ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
Problem with this page?


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Showing 5101-5130 of 5212 posts

Could a curator, please complete the merge request on:

Private User

Thank you ver much.

Jim Wile thank you!

How to import tree from family tree maker?

Larry Kim Barbee
There is no direct way to do that. If you have a tree online, you can use Smart Copy to import to Geni one family at a time

If not, create a GEDCOM file from FTM and import it to My Heritage, then use Smart Copy.

Somehow my parents profiles got separated.
My father Benjamin Franklin Bean Benjamin Franklin Bean
Father's tree was removed from my mother (Alta Mae Russell Bean)
I put my dad's profile on her 'separate' tree, so maybe can just merge the 2 'Benjamin Franklin Bean' that have same date of birth (9/1

Private User,


THANK YOU!!!! What a relief to not have lost that portion of Tree. :)

Now if just can find what happened to my second great grandfather William Russell

Please take a look at the wives of Jacob Pieter van Wyk , both private profiles and could be the same person?

Some castling in need for
Anna Christina Johansdotter Korsgård
needs to be moved over to
Karl Fredrik Rosenqvist Korsgård
who also needs a wife change from
Brita Stina Kristina Rosenquist
who also needs to be separetd from
Karl Fredrik Rosenqvist Korsgård

Ann Katrina Rosenqvist
needs to be moved over to
Karl Fredrik Rosenqvist Korsgård

I thinks it's easy to do for a skilled curator.

Private User the wife's name is "Private Profile" it is not actually private

Private User,

I don't understand your request. Can you please explain it better for us.

Alex Moes There are 2 profiles for wives. I am sure it's the same person. I'll add the Death notice and merge the two.

Kevin Lawrence Hanit & others: I cannot find my second great grandfather's heritage. I was asking if anyone can help find heritage. This is profile: William Russell
He may have died in Civil War but can't find anything there nor in Morgan County AL, etc.

This is probably not in the 'curators' area, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please help with a mis-merge. Sadly we have had our three merged with another family's three.
My great grandfather has been corrupted by another family - and we can't remove him (and his false ancestors) from our three, since we are not administrators.

Here he is: Niels Sørensen Dam

Is it possible to remove him and everyone before him? Best of all would be, if we could have our work restored to before the merge (appr. 2015).

Please help,

Pernille Naumann (daugther) and Benny Dam

Benny Dam ... I'm "tagging" Curator Jeff Meyerson (c) to see if he can help you "sort things out" in a separate message thread, since I can see from the Revisions tab that he has already done some work in that branch.

While he is getting back to you, Benny, perhaps you could review the Revisions tab history to see where mis-merges might have occurred; the couple of most recent merge didn't seem to be an issue (given that I don't know anything about what should or should not be correct about the ancestors <smile>).

Can one of the curators break the link between Adriaan de Gier and his parents Petrus (Peter) Janse de Gier and Sijbilla Bastiaens Pesch? Petrus de Gier and Sibilla Pesch only had 6 children baptized in Kerkdriel between 1710 and 1724. They married in 1710, so a son born around 1702 does not fit into this family. The manager of the profile has blocked most of the Dutch curators, so would be great if another curator can break the link

Private User,


Dear @Dan Cornett, Thank you so much. I can't find the thread where you tagged @Jeff Meyerson. It seems like Niels Sørensen Dams predecessors have now been proberly removed from my family three. But I still need help to 'get rid of' the (for my familiy three) faulty wife and Niels Sørensen Dam himself (since it is a merge of two different men who has been born in the same place, three years apart). I will try to investigate when the merge happened.

Best regards,
Benny's daughter Pernille

@Dan Cornett and @Jeff Meyerson. The (for my familiy three) correct wife is Petra Cathrine Dam, please remove Ane Marie Bendtsen Dam Ane Marie Bendtsen Dam, (270)
as well as Niels Sørensen Dam Niels Sørensen Dam from our three branch along with the children belonging to those twoo. I will add Niels Sørensen Dam again ( I have a copy of all relevant information as well as a link to relevant sources) and start that branch over again.
The (for my family three) wrong Niels Sørensen Dam uses the picture of my ancestor and carries wrong information in the description of him - is there any way of removing at least the (our) picture from his profile? The other families have a correct one attached to the profile - also showing clearly that it is two different men.
Best regards,

Benny and Pernille

Sigrid Biornsson

We need someone to talk to the creator of this profile, she is using smartcopy and that in a way that messes up not only date of births, death, but mostly places, the above profile is claimed to have been born in Valla, New South Wales, Australia "1639 " Any one with some bit of historical insight would understand why that´s impossible.

If people are allowed to use smartcopy, then it must be done alright, not anyhow. This is just one of many newly added destroyed profiles, and we haven't have time to catch up and repair them we find...

Can someone please assist? Gerald Nelson is locked out of his own profile. When trying to reset his pasword it says he does not have permission to view this page.

Eileen Winifred Warren II,

We need a link to his profile to be able to help him out.


@Ulf Martinsson.
I'm sorry for the mess with places in the trees using SmartCopy. I understand that if I copy from a tree the place usually will be right, but sometimes the country will not be right and that is the problem. Smartcopy just find a place called Valla in any country. I'm really sorry for not having seen this before.

How and where? Im here with him now, could you please guid us through?

I will send the link now

Private User

Eileen Winifred Warren II,

He needs to contact and they will be able to help him out.


Hey, guys. Working on the Italian side of the tree, but, I still have some tree merges in my merge center. Could someone help me out? Here are a few:

Pierre Jean Gendron

Hugh Stoddard

Agnes Rushton

Jean Francois De Billy

Jean-Baptiste Bibeau

Mathurin Denis Sieur Denys De La Thibaudiere

Hope someone can help. =D Thanks in advance!

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