How Do You Solve a Problem Like Odin?

Started by Alex Moes on Tuesday, May 17, 2016
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Stories mutate everywhere. These Kalevala stories, have been collected from different persons/families in Karelia.

Norway haven´t always been just Norway. It has been part of Denmark, and other way around.

(just to keep your mind open for other things)

Strictly speaking, according to currently accepted history, the kingdom of Norway has been Norway (in some form as a recognizable political entity) since about 872 (the battle of Hafrsfjord). From 1397 to 1523, it was part of the Kalmar union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway; from 1523 to 1814 it was part of an union with Denmark with a common capital in Copenhagen (and Denmark being the totally dominant member); from 1814 to 1905 it was part of an union ("two kingdoms with a common king") with Sweden, and after 1905 it has been independent.

But when talking about Odin, Fornjot and the like, we're talking about well before 872... it would be presumptous to assign the term "Norway" to a fixed meaning at that time.

..from 1523 until 1814 the Kingdom of Norway was an integrated part of the Realm of Denmark. See:

Depends on what expert you ask, or which part of the Wikipedia article you read :-) - "Norge var og forblev et selvstændigt rige gennem hele rigsfællesskabet med Danmark."

i was happy to trace these lines by writing the names and dates down on my own form of charts using colors too, and the giants of legend have great pictures with them, I assume linked to artists?
The kings and queens of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, etc., and the same areas with other names seem all connected in my family tree? By far more interesting would be to have the funding to visit the graves of these ancestors buried as royalty so known. Even one emperor was buried in Jerusalem when he died in a hunting accident. I love hearing the history of these great greats.

Why I brought up the sticky history, is the fact that I want people to be open minded. I spoke about Denmark, because Norway wasn´t the only important place. Example: Asgard is the place of Denmark. Asgard is the place of Valhal-, place where the gods rule. It´s a castle of Odin and his companion.

Many history characters have been conguers with different backgrounds (many places). Winners have wrote the world history, and deleted many important facts. We offsprings, have many stones to turn over.

From building my tree and taking my DNA samples, In this I have discovered that the blood of my Grandparents is Ancient and this blood goes into all the kings of England, and in my DNA there has been a recombination or back mutation in my DNA giving me an Ancient and Royal Y Haplogroup of R-BY41654 - R1b1a1b1a1a1b . And mtDNA H1G1

The K30 Admixture Calculator
Scandanavian (Swedes)
Slavic-Southern (Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin)
European-Northwest (Scott, French, English)
European-West (Basque)
Baltic (Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian)
Slavic-Eastern (Belarusians, Ukrainians)
Mediteranean-Western (Spanish)
Mediteranean-Eastern (Greeks, Albanians, Kosovo)
West-Asia & North-Africa
Asian-West2 (Iraqi Jews)
African-North (Mozabite)
Asian-Southwest (Bedouin B, Saudi)
Asian-West1 (Georgians)

in my tree i have been able to use all the geni profiles to build lines from my grandparents and Sweyn forkbeard all the way back to the Tribes of Judah. And i believe my jewish DNA proves this.
Son of Jacob
Son of Judah
Son of Zerah
Son of heracles
Cleodaeus th great-grandfather
Son of hyllus
Son of Cleodaeus
Temenos, King of Argos
Son of Aristomachus
Son of Temenos, King of Argos
Son of Ceisus
Son of Testius
Son of Merops
Son of Aristodamides
Son of Phidon
Son of Karanos
Son of Coenus
Perdiccas I, king of Macedonia
Son of Tyrimmas
Argaeus I, king of Macedonia
Son of Perdiccas I, king of Macedonia
Philip I
Son of Argaeus I, king of Macedonia
Aeropos I
Son of Philip I
Alcetas I
Son of Aeropos I
Amyntas I
Son of Alcetas I
Alexander I
Son of Amyntas I
Son of Alexander I
Amyntas II Prince of Macedonia
Son of Philip
Arrhidaeus III
Son of Amyntas II Prince of Macedonia
Amyntas III king of Macedonia
Son of Arrhidaeus III
Alexander II king of Macedonia 360-
Son of Amyntas III king of Macedonia
Son of Alexander II king of Macedonia
Son of Seleucus
Seleucus I Nicator
Son of Antiochus
Antiochus I ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Son of Seleucus I Nicator
Antiochus II ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Son of Antiochus I ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Seleucus II ruler of the Seleucid Empir
Son of Antiochus II ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Antiochus III Megas
Son of Seleucus II ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Seleucus IV
Son of Antiochus III Megas
Demetrius I ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Son of Seleucus IV
Sanvoritcus of Turkey of Syria 155-60
Son of Demetrius I ruler of the Seleucid Empire
Altoy of Turkey (born King of Turkey
Son of Sanvoritcus of Turkey of Syria
Vengor of Turkey 50-
Son of Altoy of Turkey (born King of Turkey
Sektobius King of Turkey 75-
Son of Vengor of Turke
Lnor Frey 120-
Son of Sektobius King of Turkey
Bengori Frey
Son of Lnor Frey
Yngvi frey
Son of Bengori Frey
son of Yngve-Frey
Son of Njord
Svegdi Fjolnarson
Son of Fjolnir
Vanlandi, King of Uppsala
Son of Svegdi Fjolnarson
visber Vanlandersson
son of Vanlandi, King of Uppsala
Dómaldi Domaldr Visburrson
Son of son visber vanlandersson
Domar Domaldesson of Uppsala
Son of Dómaldi Domaldr Visburrson
Dyggvi Domarson Domarsson
Son of Domar
Dag Dyggvasson of Uppsala
Son of Dyggvi
Agni Dagsson of Uppsala
Son of Dag
Alrek Agnasson
Son of Agni
Yngve Alreksson
Son of Arlek
Jörund Yngvasson of Uppsala
Son of Yngve
Aun " The Aged" Jörundsson of Uppsala
Son of Jörund
Egil "Vendikraka" Aunsson of Uppsala
Son of Aun
Ottar Vendelkråka Egilsson
Son of Egil "Vendikraka
Adils Ottarsson
Son of Ottar
Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson
Son of Adils
Ingvar Yngvar Harra The Tall Eysteinsson
Son of Eystein
Skirta Ingvarsson d'Holmgard
Son of Ingvar Yngvar Harra The Tall
Radbart Av Gardarrige, king of Garðaríki
Son of Skirta Ingvarsson d'Holmgard
Randver Radbardsson Av Sverige, King of Sweden and Denmark
Son of Radbart Av Gardarrige
SIGURD 'Hring' Randversson
Son of Randver Radbardsson
Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson
Son of SIGURD 'Hring'
Son of Ragnar Lodbrok
Knut Sweynson I
Son of Sveyn
Gorm "Den Gamle" Knudsøn
Son of Knut Sweynson I
Harald I 'Blaatand Bluetooth' Gormsson King of Denmark
Son of Gorm "Den Gamle" Knudsøn

