Hálfdanar Saga Eysteinsson

Started by Alex Moes on Thursday, May 12, 2016
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Two years?
Who's parents?

Este es el perfil maestro de Saemingr, King in Hålogaland.
Nota del curador Alex Moes (18/6/2016):
Saeming was the son of Odin and Skade.
He married Nauma, their son was Thrand.
Also known as ancestor of Jarl Håkon the powerful.
Pero Odin es This tree has been isolated from other trees on Geni: El árbol genealógico es ficticio
Geni does not allow isolated trees to be merged into the World Family Tree, or other trees.
Creo entender

No, no new Nordic manuscripts from the year 1400 or before have been published in the last 2 years.

He is my 54th GGF💕

arriving late to the party here...

while acknowledging the great difficuly in fixing historical dates into the chronology, it is eminently clear that the norse Odin and the saxon Woden are the same person, and it cannot really be any other way. Saxony and old Denmark are certainly the same territorial region once we simply decide not to subdivide it, and the dates for both these "clan chiefs" indeed settles out into the early 3rd century.

even taking a relaxed look at the map around Denmark, especially around Lejre, it is not a far cry to see that the danish islands at the gateway of the Baltic are the centre of the scandinavian homeland, perfectly described by the name Miðgarður, one of the nine worlds.

early 3rd century date for Odin/Woden is not an internet meme or artifact, and even as long as half a century ago i was already aware of this factoid

Oðinn and Njörður were contemporaries (in the 3rd century) which also ties in with the mythological aspect where there was war between the Æsir and the Vanir until they made peace.

Ásgarður would have been "the other great city" a little eastward from Crimea, and by the time of the 3rd century already a vestigial folk memoryfrom a former age of a bygone era. I can certainly picture Valaskjálf being located somewhere in the mountains of southern Crimea. Sigtún then is somewhere near the mouth of the river Dnieper, or somewhat upstream towards present-day Kiev.

it all fits when seen on the map.


both Njörður and Óðinn appear on my tree (not on geni) as 56x great grandfather, however Woden is showing as 51x ggf (normal variance by generation length) but as 47x ggf in another line that is stretched too far, probably due to missing generations near the top from Wecta down to the sons of Hengist.

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