Help Validate This Line

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, February 7, 2016
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2/7/2016 at 10:49 AM

Martin Andreas Karl (Dries) Potgieter & Delia Robertson are wanting help validating the paper trail from Dries to Regina van Rapenberg van Guinea in order to help confirm that extrapolating his mtDNA Haplogroup M30c to her as his matlineal granny is as solid as we can make it.

Calling for help from the managers of the following profiles in uploading all the Sources they have, and making all the profiles Public:

Martha Isabella Gysbertha Potgieter
his mother → Martha Isabella Gysbertha Visser, h2i5
her mother → Martha Isabella Gysberta Visser
her mother → Helena Josina de Milander, b2c6
her mother → Barbara Christina Briers
her mother → Clara Susanna Groenewald, b3c8 SM
her mother → Anna Groenewald
her mother → Maria Elizabeth Hasselaar, b3 SM
her mother → Jannetje Bort, SM
her mother → Regina van Rapenberg van Guinea, SM/PROG
her mother

Sharon, Thanks for setting it up for us. Getting primary sources is as we all know a problem. Will you and/ or Delia sum up what is the most necessary documents that we needed for this study.
Sometimes the documents are so incomplete that they are worth nothing as in the case of my GrGrandmother Murrays` death notice.
I assume that the Managers of the different profiles will give their full cooperation in obtaining the necessary documentation and we certainly need outside help as well and it will be greatly appreciated. As I am co-manager off all the profiles, please don't rely solely on me for obtaining primary sources .As I am residing in Namibia I have communication problems , but the biggest of all is that I am not that computer wise as to drawing information that is available from the web. (thanks for the many Cousins that always helped me with my personal tree)
As soon as we hear from Delia/Sharon we can start comparing what we have and what we need.

2/9/2016 at 1:49 AM

Dries - I'd say any and all documentation that can be found. Also message the other managers on each of these profiles asking for help. I will try and do it for you, but my connectivity at the beach at the mo is very hit and miss.

2/9/2016 at 2:24 AM

I think I managed to get messages out.

Private User
2/9/2016 at 3:35 AM
was the d.o.Christoffel Groenewald and Anne Hasselaar
She married - see above link for the documentation - Petrus Francois Melchior Briers on Huwelik:Feb 19 1775, in Stellenbosch, Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa
Huwelikstatus: Enkel
Vrou: Clara Susanna Groenewald
Hope this helps a bit. Lea do have quite a few Archived sources to this profile of Clara Susanna Groenewald, b3c8 SM
I do have a lot of Swanepoel DN's that myself or Pieter Taljaard (eGGSA Photographer Archives and Grave - OVS)
Dries Ek kyk graag in my Swanepoel Leêr.

2/9/2016 at 6:59 AM

THanks JUdi. I had found and uploaded the marriage register this morning. Hopefully Private User can help too.

2/9/2016 at 7:16 AM

Are the only Sources that link Jannetje Bort, SM to Regina van Rapenberg van Guinea on the FFYP link? &
where I can't access Mansell's article anymore. It seems to me that Koddo van Guinea might also be a candidate, from what I can see there.
Delia Robertson, can you look and let me know what you think?

Thanks Everybody for the help. Our Namibian or Henntiesbay line s were off en sukkel, sukkel for a few days.

2/12/2016 at 7:44 PM

Sharon Doubell - the article is under review and has been for some time.

Regina v Rapenburg is listed as *candidate*-mother to Jannetje Bort on her page - this is a very important distinction - - and in any event will be removed at the next update until such time the DNA matter is resolved.

Especially with the slave ancestors, much of the work identifying candidates entails knowing who they were closely associated with, where they lived and when, particularly wrt a candidate parent/child; eliminating other potential candidates, and so on and on.

Over time DNA will help - but only if every generational step is documented.

At this stage, it is a waste of time to even consider who Jannetje Bort's mother could be until the full line from Dries to Jannetje Bort has been documented. In time hopefully there will be others who test the same, and whose line is equally well documented as this would rule out non-parental events.

2/12/2016 at 7:51 PM

Sharon Doubell - Oh, and I should add, we will never know who Regina van Rapenburg's mother was. She was an imported slave.

2/13/2016 at 1:04 AM

Thanks Delia for that. I'll remove her right away.

The line to Dries is actually pretty well documented, from what I can see - and presuming that Dries's word for who his mother and grandmother are, stand as a primary source :-)

2/14/2016 at 9:42 PM

In one day I documented this line with baptism and marriage records from Helena Josina de Melander/Milander back to Jannetje Bort. Even though it is out of the period, I am including the female line from Helena J deM back to Jannetje in the upcoming update to the project website. I hope to make headway with the generations down from Helena J this week. Personal knowledge of immediate family is usually accepted as reliable, but is not considered a primary record.

2/14/2016 at 11:45 PM

Go gal!! That's fantastic!
Please make sure you let us know when you update, so we can go and read it too.

I , have asked Naude Visser a second cousin of mine to try and get as much as possible of my Mother`s, Grandmother`s and Great-grandmother`s documentation from the achieve.

2/15/2016 at 8:22 PM

Start with this profile page ( for Helena Josina de Milander, b2c6 - trace the line up through each individual's mother to Jannetje Borth. Martin Andreas Karl (Dries) Potgieter, I am sending you a email, please look out for it.

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