Sweyn "Forkbeard" Haraldsson 960-1014 33rd great-grandfather
Son of Harald I 'Blaatand Bluetooth'
Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter Svensdotter 997-1074
Daughter of Sweyn "Forkbeard" Haraldsson
Sweyn II Estridson (born Jelling) 1019-1074
Son of Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter Svensdotter
Knud IV "the Holy" Svendson (born Estridson) 1040-1086
Son of Sweyn II Estridson (born Jelling)
Ingegerd Knutsdotter Svendson (born Estridson) 1086-1150
Daughter of Knud IV "the Holy" Svendson (born Estridson)
Knut Folkesson (Bjälboätten) 1124-1167
Son of Ingegerd Knutsdotter Svendson (born Estridson)
Baudouin Flanders 1172-1205
Son of Knut Folkesson (Bjälboätten)
James Fleming of Flanders 1175-1238
Son of Baudouin Flanders
Robert Fleming 1215-1281
Son of James Fleming of Flanders
Malcolm Fleming 1231-1267
Son of Robert Fleming
Robert Fleming of Lenzie 1252-1314
Son of Malcolm Fleming
Malcolm Fleming 1290-1314
Son of Robert Fleming of Lenzie
Mary Fleming 1311-1364
Daughter of Malcolm Fleming
Joanna "Janet" de Danyelston 1330-1380
Daughter of Mary Fleming
Archibald Mure of Rowallan -1460
Son of Joanna "Janet" de Danyelston
Christian Mure 1448-1523
Daughter of Archibald Mure of Rowallan
Elizabeth Boyd of Bonshaw 1475-1520
Daughter of Christian Mure
Robert Douglas 1505-1547
Son of Elizabeth Boyd of Bonshaw
William Douglas 1540-1606
Son of Robert Douglas
Agnes Douglas 1574-1607
Daughter of William Douglas
Mary Anne Campbell 1593-1638
Daughter of Agnes Douglas
Sir Robert Montgomery of Skelmorlie 1628-1684
Son of Mary Anne Campbell
Hugh Montgomery of Skelmorlie 1645-1735
Son of Sir Robert Montgomery of Skelmorlie
John Montgomery 1674-1730
Son of Hugh Montgomery of Skelmorlie
Deborah Montgomery 1697-1740
Daughter of John Montgomery
Robert Allen 1715-
Son of Deborah Montgomery
Robert Allen 1734-1822
Son of Robert Allen
Samuel Allen 1753-1824
Son of Robert Allen
John Allen 1779-1846
Son of Samuel Allen
Daniel Allen 1815-1879
Son of John Allen
Samuel ALLEN 1842-1906
Son of Daniel Allen
Arthur Walter Albert Allen 1877-1943
Son of Samuel ALLEN
Walter Herbert Allen 1898-1972
Son of Arthur Walter Albert Allen
Arthur James Allen 1922-2014
Son of Walter Herbert Allen
Julie linda Allen 1957-
Daughter of Arthur James Allen
Martin Jonathon Swann

we are all descended from kings. that doesnt mean you are the true king of England just because you have kings in your ancestry

Jason Scott Wills
Now you tell me! I've gone by King Arthur all my life, LOL.

I am a god, as I am descendant from God Odin. Is it?
@Egon Biechl

No need to ask Odin whether you are a god or not!
Quora has the answer(s):


From God or not, our responsability lays here, on EARTH, don't you think? And that means to my opinion that God can only be THE GooD, so be good to each other and treat others like you like to be treated yourself: like a God...!

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