Arriantjie (Gabrielsz) Van Cathrijn, SM - Not daughter of Catharina van Malabar?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
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All three (Brenda & Shirley Bihl as well as Jeanette Blankenfield) have a line to Catharina van Hoorn (Claasen), sister of Cornelia would be excellent candidates for testing!

Am I correct in reasoning that all three Private User, Private User and Jeanette Blankfield(Pearson) are descendants of Private i.e. a new MRCA under Catharina (Catrijn) van Malabar, SM/PROG if one of the Bihls and Jeannette are tested?

Yes. Brenda and Shirley are sisters. Jeanette is their first cousin. Their MRCA is their grandmother Christina Eddy (Braun). So it shouldn't make much difference which one of the three were tested.
The useful part is that Christina Eddy (Braun) descends from Catharina van Hoorn (Claasen) Catharina Cornelisz van Hoorn (Claasens)

If Brenda, Shirley or Jeanette get a result of N21 or U2c.....not only would we be able to confirm Catharina van Malabar's haplogroup but would also know whether it's Charlette Hoppe or Beth Hawkin's line that has an mtDNA discontinuity somewhere along it.

ie. the MRCA between Charlette Hoppe, Beth Hawkins and any one of the three new candidates (Brenda, Shirley or Jeanette) is the SM Prog Catharina van Malabar herself.

Exactly :-)
Alex, I'm adopting this mtDNA Discontinuity description nto my Vocab :-)

Maria Catharina Fitzgerald nee Grobler married in Pietersburg according to her death notice. I have confirmed with one of her great grandsons that she was married by 1880, probably 1878

Arriantjie Gabrielsz, SM is your 6th great grandmother.

→ Joseph Philippus ''Seffie'' Greyling
your father → Frans Eduard Greyling
his father → Martha Elizabeth Greyling (born Prins)
his mother → Geertruida Johanna Maria Alexandrina Prins (born Kaltwasser)
her mother → Susanna Elizabeth Sophia van Locherenberg, b2c6 SM
her mother → Nicolaas van Locherenberg, b2
her father → Gerbrecht Boshouwer, SM
his mother → Arriantjie Gabrielsz, SM
her mother ??? now adopted from : Cathrijn.SM

My dad's dna tested as: R-ZP91 and U2b

Thanks Wilma Basson (born Greyling)

Wilma, this is a discussion about mitochondrial DNA i.e. mother's mother's mother's lines. I've told in another discussion already that your father's maternal line leads to Maria Jacobs van Batavia, SM/PROG. mtDNA is about as linear as it gets; direct female line of the person tested.

Oh - this is soooooooooooooooo embarrassing ! So sorry all! I 've picked it up quite late last night, as well Drummond. (Must have been a very big blonde moment here on my side!) Please kindly ignore all my comments I've made in this specific dna discussion all. Sorry!

:-) It happens. Read the mtDNa project page: It explains. It also includes both women.

Shirley Paladin's mtDNA Line to Catharina:

Catharina (Catrijn) van Malabar, SM/PROGCatharina Cornelisz van Hoorn (Claasens)
her daughter → Johanna Elizabeth Robertsz Bury, b4 SM
her daughter → Petronella Essler, b4 SM
her daughter → Jacoba Petronella Essler, b6
her daughter → Christina Petronella Hillegeist
her daughter → Christina Petronella Heydenrych
her daughter → Maria Braun (Heydenrych)
her daughter → Private
her daughter → Amy Bihl
her daughter → Private User
her daughter

Jan Stephanus van Heerden, (Fanie) y R-FGC39522 mt U2c1 - another descendent of Adriaantje Gabrielsz, SM has also tested U2c1, like Beth Hawkins 's result.

Their two lines converge on Arriantje through different daughters of hers.

Fanie's line:
Arriantjie Gabrielsz Van Cathrijn, SM
Gerbrecht Boshouwer, SM
her daughter → Johanna Wynands Bezuidenhout, b4c5
her daughter → Magdalena Pretorius, b1c3d4
her daughter → Johanna Adriana Horn, b1c4
her daughter → Geertruy Petronella Johanna van der Linde
her daughter → Martha Maria van Aswegen, a1b2c6d4
her daughter → Martha Maria Susanna Kruger
her daughter → Martha Maria Susanna van der Merwe (Kruger)
her daughter → Sophia Margaretha Lyzea van der Merwe Kotzee
her daughter → Mika van Heerden (Kotzee)
her daughter → Fanie van Heerden, b1c9d3e5f5g2h8i1j2k1
her son

Beth >
Mary Cecilia Thompson Sellars Hawkins >
Mary Cecilia Williams>
Elizabeth Ann Williams>
Anna Cecilia Booysen Williams>
Johanna Catharina Elizabeth van Zyl Booysen>
Catharina Elisabeth Oberholzer>
Geertruy Jacomina Viljoen>
Elizabeth Catharina van der Westhuizen>
Anna Elisabeth van Eck, c4>
Elizabeth Bronkhorst>
Geertruyd Boshouwer, SM>
Arriantjie Gabrielsz Van Cathrijn, SM>

So, either Catharina van Malabar isn't Arriantje's biological mother, or Maria Maria Catharina Fitzgerald, e9f1 's (DNA Triangulated at N21) isn't her biological gr gr grandaughter.

