ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, June 10, 2016
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Showing 271-300 of 5212 posts

Eldon Lester Clark
So never mind, don't help, as I said, no one will force you.

I repeat my request to some else than Eldon Clark.

These two identical profiles have become two, thus making the children into half siblings instead of full siblings.
I. Led - [Rani]
I. Led - [Rani]

I need a voluntary curator to merge them together and set the both parents to that newly merged Rani into two N.N.'s The only reason I ask a curator for help are because one of the profiles are locked.

The source "Danmarks Adels Aarbog, Thiset, Hiort-Lorenzen, Bobé, Teisen., (Dansk Adelsforening), [1884 - 2011]., DAA 1910:340." that tells that they are one and the same you will easiest find displayed in this link:

The final result will end up in one profile named Rani I. Rani with a father N.N. and a mother N.N. because their names are not known, if any one of them in turn are connected up to any parents, they must thus be disconnected.

Rani I. Rani had three known children,

+ 1. Hr. Jon (Johannes) Ranesen, d. eft. 1267
2. Hr. Oluf Ranisen, d. eft. 1268
+ 3. Herlogus Ranisen, d. †

This extra son do not have any source, but if he really belonged to Rani he will of course neither have any grandparents, otherwise, the profiles are misplaced.
Rane Ranisen Bjerknes

Hi Ulf,

The finnholbek page you are citing is the same as Anette cites in the MP of Rani so i don't see why there should be a conflict between the two of you.

As i read your posts you want Rane and Rani merged with all parents set to NN.

If that is in fact what you are asking for i would be fine with doing that. The resulting merge would give "I. Led - [Rani]" 4 children instead of 3 as per finnholbek.
Any suggestion how to resolve that? Also what is the significance of "I. Led"? I can see it on the Finnholbek page but it's meaning evades me.

We are cross posting. If you could answer my question regarding "I.Led" i shall check back in an hour or so and merge as needed.

This was the previous linked father to Rane, but he died without children
Esbern Snerling Mule
So he was not the father to either of these two same profiles.
I. Led - [Rani]
I. Led - [Rani]

One of the links that still display this family in the old way:

Esbern Snerling (Mule)
Rane Esbernsen ( = Rani I. Rani as dispayed in )

From here it continues and might look more like the links in Finnholbek.


I have already indicated that i will complete the merge, despite your rude tone and aggressive messages to other curators, if you can explain what "I. Led" means in the Display Name field of I. Led - [Rani]?

If no one can explain the significance of the Display Name then we will have to wait for Anette Guldager Boye to resolve the issue.

Led 1 means that it starts with him like in a chain, 1 are displayed with a capital letter " I ", but I would suggest you to just use "Rani "I" in the name field and leave the rest empty if yo makes any changes.

Like this: Rani "I"

I believe these three profiles are the same person but I cannot see two of them as they are not connected to me (or the Big Tree if not connected to me?) However I think there might be some errors in the other two surrounding trees that I would like the opportunity to fix once this one is merged. If allowed could someone make me a manager of the surrounding profiles as well so I can clean up what needs to be fixed.

Private User (Please make this the primary profile)
Private User (Dawn Roberts is connected but she has not been on in a long time).

Also could you MP Alyssa's mother - she is a former US Ambassador to the Netherlands and I would like to avoid any issues as well as her husband once I complete his profile - he is a former MLB player.

Thanks in advance.


Private User -- done.

Steve Jaron

- The 2nd Alyssa Rapp is definitely different, the 3rd Alyssa Rapp has same name father & different mother
- I had trouble trying to make Alyssa's mother MP, I think it's a halfway claimed profile. If another curator could check on this & suggest solutions? She is of course "notable."

Erica Howton

I vaguely remember seeing these back when living profiles were not private to pro members (or something like that) and seeing that the parents seemed off. Alyssa and Jeff's bio parents are divorced. Fay is now married Daniel Levin. Douglas is married to Sandra Fisher. Is that what you are seeing on the profiles I can't see? For all I know there may also be half or step siblings involved somewhere but I will have to check when I get home.

Steve, that sounds likely, I sent you a PM.

