Constance Snow (Hopkins), "Mayflower" Passenger - Not children of Constance (Hopekins) Snow

Started by Roland Henry Baker, III on Friday, February 12, 2016
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2/12/2016 at 3:01 PM

Not children of Constance (Hopekins) Snow

I'm leaving this note in the discussion forum in case this cames up again for:

Constance Snow, "Mayflower" Passenger

The following profiles are not the children of Nicolas Snow and (Mayflower) Constance (Hopkins) Snow:

1) Samuel Samuel Snow
2) Micajah Micajah Snow
3) Anthony Anthony Snow
4) Hannah Hannah Howes

I just received a message from a poor soul who found Anthony on GENI as the child of Constance (Hopkins) Snow and thought he was a Mayflower descendant. So I had a look at found the four children above had been added as children. None of these are descendants I am sad to report. Please do not reconnect them so we do not mislead and break of the hearts of our fellow researchers.

== Sources ==

Anthony Snow parentage: Volume VI, 2nd Edition of the "Mayflower Families 1-5 generations does not list Anthony Snow as a child of Constance Hopkins Snow and Nicholas Snow. They married in 1627; Anthony is listed as being born about 1615 in England. Their lst child is listed as Mark born 9 May 1628. Anthony's only listed Mayflower connection is thru his wife Abigail Warren, where his name does appear, but no parentage. Anthony and Nicholas might be brothers, but have, as yet, found no definitive info.


Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Directory: Immigrants to New England, 1620–1640
A Concise Compendium (Jun 2015) p 313

He cites:
The Mayflower descendant: a quarterly magazine of Pilgrim genealogy and history Vol 13 p 85 (citation for marriage)

Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England , Nathaniel B. Shurtleff and David Pulsifer, eds., 12 volumes in 10 (Boston 1855 – 1861) 1:83

The Genealogical Advertiser, v. 1-4 (Cambridge, 1898-1901; rpt. Baltimore, GPC, 1974) 3:90

L. Effingham deForest and Anne Lawrence deForest, Moore and Allied Families: The Ancestry of William Henry Moore (New York 1938) p 470-76
Mayflower Families (the "silver" books) 8: 7-8

For Nicholas Snow and a list of his children see:

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Directory: Immigrants to New England, 1620–1640 A Concise Compendium (Jun 2015) p 313

Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633 , 3 volumes (Boston 1995) 1701-4; PM 428-32

The Mayflower descendant: a quarterly magazine of Pilgrim genealogy and history 62:39-41

Thanks! Have an excellent day!

2/12/2016 at 3:44 PM

Thank you Roland. I have disconnected & cast them adrift.

2/12/2016 at 3:45 PM

Thanks! I hope you got it all straightened out. It is difficult to keep a tree accurate when people connect undocumented relatives to it.

2/12/2016 at 3:49 PM

Found the real Anthony Snow (master profile) & merged

Anthony Snow

2/12/2016 at 5:00 PM

The real the real Anthony Snow (master profile)

Anthony Snow

Should have no known parents either in my opinion.

The biography on his profile states that "Nicholas Snow and his brothers, Anthony..." That's a bold claim. All we really know is an Anthony Snow shows up in Plymouth by 1637. The biography states that he arrived in the Ann. But we don't know that he arrived in the Ann with Nicholas. We don't know that he is related to Nicholas. We don't know where he came from. We have no birth record.

Could he have been a relative of Nicholas Snow? I guess he might have been. Some people have speculated that he was a relative of some sort but there has never been any evidence found to prove that.

Robert Charles Anderson as of 2015 states his origins are unknown - first evidence 1637 and this was published in 2015 and he is also the editor of TAG and NEHGR. So he knows better than I.

Private User
2/13/2016 at 5:46 AM

Thank you Rolland for all your hard work this is why i never touch other peoples trees

Private User
2/13/2016 at 1:20 PM

Yes, thanks Roland for your hard work. My husband 's line comes down from Constance Snow to John Snow to Rebecca Porter....... I think we will do this line for him to join a mayflower Society. ( my application for Mayflower society is finally moving along for my William Bradford line).

