ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
Problem with this page?


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Showing 5041-5070 of 5212 posts

Private User

Good afternoon,

Could a curator please merge Jacinto José González de Otoya y Sánchez Navarrete to Jacinto José González de Otoya y Sánchez Navarrete

And also wife's profile.

Thank you ver much!

Thank you very much Angus Wood-Salomon!

Could someone please complete the merge for this profile Herbert Koteen, M.D. and also for his childrens' profiles? Thank you!

Private User,

Got it all for you.

Once again someone is trying to make two different persons into one and the same
Tyril, stamfar Stålhandske by adding this Tyril Nilsson Sluk profiles parents on to the first one above. Next step would probably be to merge them together, please, could some nice curator prevent this, and delete the newly added parents? Maybe also make contact to this who do it and ask them what they think of a son marrying his father sister, this is not Game of Throne.

He has now 10 forefathers that he shouldn't have, soon they are 42. Please, make this stop before that.
Tyril, stamfar Stålhandske


If they get merged in, you will have, or someone poor sucker, a lot more of problem to solve...

Can a curator please let the wife of Jan Freerks Oudman die? No reaction from the manager. Thanks

Private User done


Private User
You got them
Samuel de Vries

I must have been much too quick when merging this profile: Eljena Larsdotter

Suddenly nothing makes sense. Can someone undo the merges and my updates?

Thanks in advance!

Private User,

Merge has been reversed.

Really peaves me when some one so far off interferes low down in my close family tree, who is like a 26th cousin, and iterfers even in the most closest of relatives, I.E an aunt, a grandmother , i dont like it, at ALL!!, and i cant get rid of them once they stick their nose all over the place. FGS ask, or at least have the decency to ask,

N.N. Strangesdatter Bild
was married to Niels Pedersen Lange (tre Roser), af Lønne who died before 1440,
son of Peder Jensen Lange
she has instead now another husband Kammermester Niels Pedersen (Hvide) who lived between cirka 1210-1267

The tree needs help in fixing this back.

Anna Elisabeth Mertens straightened up.

Wojciech Bartold

Wojciech was added as a child of Franciszek Bartold and Franciszka Obidzińska during a merge from This person is NOT a child of the couple.

Please detach Woicich Bartold from the parents he is attached to.

Bugge Nielsen Bugge, af Hegnet was apparently not enough for some Geni user who decided to created a new one, Bugge Nielsen Bugge, af Hegnet and I really can't say what to do about it....

Dear Curators, and Geni Operators, and staff, here we go again.... at least 3 Profiles deleted by
Denise Jo-Anne Wilson , Without asking, consultation,or discussion,

How can this come about?, that a person can do this, with out being a responsible person, and Initiating, some kind of dialogue, ?

the three (3 ) Profiles are as follows,


Private User
She has been reported and the profiles restored.

Thank you Eldon Lester Clark, there is much discussion about this particular Profile

on another thread, and in Ancestry,"somewhere", about her dna not matching , i dont know much about it, but the history books say she is placed where she is, until concrete evidence or what ever it takes, is actually shown. ...

Stanisław Bartold

Stanislaw was added as a child of Walenty Bartold and Julianna Milewska during a merge from This person is NOT a child of the couple.

Please detach Stanislaw Bartold from the parents he is attached to.

Stanisław Bartołd is now an orphan.

May these profiles be merged:

Maria Florida Alcala Maria Florida Alcala


I would appreciate your intervention in preventing Dr-Abd-Rahim-Saibu who is evidently unrelated, from making any changes to profiles on my tree. I have requested information on how this Malaysian based person might be linked to my tree, but there has been no response, so I assume that there are no links to my South African based extended family.

Dr Abd Rahim bin Hj Saibu

Please check for a message from me about this issue, Joe Matthias, so we can get into details.

Jose Rafael Escareal
Merges completed. There are data conflicts for you to resolve.

Showing 5041-5070 of 5212 posts

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