other MtDNA line. It is all female on both. Liisa Erkintytär Koikkalainen is my 6th (through Anders (Antii in Finnish) AND my 7th great grandmother (through Anna).

I have made a discussion here for this tipic as requested. Thanks for any assistance. https://www.geni.com/discussions/255704?msg=1591326

Helga Mårtensdotter Kammarbacka becomes only U5 again.
Is both all the way up from your mother

Get familiar with the DNA tab. It’s a little “stiff” to navigate on iPad, but it’s really clear. For some reason I couldn’t get the DNA compare report going, but it’s another great tool.

Re: When Geni has propagated MtDNA, and then connections along a path that was propagated are changed, what does Geni do?

Geni recalcs the DNA propagation. There’s a lag to see and you might need to refresh screen, but it’s pretty speedy.

I cannot click on the profiles in the MtDNA detail path, so trying to figure it out.

MtDNA details path shows Sofia to Maria to Liisa to Maria to Anna to Anna to Hilma
--Sofia = Sofia Jaakontytär Österspangar - daughter of Liisa Koikkalainen
--Maria is Maria Juhontytär Söderkniivilä -daughter of Sofia
--Liisa = Lisa Matsdotter Joutsen dau of Maria
--then Maria is Maria Juhontytär Joutsen , dau of Liisa
Then there are two with the same name - which without links is very difficult to follow - but apparently that is Maternal line all the way down from Sofia

From eupedia.com - V1a1a: found in Scandinavia (including Lapland), Finland and Baltic countries;
From FTDNA - There are 10 U5a1d2b (7,000 ybp) test results including two from the Altai region, two from Norway, one each Tatar, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Finland, and Iran. U5a1d2b is especially interesting because it has a characteristic mutation at 16304 and may have been found in several ancient remains from northeastern Europe to central Asia.

My mito is U4c1a. My mom's brother Mason's is U4c1. I have no idea why I have the a but suppose it mutated in me?

My father's mito: U5b2a1 (deduced from a first cousin who descends from my paternal aunt)

I have asked in the Curator Help Discussion if there's a Finnish speaking curator who can assist

All the posts between my last two above were posted before I had refreshed the screen from the earlier one or while I was working on the 2nd, so I did not see till well after. Sorry about that.

Erica - Thanks much for the info on what happens if connections are changed - https://www.geni.com/discussions/157595?msg=1591345
And I believe you were the one who first revealed to me the info in Details for MtDNA and YDNA in the DNA Tab. Thanks much for that, too.

William Barnette Garrison, Jr

In the course of updating the above named profile, for the first time in 7 years since I entered it, I found that a DNA Marker had been placed in it.

Under the Revisions Tab, I cannot see when, or by whom, this DNA Marker was placed.

Under the DNA Tab, I can see only that it was placed by a Private User, but the date of placement is not listed.

This profile was private up until today when I recorded death data, so it must have been private to the Private User.

In another discussion thread it was suggested that The Geni Team placed the marker, which makes sense to me.

Placing the DNA Marker is great. Not being able to discern the identity of the user who did it, or when it was done, is of concern. I would have expected The Geni Team to make an entry in the Revisions Tab for DNA Marker placement, as they do for other activities such as removing or adding a manager.

Any thoughts?

Private User
If you look in William's DNA Tab, you will see it says:
"DNA propagated to William Garrison, Jr
William Garrison, Jr is presumed to carry DNA based on test results from other relatives in the family tree:"

'a DNA Marker had been placed in it" could mean someone linked his profile to a DNA Kit at FTDNA
Or it could mean someone actively placed the DNA Marker there - something not possible on Geni (a good thing in my view, but not everyone's)
Somebody's YDNA was propagated to this person has yet a different meaning

All propagating is done by a Geni algorithm, so nobody placed the marker there
And yes, you can see whose YDNA was propagated to William. I learned how from Erica.