2/13/2016 at 8:40 PM

RE: The real the real Anthony Snow (master profile) Anthony Snow Should have no known parents either in my opinion ...

somehow I knew this one was coming. :)

I don't curate but went ahead and disconnected him from parents. If he requires unknown parent placeholder profiles, make them and then ask the curator to lock them in.

2/14/2016 at 7:25 AM

Erica thank you for doing this. I'll create NN parents and add some notes and sources. We honor these great ancestors by staying true to what we know of them.

You are very welcome Judy and Marian! Marian that's great news about the Mayflower application progress!

Completely unrelated news but... yesterday I received my official Sons of the American Revolution member number. So I'm very happy about passing a genealogical challenge :) I did the entire line from Elijah Kidder from scratch so I hope it helps others who can piggy back off my application.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Private User
2/14/2016 at 7:37 AM

I hate it when people alter other people's trees. Not right and rude.If you want to disconnect yourself fine but leave everyone else alone. Maybe they will see the difference and do it themselves.

Private User
2/14/2016 at 7:38 AM

Congratulations Roland, on getting your official number.

2/14/2016 at 10:22 AM

Thank you Judy!

When we get back to the great migration nearly 400 years ago on the one world tree we are dealing with ancestors of millions of people in the united states. They belong to no single family anymore. No families have been better studied than the Mayflower families. And we have a responsibility to keep their genealogy consistent with the modern standards of research from peer reviewed journals and FASB authors. In this case a GENI user was about to waste an untold amount of time and possibly a fair amount of money trying to document a Mayflower lineage that didn't actually exist and which the Mayflower Society would have rejected. So it is the right thing to do to add sources and correct errors so that other researchers don't find incorrect research on GENI and make the same mistakes.

As long as you send a message to all the profile administrators, open a discussion and add sources for your changes than it is OK to edit incorrect genealogy on GENI this far back in time. Everyone will have a chance to cite conflicting data. And if they find something to support the connection we can always link it back up. But in this case the Mayflower Society is the final arbitrator and they have decided this link does not exist.

The other thing is if people assume a false link is real than it precludes the possibility they might research and find the actual parents. The English Origins of 10 New England immigrants are discovered each year. And more and more English baptism records are being digitized and made available online all the time. So by disconnecting Anthony we open up the possibility of proving his actual origins which may end up being a real gift to his descendants.

I don't edit peoples immediate personal families on GENI. That's an entirely different matter. But if I do see an error I will contact the profile manager and let them know. In almost every case they are glad to receive the message and take it under advisement.

Private User
2/14/2016 at 12:20 PM

Contacting is one thing but when people start editing what one had entered rightly or wrongly , they are wrong. They can do their own and or anyone else who are willing to let them. All we can do is point out what we think ios incorrect. This is one reason I am sorry I ever dappled in Geni but dable I di and here I be. Too, much invested to cut and run.

2/14/2016 at 5:35 PM

Judy I think what you are saying applies to personal trees such as what one might build on or There you can build whatever one wants and someone can make a comment about it but it is up to the builder of the tree to decide what to keep and what to change. In that case the tree is based on authority specifically the authority of the author who takes credit or blame for the resulting tree.

GENI (and Wikitree for that matter) are "One World Trees." Each ancestor from the New England Great Migration might have millions of living descendants and thousands of them are on GENI. So all of these thousands of editors work on the same profiles. We can't simply leave things like this be up to the authority of a single individual. In this case we don't base the tree on the authority of a single person but instead we must rely on evidence based on the best and most current research we can all offer per John Locke. We can't rest authority in an individual's work simply because he or she was the first person to create a profile. Instead we are offer our work selflessly to improve each profile. We try to build a more perfect tree for everyone.

You can download a GEDCOM of your ancestors form GENI and upload it to another service. I personallly have trees on Ancestry, MyHeritage, GENI, FamilySearch and Wikitree. My personal trees are on Ancestry, MyHeritage and I can do quiet work there. But I also enjoy working on GENI because I enjoy having my work challenged by others. It makes me think and I learn new things I didn't know. I also get to teach others about my research here which benefits them. So I think it's can be important to have both kinds of tress one which is a personal safe space and another which is for learning and sharing. Then you have the best of both worlds. But I don't think either type of tree can be everything.

