Sir Dafydd Gam ap Llewelyn - Davy gam descendants

Started by Steve Parry-Hearn on Tuesday, April 19, 2016
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4/19/2016 at 1:31 AM

Hi, Have recently discovered that My father and therefore I are directly descended form Sir Dafydd Gam. I would like to discuss and link up. We are therefore his Welsh Descendants.
Many thanks
Steve Parry-Hearn

4/19/2016 at 5:04 AM

Hello, Steve Parry-Hearn!

To link up, you need to connect to the Big Tree.

Add in your connections, as far as you can. Usually it will only take getting back a few generations to hook in.

As soon as you find duplicates, you can merge in, and there you are.

As a basic member, searching through Geni won't work as well for you, but Geni profiles show up on google, so you can find them that way.

Message me if you need help. Most of my time is spent in the medieval Welsh piece of the tree, so I can definitely help with that!

Dafydd Gam ap Llewelyn was connected to many other interesting people!

Private User
4/19/2016 at 5:55 AM

Sir Dafydd Gam is my 15th Great grand father.

4/19/2016 at 11:29 AM

Sir Dafydd Gam ap Llewelyn is my 17th great grandfather.

Private User
4/4/2019 at 2:30 PM

I have just recently found out that I also am related to Sir Dafydd Gam ap Llewelyn. I will be going to Wales to do some digging but found that the family home still stands...but is surrounded by a golf course!

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