ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
Problem with this page?


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Showing 241-270 of 5212 posts

Done...pls chk

Could a curator please merge the profiles in this discussion


Job Waterreus we've added a notification setting for the DNA emails:

Louis Xavier Fremeau, II and his wife Anna L. Fremeau spelled their name "Fremeau" rather than "Fremau" per vital records. Would someone mind updating?

Mike Stangel,

Thank you.

Thanks for the info (now updated) about Fremeau, George.

Thanks for your assistance, Dan Cornett!

why do you interfer with known families of sweden, you do not know a shit about? there is aldy who knows about this family in and out, Magdalena ribbing who is related just as me. i get so mad of foreigners interfer

[[B6f/6000000012680628152]], Your question is hard to answer without knowing who did what to which, and when and what was wrong with it. We curators are all volunteers and aim to help. We are human though so I guess errors are possible. We can usually put these right given enough information.

Terry Jackson (Switzer) She have read a book by <privat>Ribbing Hempel (my 14th cousin once removed). Magdalena Ribbing Hempel
"995 – Ätten Ribbing: 700 år i Sveriges historia", , that probably doesn't fully correspond to whats in the the "Yearbook of the Danish Nobility" and the corresponding "Swedish Äldre svenska frälsesläkter" and the conclusions preferably made by Gustaf Elgenstierna and Hans Gillingstam.

I have actually stumbled upon some profiles here on Geni that uses the Swedish author Jan Guillou and his novel 2000 – "Riket vid vägens slut" about Arn Magnusson life, as their source, guess that a little bit worse!

Hi, could a curator please remove David Francis Gray from his brother - they are not related.

Private User done.

Thanks Erica, much appreciated.

God morning...Lately & in this very moment, the Activity Logg has been loaded with information (Smart Matches & such) from people who I don´t follow. My own searches completely drown in this flow. Is this something that could be fixed? Kind regards/P.A.

Could a curator please undo the merge just done on this profile: Elizabeth Crawford It is incorrect. Bessie was only married to one William Francis Crawford William Francis Crawford.

The Activity Logg is totally blocked by Kaj Östergrens "Smart Matches" from My Heritage & stuff like that since 8 hours. Nothing else gets any space...

Private User -- done.

Thanks, Anne for the assistance.

Per Anders Dencker -- so sorry! I was able to help Debbie, whose query intersected with yours.

But I do not know how to help with the Activity Logs, so I must leave that to another curator.

Anne, I see, but it´s done, so still thanks anyway ;)

Cool! Glad I could fix it when I wasn't looking!

Female simultaneous capacity ;)

Would a curator please take a look at this merge problem for Perez Chipman? TIA.

Private User Done.

Please un-merge Ann Estes

I wasn't thorough enough in comparing profiles around the potential match.

Private User

The curator note says "Rani is the first known person in his family. No proof of any connection to the Hvide family." The other profile has Hvide parents.

Why don't you message the curator.

Eldon Lester Clark She have once announced that she will ignore whatever I say, so that is not an option. The quick fix for you if you want to help, are to make this two profiles into one and mark the parents as unknown. It is possible that he belonged to the same family as Esbern Hvide, but Esbern died without any children, so he's likely not the father anyway, but it's also not unthinkable that he granted his coat of armor as a sign of trust to this Rani, an option that I self thinks is reasonably. Anyway, to look out one of the children from the family or have them split is not a good choice, that indeed lacks all support.

Private User
Not my area of expertise so I will not make any changes.

Maybe if you weren't so abrasive toward people who want to help, they would listen to you!!!

Showing 241-270 of 5212 posts

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