Adam of Eden - Double standards

Started by Private User on Monday, February 1, 2016
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Actually, while there is no connection to the ancient practices of our ancestors there is a vibrant religious community practicing a religion framed around their concept of Norse religion.

Commonly known as Ásatrú and quite popular in USA.

Most worryingly for Curt's well-being there is a high percentage of battle-axe ownership within the community.

Curt, i manage 80 thousand something profiles from one end of Geni to the other. I am not an authority on all those eras/regions, it's just part of my work* as a Geni Curator.

*My wife would say play rather than work :)

Janet Deborah Fuls, Kit#B276423,
don't count on that connection lasting for much longer. There's a gap around 400 year long in that line. ALL lines going all the way back to the Biblical Tree are not valid. They are all too short by 20-30 generations. Given people in the Bible that we have verified dates for, we can see that Adam would be around 150 generations ago. So your line is about 25 generations too short.

As such these lines are constantly CUT by the Curator Team. But being so popular, they keep on getting reconnected or even readded. I'm working with some Curator tools to prevent this from happening. But it's an endless task going through more than 4000 profiles, verifying them and the tree, and "locking" it down.

GENi won't allow me to post a reply?

Kerry L. Barger, you just did ;-)

Yes, but not a previous one. Can anyone explain these "security" rules refenced below? I just got this back:

Access Denied
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2020-11-14 01:10:32 UTC
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Please contact for further assistance


wow Jason Scott Wills C
2/2/2016 at 12:09 AM

"Because religious people would throw a tantrum if you labelled biblical figures fictitious"

That's not fair to the pagan's on this site either then is it? Who ever made the decision to separate factual from fictitious on Geni made a poor choice. Why not make everyone happy?

Laurie Lynn Brockbank Geni's systems have changed a fair bit in the last 4 years but if you can come up with a solution that makes _everyone_ happy you will have achieved a modern day miracle.

PS i don't recall any pagan ever complaining that they aren't descendant of Zeus or Odin. On the other hand much abuse and threats of violence or legal actions have been directed at curators who maintain biblical lines.

Laurie Lynn Brockbank,
If people would stop adding duplicate lines of the Bible Tree long enough for me to DISCONNECT them all, I would be able to ISOLATE it. That would really solve the problem, because then NO-ONE would be able to claim "descent" from this period. I've been doing Biblical genealogy on Geni for over ten years, and offline before that. I'll be as clear as possible:

There are NO VALID lineages that go back even close to that far. All lines that I have ever seen "skip" 20-30 generations, over this period of 2000. NO LINES. NONE.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam,
the Biblical Tree Curator team

Alex "PS i don't recall any pagan ever complaining that they aren't descendant of Zeus or Odin. "perhaps it's because those parts of the Geni tree are very messed up to begin with. I looked at the geni site and curators have managed to merge the Greek mythology with the Roman mythology as if they are all the same person. Its ridiculous to say the least.

According to the Prologue (Prose Edda) Odins ancestors connect to Priam part of the Greek mythology

The genealogy presented by Snorri begins with Priam. Priam's daughter Tróán married king Múnón or Mennón. Their son was Trór, or Thor, who was fostered in Thrace. Thor slew his foster father and married Sibil, identified with Sif. The line of descendants of Thor and Sif is given as follows:

Lóriði, Einridi, Vingethor, Vingener, Móda, Magi, Seskef, Bedvig, Athra, Ítermann, Heremód, Skjaldun, Bjáf , Ját, Gudólfr, Finn, Fríallaf
Finally, the son of Fríallaf was "Vóden, whom we call Odin", who came to Germany (Saxland) and established the royal lines there.

Now I should point out "Voden" is a different person all together, his name was Bodo, King of the Saxons whom many refuted to him as Bodo/ Voden King of the Saxons born about 210 AD BTW He nor his ancestors are on this tree tthat i can find. But his ancestors were not Fríallaf and so on.... I have noticed on many trees that they call Odin's father "Frithuwald (Fredalaf) Bor of Asgard King of West Saxons Asgard" or something like that. Frithuwald was the son of Hetto of SAXENMARKEN ( part of the the Friesian ancestry) and part of the Saxons Heritage. So the Prose Edda doesn't apply to Bodo .

Hetto of SAXENMARKEN is part of the OERA LINDA BOOK the Frisian history which dates back to 305 BC starting with GOSA, THE LAST EARTH MOTHER and so on to the last Folk mother Frya who died in 24 Oct 2194 B.C. . Her descendance connect to Mannus son of Tuisto assumed the government over Western Europe .Tuitsch or Tuisto ( the legendary divine ancestor of the Germanic peoples.)some say was the son of Noah gave him all the land between the Don River and the Rhine or what was called Grossgermania. the legendary divine ancestor of the Germanic peoples. "Tuisto & Ymir
Connections have been proposed between the 1st century figure of Tuisto and the hermaphroditic primeval being Ymir in later Norse mythology"

Now to the Roman mythology. I don't understand how this site has the audacity to combine the two into one of the same.

