Maria Rodriguez de Vilalobos - Too many parents - bad merges?

Started by Karin Gullhav on Friday, February 19, 2016
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2/19/2016 at 6:04 AM

Could someone with knowledge fix her right parents, please?

Came up when I checked tree conflicts, in my search:


The age of 1300 poe of is to be the parents ; sister on
Fernán Rodríguez de Villalobos, Señor de Villalobos e Inés de la Cerda

I give the subject as consummated

2/19/2016 at 8:58 AM

Teresa Sánchez de Castilla, contrajo matrimonio con Juan Alfonso Téllez de Meneses, I conde de Barcelos y IV señor de Alburquerque, e hijo de Rodrigo Anes de Meneses, III señor de Alburquerque, y de Teresa Martínez de Soverosa esta última nieta de Gil Vázquez de Soverosa9 . Después de enviudar de su primer esposo, el conde de Barcelos, en mayo de 1304, Teresa contrajo un segundo matrimonio con Ruy Gil de Villalobos, ricohombre, y tuvo una hija llamada María Rodríguez de Villalobos, la segunda esposa de Lope Fernández Pacheco, y testamentaria de su sobrino Juan Alfonso de Alburquerque

2/19/2016 at 8:59 AM

Teresa Sánchez, who married Juan Alfonso Téllez de Meneses (died 5 May 1304), a Castilian nobleman, 4th Lord of Alburquerque, who became the 1st Count of Barcelos and was the Mordomo Mor (high steward) of King Denis I of Portugal, and had female issue. After the death of her first husband, she married Ruy Gil de Villalobos, with whom she had one daughter.

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