Look to the right of where you see "Y-DNA (paternal line only)" and you should see "View Details" which is a link
Click on it, and you see how the YDNA was propagated -- from Private User to his father, John Garrison, I and on up the direct paternal line to Jacob Gerritson,
then down to his son Peter Garrison to his son ... Until we get to William.
That is when Tree is chosen. You can change and click Profiles -- which then gives you the choice to contact the Profile Manager (of the one it was propagated from) -OR to view the Tree of the profile it was propagated from -- OR to see the DNA ancestor report, which gives you probably the easiest way of the three to click on of the Profile of the DNA that was propagated to William - tho not sure it is at all useful in this case. But check them all out, see which are useful.

I have had a weird thing happen. While using the Source Assistant to add some family members, I found that the gender was wrong on the add for one or two profiles so I fixed them from male to female on the Geni profile. However, the YDNA will not disappear.

One of the profiles is Dr. Dorothy May Floyd

Anyway to fix or do I just need to put in a ticket? This particular profile should be MPd and I submitted it for that on the MP discussion. Would like to get her DNA marker off since it is a Y.

Susanne Floyd I just now came across this message, and I see now the Y-DNA is gone. Do you know what had to be done to fix it? Or did it correct itself after a short delay? (what I would expect)

Mike Stangel, it must have corrected itself! Thanks, Mike. Hopefully just some time will make that happen.

Yes there's a back-end job that can take a short while because it repropagates through all of the DNA paths. It might have just gotten backed up for a bit.

Thanks for reaching out! I had not had time to check back after watching for a day or two. Glad it is done.

Historical profiles have a DNA upload section-- please see:
Phillip Webber
This needs corrected please

It says:
Has Phillip Webber already taken a DNA test? If you have access to his DNA test results, use our simple and error-free one-click process to transfer those DNA results from Family Tree DNA to Geni

I just today removed DNA from a McDaniel man born in 1700's and dying in the 1800's. Not sure when this happened that the profiles all have this option

Until DNA from Artifacts is a good bit more Common, perhaps hide ability to link FTDNA Kit to any profile with death before May 2000 (when FTDNA offered the first commercial DNA test)

Private User I agree 100%

On another note, DNA issues with my Grandmother Hilma Beck have been resolved through diligent research efforts and corrections of family in Finland. It just took some time on the MtDNA. We are still working through some paternal issues, but that may take a lot more time.

Mike Stangel - there’s a YDNA conflict I suspect is not actually a conflict, but a more recent nomenclature derivation. How can this be checked and updated on geni?

Nathaniel Gifford

My research notes:

The discrepancy tester ( R-Z40804) had Y 111 test that shows from a derived group on the spreadsheet - see


(Red group) William-1 Gifford (d. 1687) of Sandwich, MA - from son Robert-2 Gifford

34 B314159 Gifford william gifford 1611-1687 Unknown Origin R-Z40809

Mike Stangel, would it be possible to add an option to sort DNA matches at https://www.geni.com/list/dna_matches by the largest segment values? Apparently, someone with 53/39 cM match (2C1R-2C2R) is worth more attention than someone with 95/10 cM match (3C-3C1R) but the latter stays on the first page of DNA matches while it's necessary to scroll several pages to see the former - not very logical, isn't it?

It would also be useful to include cM values into email notifications "Good news, Geni found {count} new DNA Matches for you!", so it would give more insight on whether a particular match is worth further investigation or it's rather a statistical noise and is hardly to be traceable. I have more than 20 pages of DNA matches (I guess some other users have much more), and I wouldn't like to waste my time on a match of just 8/8 cM. Even though "in-law relationship" paths could be found for these matches, it's unlikely to find a "blood relationship" path for them.

I strongly second the request to include cM values in the emails sent.

Also, hope someplace on your list of things to do is adding the ability to search for a specific DNA Match - scrolling thru the pages of over 2000 is a pain regardless of how I sort them.

I was wondering how far we are from, based on coalescing measures, to identify specific atDNA to a common ancestor (or ancestors) based on multiple atDNA matches? I suggest something small, maybe going back 4 generations only as starter. Then these emails would not really matter.

The effectiveness of Y-DNA and mtDNA really surprised me and added so much worth to Geni/genealogy.

Private User people are already doing that. Chromosome mapping is about knowing which SNP you share with others who are descended from the same person.

Is there a step by step process to upload FTDna? I am new to this.

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