Laurie Lynn Brockbank Snorri was trying to preserve the stories of his ancestors while living in a Christian world. In an attempt to not get killed for being a heretic he crouched his writings in the concept that the "gods" he was writing about were actually just men who had been deified and then went one step further to link them to royal blood lines of the ancient biblical lands.

You cannot take Snorri's writings at face value, the Prose Edda contradicts itself. The Prose Edda contradicts the Poetic Edda, both Edda contradict other existent saga. The saga that remain are only a very small fragment of the rich history.

Oden and Woden are separated on Geni, i don't recall specifics as I haven't looked at this in a few years. Please be aware that curators spend a large portion of their time fixing mistakes that users put on Geni, not the other way around. We do make mistakes but over time we learn and get better but over time novice amateurs are always joining and adding incorrect data it is a Sisyphean game of whack-a-mole.

Woden was the chief god of the Anglo-Saxons, their equivalent of the Norse Odin and the Germanic Wotan or Wuotan. Most of their royal dynasties traced their ancestry back to him, and many places in England incorporate his name in theirs.

He appears to have been a god of the dead, identified with the Roman god Mercury. In accordance with this, the fourth day of the week, Wednesday, was named after him. He was also a god of wisdom or esoteric lore.

The Christian church did a good job of extirpating the old religion, so that there is little evidence of the original Anglo-Saxon beliefs (not difficult as the old religion was fatalistic and pessimistic, while Christianity offered hope). What evidence remains may have been distorted, particularly in representing Woden as a deceiver, though the identification with Mercury supports that characterisation. It is not clear how many of the attributes and deeds of Odin or Wotan would also have been attached to Woden.

here is a tree for an example

könig Bodo von Sachsen könig Bodo von Sachsen

what i dont understand is how they can presume that Odin and Bodo were the same person lol

Any good textbook on the anthropology of religion explains very clearly the role played by "ancestor worship" (deification of actual ancestors) in the pagan world.

könig Bodo von Sachsen sorry for got the add his link
from geni

One devout Pagan weighing in here.
While I was in college, I was challenged to read the Bible. I was raised Catholic, he was Church of Christ (like Baptist, but more so), I never read the Bible in detail. Over a summer I read it from cover to cover, Old and New.

I got hooked on religion, I read the Torah, Koran, Book of Mormons, Bad-Va-Gita (sp), Sid-Hart-ha (Buddhist), books on Zoroastrianism, Magick, The histories of (all the for mentioned). As a result I respect all religions (except Islam), but I became a devout Pagan. Christ/Christianity did an unbelievable job of taming the Old Pagan Europe. They deserve a huge credit for that.

SO for most things In this world I depend on science for my reasoning. And science through Mitochondrial DNA has determined there was an Eve, but that was about 150,000 years ago and sadly no has written down her lineage.

Science has determined no such thing. Every female living at the time of "Eve" is now the ancestor of everybody or nobody.

In any case, Sykes's Eve is only the European Eve. They did the same exercise for Japan, and found Nine Daughters of a different Eve.

In Africa it's much more complicated. Many more Daughters, and Eve heads way way back towards the trees. Not homo sapiens.

Alex Moes — re “ PS i don't recall any pagan ever complaining that they aren't descendant of Zeus or Odin. On the other hand much abuse and threats of violence or legal actions have been directed at curators who maintain biblical lines.”

True, that.

I myself, as the main curator working in the Welsh tree, detached Beli Mawr the sun god from the World Tree, when the decision was made to detach the non-humans from the Tree. Which I had argued against, pretty articulately, I thought, though obviously not articulately enough.

And did I complain that I was no longer a descendant of Beli Mawr the sun god? As you well note, I did not!

Nope. My stance on this is that I am still, in my reality, a descendant of Beli Mawr the sun god. However, in Geni’s reality I am not.

This makes total sense to me.

I lost the argument. No reason to moan and complain. Beli Mawr remains as he was, and so do I.


Private User amen to that!

I've noticed that all we Goyim descend from Ishmael? Is that because the fake Khazars from Revelations 2:9,3:9 descend from Isaac?
That's bunk, we the Celts,Germanics,Nordics and the whole of European races are the Angelic Sons of Isaac, The Anglo-Saxons.

ye gods and little fishes!

Only science through DNA is going to confirm descendancy and parents.
Dare I say ?
Even a mother not 100 % sure who the father of her child is.
So ------


Let me know when every human whoever lived on Earth has dna testing.
How are things in SA? I heard it wasn't going well for Boers.

Too many people assume that surely everyone would want be a descendant of someone famous , a lord , a king or a prophet. But not true for many people they rather want to be the legitimate descendant of a serf than the illegitimate descendant of a king. Your ancestors can not be picked from a choice selection in the GENI supermarket .
Being angry or upset or happy and feeling superior or inferior because of whom you are descendant from is not going to make any difference to who they are.

Connections to people 1800 yra ago.
My y-dna R-U106 links me to gladiator found in York.
How can I start that branch of my family tree

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