Shirley's done the full sequence mtDNA test. Awaiting results. Hopefully by middle May.

Hi All, you will be excited to hear that Shirley Paladin's results are in.
Her mtDNA haplogroup is U2c1.
She is descended from Catharina of Malabar's daughter, Catharina.
Sounds thus as if there is a wobble in my paper trail from Cornelia Pyl.
And I have a lot of researching to do.

Hi Charlette Louise Hoppe, at least two of your N21-T195C! matches also indicate Catharina vna Malabar as their most distant maternal ancestor. So either you three share a more recent common ancestor and a faulty paper trail, or something else is very wrong.

Wow - such interesting news Charlette!
(& a big thanks to everyone paying for these ($!!!) tests -it's very generous to share the info)

So now we know that a discontinuity occurs somewhere in the maternal line between Maria Fitzgerald and Catharina van challenge :)

Hi Corney
I did my family tree years ago using all the usual tools of the trade. I was a member of MyHeritage at the time.
Only recently was I introduced to Geni and "happily" found my tree replicated there.
So you are right, something is faulty in the paper trail or someone swopped a baby??
Our MRCA is Maria Catharina Grobler x Fitzgerald - she appears on her father's death notice with the correct maiden and married name. So maybe I can assume her mother, Gertruida Susanna Fourie is not problematic!!
My matches are proven family members so yes we all have a problem.

Charlette Louise Hoppe, that is indeed a breakthrough for SA Genealogy, although I understand it's disappointing for you.

Now we need to concentrate on figuring out the puzzle on Maria Catharina Fitzgerald, e9f1's biological line.

I believe the N21 and U2c1 conflicts have been resolved following a correction in the N21 tree... the N21 result goes to

Catharina van de Caap, SM/PROG

while the U2c1 goes to van Malabar... including for

Hi Jan, where was the correction in the tree? More specifically where was the mistake in Charlette's tree? This is great news.

Hi Drummond, it was mistakes in SAF v11 and SAF v Fourie (7?)... more specifically, the one SAF had as marrying FOURIE, married JORDAAN. It was not only my own sleuthing, and I can only thank others who made me aware of this, and then some inspiration to find the correct parents.

Her parents were changed:

Maria Catharina Fourie, b7c2d4e2

Based primarily on the name of her eldest sister and brother, whom are not in SAF at all, but have been added by Jansi Syfert previously.

Well done Jan ( and Jansi) - that certainly does solve the mystery!

@Ingrid Paterson. Would like to join in discussion but not sure how to navigate. Just had my DNA tested, showing 1% Phillipines and 1% Southern Asia. Have been told that I am descended from Catherina van Malabar. Please help!

Add your tree, and then upload your DNA to geni.

Amazing how DNA testing can change things! Once I've organised selling a kidney and getting my test done, I'd be so excited to see what it reveals.
In the meantime, here's my connection to this lot:
* Arriantjie is my 11th great grandmother on my mother's side (via Boshouwer, Bezuidenhout, etc)
* Catharina van Malabar is my 8th great grandmother of my father's side (via Claasen)

Hi dear all: Is the following at all applicable here:
Catharina is Catharina van Malabar, SM/PROG is my 7th great grandmother.
→ Joseph Philippus Greyling (Seph)
your father → Frans Eduard Greyling
his father → Martha Elizabeth Greyling (born Prins)
his mother → Geertruida Johanna Maria Alexandrina Prins (born Kaltwasser)
her mother → Susanna Elizabeth Sophina Kaltwasser (born van Locherenberg)
her mother → Nicolaas van Locherenberg, B2
her father → Gerbrecht Boshouwer, SM
his mother → Arriantjie Gabrielsz, SM
her mother → Catharina van Malabar, SM/PROG
her mother

My Dad - Joseph Philippus Greyling's mtdna came back as: U2c1.
What does this mean / not mean to the discussion?
Thanks Wilma.

Hi Wilma.
mtDNA is passed on by a mother to all her children, but only her daughters pass it on.
So y our Dad's mtDNA is not from Catharina van Malabar, but from his mother to her mother and so on back on an all female line to: Maria Jacobs van Batavia De Veij, SM/PROG. It isn't pertinent to this discussion.
Also, your Dad's mtDNA is U2b not U2c1
I've added it to the mtDNA project and also the 'mapping the slave DNA project' - thank you! :-)

Leoné Gardner, for reasons above your mtDNA isn't going to give us any insight on the mtDNA of this line - so don't sell your kidney for this :-)
At the same time it's a whole new world of genealogy once you've had your DNA done - I don't regret it.

Sorry all - please forgive my blonde x 2 moment, AGAIN! Of course - wrong lady, wrong dna, wrong comment. (See ..... this is why Geni is keeping me humble!)


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