Erica & Steve:

The 2nd & 3rd listed above were the same, once a 'disconnected' branch was merged in. But that one (merged) Alyssa is different from the 1st one. The first (Alyssa Morris) is the daughter of Fay.

There are close-by claimed profiles, but I was able to get Fay's profile set as a MP.

Dan - are you sure about that? I think the second and third remain different. The first and the third may be the same, based on Steve's comments.

just a question, for Curators, Is there a way to add people who are connected to your own family, ,but you can not find a link to them.,In hope that by adding them you find a link through another source?, thanking you advancingly Angelina :)

Someone, please finish the merge of this identical profiles!
I. Led - [Rani]
I. Led - [Rani]

Angelina: you can always "fudge" a link by creating a "holding profile" with a name like "Connected to [family name]", and move your putative but unproven relatives under that. Make sure to add a note that this IS a "holding profile" and the connection is unverified, so some well-meaning person doesn't come along and cross you up by making a Bad Merge.

I've done this a few times, including for the William Mallory/Mallery who was the third and last husband of Elizabeth LeBrun. William Mallory, Esq. Such information as is available on her doesn't tell much about him except his name, the title "Esq.", and the datum that she survived him. At least one researcher thinks he was some relation to the Mallorys of Papworth St. Agnes, which is more plausible than trying to tie him into the Yorkshire Mallorys (still less identifying him with any known member of the Yorkshire family).

Here's a look at the tree:

Private User
Connected to Papworth Mallorys? is my 12th cousin 13 times removed. Smart solution! So long as you don't have an overzealous curator who just disconnects that profile, lock down the one beneath and writes parents unknown in big capital letters and lock that profile too, and then starts to harass anyone that disproves it with an end result that the one who didn't bend down on both knees after that will got all the rest of the curators against him by declaring him abrasive, aggressive and rude!

Can someone please teach me how to ingratiate because that was not a part of my education when I was growing up?

The reason for me to brought this up are because of the suggestion of a smart solution by Private User that I actually tried once before with the solution that I was blocked from using Geni for some time, and after that become a target from some of her followers, resulting in difficulties to still make some needed corrections by the help of curators, who was told by another curator by PM's to not "jump on" requests that I made, so this solution is not without risks if you happen to cross the wrong curators or profile managers.

Private User is in her right to know about this, just as anyone else who uses Geni. (If anyone actually wants to know exact whats happen to me when I used this solution mentioned above, feel free to send me an PM. I'm still having problems from my use of that method).

Any curator who wants to do a good deed, please complete the merge of this two.
I. Led - [Rani]
I. Led - [Rani]

Private User -- done.

Alex Moes

I have finished the merge of Rani.

But again Ulf. Tone makes people not want to help you.

Ja, og hvis man presser hårdt nok, så vil de sandsynligvis råbe.

when i read Ulfs writing i dont "hear", any tone, i think he is Frustrated more than anything, Besides this Thank you for the information . those that comment. Thanking you :)

Thanks Angelina! Yes, there are many sorts of accusations, some of them are very loose and in fact often airy, thus impossible to defend your self against. For some people this will become a yoke, if someone tells you that you are acting rude or have a bad tone or displaying a bad attitude, it becomes a burden because this will go into a circle where people repeat each other, so in the end you will have several people telling you that you are acting bad just because of reciting and at some point you start to question this and you end up in the defending corner, people who have to defend themselves must have done something, then you become guilty by assumption, then you get tthrown out because everybody sees you as impossible, a person with big difficulties in cooperating with others, this is in fact just how many social system works, it demand victims as a glue to keep a group together, like the bullying in schools etc, it doesn't stop just because people gets elder. Of course this creates frustrations, and at some point you even risk to behave just as they say, it have then become a self-fulfilling prophecy ending with the classical statement: Aha, I told you so, look everybody how bad this person acts!

Hi, could a curator please detach the below from their spouse. This will split the tree which I cannot do. Any questions please PM me.

Sophie Charlotte Tadros


Request merge on:

Roger Woolford (manager status uncertain)

Roger Woolford (Abandoned Tree)

Also Beware Of Zombies!

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