Conrad I, duke of Swabia - mis-merge of Conrads

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, February 26, 2016
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Conrad I is one of four siblings
Judith, Udo, Konrad and Heribert. There parents are unknown but but theories connecting them to two brothers, Konrad and Udo, sons of Gebhard. Both theories have problems and lack evidence and a third unknown man may actually be father.

Conrad I married once (refer to Justin's Discussion connected to this profile regarding her identity) to a woman commonly identified as Richlint.

Conrad I was succeeded by his son Hermann II.
Sources suggest Conrad I had 8 other children: Ekbert, Luitpold, Liutold, Konrad, Ita, Adelia, Judith, Kunniza.

The profile that this Discussion is started from appears to be a mixture of Conrad I and his possible father (Konrad son of Gebhard), so this children are a mixture of Conrad I's children, Conrad I's siblings and someone named Arnold(?).

Looking at Arnold's revision history suggests that he is the son of a Judith, Conrad, Konrad and Udo are all linked to wives potentially named Judith and Arnold's mother could be any of these women or just another Judith randomly confused during merging. If you follow the same Revision history on Arnolds profile you find his fathers name was originally Rhinegau but that profile has been merged into Conrad I... remember Conrad I married Richlint NOT Judith (maybe:)

Following Arnold's revisions also reveals a daughter, Auxilia, and her profile sheds some light. But don't expect me to type it all here!

Okay, okay, i'll tell you.

Auxilia is theories by some to be daughter of Arnold von Schännis (see her About for details), most show her as a daughter of Aldiud and Anselm (which is current Geni status) BUT there is strong evidence that Aldiud was a mistress of King Conrad of Burgundy (yes, yes, another Conrad I).

Still not quite clear who Arnold is but seems clearer how these profiles have gotten mixed up with the Conrad that this Discussion belongs to... did i mention that King Conrad of Burgundy was the father of Conrad I's daughter-in-law?


Conrad "the Peaceful", king of Burgundy is Conrad I, duke of Swabia's son's wife's father.

should he be merged with his "son" Conrad I, duke of Swabia

Sorry, had to mow the lawns before it gets too hot.

Merging is probably the best way forward then sort the children out between actual children and siblings.
I wanted to get something down in writing before actually doing anything, it was supposed to be brief!

An out of date version of Medlands is quoted in Conrad's About:

KONRAD [Kuno] von Öhningen, son of [KONRAD Graf im Rheingau und in der Ortenau & his wife [Judith ---] or UDO Graf in der Wetterau & his wife [Cunegundis] de Vermandois] (-20 Aug 997). The question of the paternity of Duke Konrad is discussed in the document FRANCONIA NOBILITY.

The current version reads:

KONRAD [Kuno] von Öhningen, son of --- (-20 Aug 997). The question of the paternity of Duke Konrad is discussed in the document FRANCONIA NOBILITY.

Both are referencing

Which currently reads:

Four children, brothers and sister:
Considerable controversy surrounds the paternity of these children. Graf Konrad son of Gebhard (died 982) and Graf Udo son of Gebhard (died 949) have both been proposed as their father...

To summarise the above text, i think the Judith, Judith von Marchtal, duchess of Swabia currently connected as wife to Conrad I is actually one of the candidates for his mother.

I think we should disconnect her entirely for the time being.

I think you should disconnect Judith for the time being you can always add her later when the tree is cleaned up

Judy, i've disconnected your namesake, for now anyway.

Frustratingly her profiles has alot of text but it is all in German!
I can make out "Tochter des Grafen Adalbert von Marchtal Nch Jackman/Fried Gemahlin des Herzogs Konrad I. von Elsaß (+ 982)"

Which at the end is mentioning Konrad I of Alsace (d.982), this is the Konrad i mentioned earlier who was a son of Gebhard and is identified as being one of the potential fathers of Conrad I duke of Swabia (d.997).

So she might be Conrad's mum but definitely not his wife, further evidence that at some point profiles of Conrad and Konrad have been smerged.

Judith now has a nice new husband Konrad, Graf im Lobdengau and even a son, although the name of the son's wife makes me nervous.

Tobias Rachor (C) Can you help

There is a merge pending on Judith of Ohningen just needs approving and conflict resolution to make parents NN & NN


That's Conrad and Konrad sorted out. I'm trying to find on Geni the Udo that Cawley identifies as the other pitential father of Conrad I.
I think he may have disappeared due to merging.

Looks like a mis-merge has given Gebhard Welf, Duke of Lotharingia the wrong parents.
I _think_ this is his father, Udo II, count in the Lahngau but need to read a bit more.

I am not an expert on this family branch, but please notice information at German Wikipedia:

The second named possible father of Conrad I is "Udo son of Gebhard (949).

This profile seems to be the best Geni candidate: Udo IV, Graf in der Wetterau


Bad merging has resulted in becoming his own grandfather

I think there may be at least one other person mixed up in that profile as the parents seem very specific but don't match Udo (the elder's)

This is the correct profile for the elder Udo Udo II, count in the Lahngau

I've tried 3 times to complete this merge but everytime i get a tree crash

And another Gebhard of Ufgau merge to be approved.

Alex Moes

Gebhard of Ufgau is done. Under nearby merge Issues,There are 4 Requested merges, 21 tree conflicts and 539 Data conflicts

thanks Eldon, i'll keep plugging away :)

Appreciate if someone else could try merging Héribert II, count of Vermandois with his "brother" Héribert II, count of Vermandois

I'm battling to get them to merge as well - 'Unexpected Error" is being produced. IS that what happened with you?

The usual fix is cutting the parents on one of them before trying to merge them:

Okay, thankyou, and if one of them is completely wrong - I'm thinking cut it out on all family relationships.

Sharon, apart from the unusual forename i cant actually see that much which is wrong with him, he is practically a blank profile just a name with parents and a wife.

Bjorn, there is a parental conflict on the "wrong" profile, i cannot resolve it from tree view as i get an error and i cannot resolve it by editing the profile because i dont have priv for Relationships tab in editing.

Instead I cut the "right" profile off from his parents, that has not resolved the issue, now the right profile is cut loose and the wrong profile remains.

Point of note, Herbert's wife is Adele, his currently showing second with Liegarde is actually his mother (need to verify).

I decided to sneak in the back door by merging the wives, Adele of France but end up with the same error message as for the husband.

If no one can complete these merges then i will raise a bug report.

Could who ever completed the merge on Adele also complete the merge on Heribert

Justin, as Bertha of Morvois (Fictitious Person) is so clearly marked as a fictitious person and the tag is clearly explained in her About, is it appropriate for her to have two profiles attached as children?

Her husband Heribert I currently has 4 children on Geni which correlates with Cawley but they are spread across two wives which makes no sense :(

Alex, I'm not following this (or any other discussion). I just happened to see it my news feed. If anyone needs me, please remember to tag me.

My goal with Bertha was to keep her from being attached to the tree in any way other than as a wife -- and it's my opinion that even that is silly. She certainly shouldn't be anyone's mother, or we end up with a case where Geni users will have Fictitious ancestors. Bad, bad, bad. But you knew that or you wouldn't have asked ;)

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