ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
Problem with this page?


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Showing 211-240 of 5212 posts

Please merge these profiles and put in the world tree. Thanks, in advance.

Captain Paul Baldy

Captain Paul Baldy

Private User the manager of one of those profiles is an active user.
Besides which, where in the world tree wou;d you have them connected?

Thank you Anne Brannen! Looks good!

Rita Bergman-Smit all done, as well as the parents of Alida van Breugel. But strange that you could not do them yourself, all profiles were in the WFT and public

Nee Ard, zij waren niet openbaar, nu wel! Ook de voorouders daarboven zijn private, hoe dat kan begrijp ik ook niet maar ik kan ze niet publiek maken
, kun jij dat wel?

tientallen prive profielen tussen 1600 en 1800 oa. Breugel, Walraven, van Aanrooij, van Langenschijn, Lagrauw, van Pelt, Mulders, Schilders, van der Stelt, Biesheuvel, Kraijo, Willemstijn, Rijken, Roubos, enz

I was filling in a branch of my tree today using a few different sources with matching information. I was prompted to merge Benjamin Boice. The death and birthdates matched the wife matched alot matched so I continued with the merge. I then realized the parents were different and it led down a whole different line. I believe who worked on that profile made mistakes about who is who... not sure. But I either need to unmerge, get the profile corrected or disconnect it from my tree so i can continue the line.

The profile that jumbled things is Benjamin Boice, Jr. Benjamin Boice

It should not be Jr. and the parents should be William Boice and Elizabeth Snyder Boice. According to sources I have found.

Can you help me correct my tree? Here are the sources showing Benjamin Boice and family

This one even has a note as it is apparently a common mistake with this man: " This individual is not a "Junior" in the context that 21st century people know a Junior; however 1774 born Benjamin, son of William and Elizabeth, did live among other Benjamin's in New York and in the 18th century when people of the same given and surname lived in the same area. In this instance "junior" or "younger" was used, or as happened in 1851 Loughborough in Frontenac county - there are 4 William Boice's living same place and the census enumerator "numbered" them - so William Boice 4th doesn't mean his father, grandfather, great-grandfather were named William - it means that he is the 4th William living in Loughborough Township in Frontenac County at the same time."

Thank you very much for any help.

Leslie L. Scales undo merge worked well on Benjamin Boice

Heres your guy, back clean

Benjamin Boice

Could a curator please unlink the following profiles from their spouses as I do not have authority as it will split the tree.



Thank you so much Erica Isabel Howton.

Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺
unknown Pechenik
unknown Loebl
unknown Williams
unknown Hirschhaut

May i get a Curator to MP this Profile Please of Dutch Physcist Hendrik Berend Dorgelo, Thanking you advancingly Angelina

Private User - so many of those requests they actually have a special thread for it - so if nobody gets to it here, or you have more such requests in future - you might try posting at

What I would like and I know this is asking a bit much because some times what people think is a bug is something else in hindsight is for a better way to catlalog these good bits of info.. I have had several users ask for help with dna about things not working right did i transfer this right etc etc.. DO I have them keep creating a bug report thread or do I point them at geni help and say try and they will look at it and advise...

Private User done

Private, why not point them to the Dna discussion where they can ask their question direct.

Could someone please look into these profiles? They all look fishy to me. The privat one should have been dead more than a thousand years ago.

Wrold, Queen of the Picts

Feradach Wroid mac Selbach, King of Loarn

Wrold, Queen of the Picts

Randi Charlotte Kjærvik -- all made public.

"Could it be these should be merged?

Foredach Wrold


Feredach Wroid


Ethiolia Dau of FOREDACH WROLD Wrold


Ethiolia Wrold

And then I wonder, are these two supposed to be the same?

Hungus Fergus of DALRIADA, King of the Picts & Dalriada

Fergus Mor mac Echdach, Rí na Dál Riata"

Private User

A brain twister, but seems plausible, doesn't it? :)

Well. That was a nice little rat's nest of profiles in Scots and Irish and Welsh and, wierdly, Norman French. Hard to see the duplicates.


More needs to get done there, but it is a bit tidier now. And alas I must now go do other things.

Check it out, though, Randi Charlotte Kjærvik, and see if it looks better.

Hello curators, there seems to be a problem with the profile for Charles Victor Babin 1734-1830 profile. It appears that he has somehow become his own brother and child. Charles victor is married to Cecile Bellfontaine1742-1799, his son is Charles Amand married to Ludvine Veronique Amirault. Could someone please make the correction and detach him as his own brother please?
Thank you kindly

Can someone move this one, Tora Guttormsdatter Sudreim
into this one, Tora Guttormsdatter Sudreim ? Talk about hedging, she should just be partner of Harald IV Magnusson Gille, king of Norway, not his mother and I tried but failed moving it right.

Private User :

Wow! Seems like you discovered even more to untangle/merge in those lines. Now it looks very nice and tidy. Well done! :))


there's more. I'm just sorta too busy to catch it at the moment.

Harald IV Magnusson Gille, king of Norway is the son of Magnus Olavson Berrføtt, King of Norge and Bethoc, of Ireland .

The other profiles are just a result of another case of add mania by Judy Ann Olson

If anyone would prefer to delete this extra profiles, or merge them in one by one, do so, do whatever you want, but this site Geni don't need more tree saboteurs who are duplicating en masses without caring for the outcome at all.

Harald IV Magnusson Gille, king of Norway has 227 managers, but the profile are locked down, so without assistance of a curator it's stuck with 4 parents.

Private User
Who are the correct parents

Are these the same

No, they aren't. Harald IV Magnusson Gille, king of Norway was the son of Magnus III Berrføtt, Konge av Norge and Bethoc Gillesdotter, fra Irland , Tora was Harald's partner, not his mother.

Unfortunately when people ignore to check if profiles already exist, or don't give a damn, or both, the result often results in conflicts, especially if the one who adds the profiles are extremely sloppy, ignorant or illiterate or why not, all at once. We can't hinder anyone from creating their own trees, but at some point, they will collide with existing ones.
If you only had a trash can here on Geni, it all would have been so much easier...

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