Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor - Curator needed

Начала Sharon Doubell воскресенье, 21 февраля 2016
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21.2.2016 в 7:30 до полудня

This profile needs a Curator who works in this area. PLEASE step up and take over :-)

22.2.2016 в 3:01 после полудня

wish i could help but all i have is mobile device

22.2.2016 в 3:39 после полудня

Yeah and I'm not really familar enough with those lines did you try @justin swanstrom Sharon Doubell He's the smart one when it comes to noble heros from medivial times and bellow

22.2.2016 в 10:56 после полудня

Yes, Michael - you're quite right - this was Justin's profile, but he's overloaded so we're trying to spread the load over more Curators :-)

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