Hallstein Torleivsson - The connection between the deposed king of Isle of Man and the noble Skanke family i Norway, Sweden and Denmark

Started by Private on Thursday, February 25, 2016
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It should be Gaeilaeik (the ae symbol) above - Gceilceik (ack.)

Torlaeik is then the ackusativ form of the name Torleif?

The usual rule of thumb with regard to Family Finder tests is that they have reasonable amounts of significance out to roughly 5 generations (shared ancestor 5 generations back), and in some lucky cases can show significant matches a few generations beyond that.

The Isle of Man linkage is 20 generations ago. Only Y and mtDNA tests have reasonable chances of significance at that distance - and that depends on finding unbroken lines to compare, which is hard.

Too far away then ;)

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