I hope you do stay you seem like a nice and very intelligent person and we can use all the help we can get. But having a second personal tree might be the way to go because you can't do everything you need on a shared world tree.

Private User
2/14/2016 at 5:53 PM

Unless you or someone else is paying for me to join all these other thing, it ain't going to happen. When I first started here .it was to just type my tree as I know it out in tree forms ,so it would be neat. I didn't anything about connecting with anyone. I figured it might be nice to meet people wityh the same interest . I had no conception of the controlling aspects in belonging to this site. I had no idea that all my work over the years would end up under the control of someone else, who could lock things down , change things ete. By the time I realized this it was too late. I would have pulled everything like someone I know in Essex gen. did, before she got to deeply involved. That was my mistake. I have meet some very nice helpful people. So it hasn't been a total lost. I don't add info anymore. I might add a name and dates if I have them. That's it.I just tried to remove two people who were only under my management and were attached the wrong person. Geni wouldn't let me. So I changed them to Mr and Mrs. If I ever find out what their names are, I will ad them. There are lot of people on here who are very nice and very knowledgeable but there are a lot who arrogant and condescending( my personnel opinion. No names bandy around here.). That's just how it is and imagine it's true in most organizations.

2/14/2016 at 7:05 PM

Very few people realize this but you can actually register for free on and build a personal tree there for free. The restriction is you can't access the records they offer and you can't view other people's trees unless they invite you. But it is still a good deal if you want to build a private tree and preserve it the way you want it.

Since you can download a GEDCOM of your ancestors here you could also upload it on Ancestry. The thing I don't know is if the free account allows GEDCOM uploads or not. We'd have to try a free registration account to find out. I know you can upload GEDCOMs on the paid accounts because I've done it. I guess worst case is you could pay for one month, upload a GEDCOM and then cancel and convert it to a free account again. From then on you'd just edit it by hand like you do now. But you'd have no monthly fees.

I really enjoy people here too. That seems to make it worthwhile. But I do also find things locked that are wrong from time to time and I just contact a curator and show them the source for the correction and they always fix it quickly. The curators are really responsive to requests.

Private User
2/15/2016 at 4:36 AM

I already did that. I can't remember my pass word at this point. They don't give you much for free and they give you addition's to your tree ,that are all wrong. The reason I know the info is wrong because I have my mother's side of the tree hundreds of years back, which I got the old fashion, way, records, deeds, probate, birth and death. Vitals , the list goes on. My father's side is more difficult. Thanks to someone on Geni from Canada, I was able to complete his mother's side in Canada. I had it but though I was wrong. They explain how to navigate the Canadian system of records. The Belgium side is harder, Back only 5 or 6 generations. One person on here tried to help. He was somewhat helpful but when I contacted him again he was too busy to help. I probably will never know Loubris back any further. There is another on here but I am not a paying member so can't contact. I tried through a cousin out in POA, Her son is on here. He never responded. So the heck with it.The Loubris family is an odd bunch , in some cases, Nothing like the Parker or Cookson side.

Private User
2/15/2016 at 4:39 AM

Nice the curators fix things but I'd rather do it myself , then having to prove and beg and have all my stuff held hostage. When you can't get into a profile ,that's basically what it is. Holding your info hostage. Like I have said many times before, I am glad I still have my paper records.

Private User
2/15/2016 at 4:41 AM

I also see no sense or care if I am someone's husband or wife's cousin's , aunt's relative. Although, in some cases this is a round about way of find a direct connection to another line.

Private User
2/15/2016 at 4:42 AM

I also see no sense or care if I am someone's husband or wife's cousin's , aunt's relative. Although, in some cases this is a round about way of find a direct connection to another line.

2/15/2016 at 9:43 AM

I think you bring up some issues to consider. Remember - this platform is still evolving. However, if you look at the alternative of FamilySearch for example - once you get back to 1750 or so their tree becomes almost unusable because their are 30 or 40 copies of the same people all married to each other. It is a free for all. That model just doesn't work well on a World Tree.

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