' Here [in Mariaisburg – now Hofmeyer] are also salt pans on Alfred Carrington Ogilvie farm. It is wonderful to see salt scratched out of the ground. They have big dams full of water. Then after a long time it gets hard on top and it is salt, and the boys go with long planks, and scrape the salt and makes heeps of it. We put sticks and things in and when we watch them they are hard and pretty with salt.
Also on Mr O’s farm are many springboks. Pop will take us to see a Springbok hunt. Here is also a big hole where they make the bricks to build houses. In this big hole live many great frogs called bull frogs. Becos they bellow like a bull. Once we were bringing a buul frog home but Mom (Martha Margaritha ''Patty'' Ackermann) was in the yard and saw us and said No this I cannot bear and we had to take bull frog back.
Ogilvie has a boy who comes on a horse to get the post in a bag. His name is Tonio. Pop says from Italy. He tells us many funny poems and once Charles said this funny poem about the old lady who rides on the tiger to Pop and he got savage and said this is not the poems you must say. Now Tonio tells us no more funny poems.
We went to the spring bok hunt. We will not go again becos of being in the line of fire. Many shooters went to and spanned out their carts and we too and Pop put us with Willem away to wait and all the shooters rode away and when the boys drove the springboks for them to shoot at and the springboks turned and came by us and the shooters forgot about us and were shooting the boks and Willem pushed us flat on the ground and said le stil nou and we heard the bullets and then the spring boks were past and many were lying on the ground shot and Pop came fast on his horse and said My God you are alive. Then we made a fire and had a picnic but Mom was savige with Pop and said never again Cecil. ' [Vaughan, Iris. 'The diary of Iris Vaughan'. Cape Town:Stormberg. >1958. Print. p14-15 ]