Charlotte Gosselin - Charlotte Gossselin was probably born February 6 1764

Started by Private User on Thursday, January 28, 2016
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Private User
1/28/2016 at 11:38 AM

The original record of her baptism can be found at:

The record clearly is dated "Le Six Février, mil sept cent soixante quatre", but that is just the date she was baptized. Later in the record it says "Ne'e de ce jour", which is "born the same day." So I believe that she was born 2/6/1764.

Tim Oliver (4th great grandson of Charlotte)

1/28/2016 at 1:04 PM

hello Timoty here nosorigine about Charlotte Gosselin
can you plz take a snapshot of the records thanks

martin 7th cousin

Private User
1/28/2016 at 1:49 PM

Martin, I uploaded the full original document page, which is difficult to identify the record on and the record detail, which is just the couple of lines from the full page that record Charlotte's birth and baptism.

I did search for Charlotte's records around the dates in her profile and did not find her in any of the Bellechasse parish records.

1/28/2016 at 3:20 PM

nosorigine can be wrong they give mariage date 20 janvier 1787
but its 30-01-1787

they can be wrong for birth too

1/31/2016 at 12:45 PM

The issue was that the church records that Timothy found were about a different Charlotte Gosselin:

Charlotte Gosselin

This is true that it is confusing to have two Charlotte Gosselin, born in Saint-Charles-de-la-Rivière-Boyer less than a year appart, and both are cousins.

I added a curator note about warning users not to confuse the two.

While I was working with those profiles, I hope you don't mind that I did some cleanup and added more information. I added under the "Sources" tag the "Nos Origines" documents for both. I added tags to a few projects too.

Timothy, I had to remove the church documents you added. Please don't be mad at me. It is because they were attached to the wrong profile. You are welcome to add your documents again to the profile of Charlotte (born 6 feb 1764).

Private User
2/1/2016 at 2:20 PM

I have searched for hours to find any record of Charlotte Gosselin born in Bellechase Quebec on July 29, 1763 without any success. If anyone can point to where an original document might be located, I would be very interested in that, please send me a private message. That having been said, I am just a little peeved that someone has deleted an actual original document image that I uploaded to this profile without the common courtesy of asking me first and replaced it with a URL to an unsupported claim that Charlotte Gosselin was born at this earlier date on another website. So, I am leaving this issue to the profile managers.

Tim Oliver

2/1/2016 at 3:08 PM

Mr Oliver ,Mario (morel) have made a very good work on those 2 diferent woman sometimes its not a easy thing to work of profile that are the same name

i think we have progressed in this area line

you can add the document in the apropriate profile
and as Mario (morel) write

Timothy, I had to remove the church documents you added. Please don't be mad at me. It is because they were attached to the wrong profile. You are welcome to add your documents again to the profile of Charlotte (born 6 feb 1764).

that was public mention


2/1/2016 at 4:26 PM

I added this document:

to Charlotte Gosselin, born July 29, 1763:

Charlotte Gosselin

Does it help?

Private User
2/2/2016 at 11:26 AM


Yes, this not only helps, it taught me something I didn't know, specifically that "Le meme jour" means the same day. This is something that I have not run across before and I have searched for hundreds of these documents.

I was able to find this difficult to locate document at the source once I saw this copy of it and knew what to look for.

Thank you for your assistance.

As to the original question I raised this discussion to address, I am satisfied that this document removes all doubt and confirms that Charlotte Gosselin was born on July 29, 1763.

Tim Oliver

2/3/2016 at 4:11 AM

Private User, I am glad I could help. This is why we have volunteer curators in Geni.

One thing to keep in mind: in genealogy, we seldom have the luxury of finding original documents for all the demographic data of a profile. It is great when we do, but often we have to rely on secondary sources, like «Nos Origines». This is why we need to post all sources found about a profile, not just the primary sources. Then later, when analyzing all the sources, we try to reconstruct the best we can the life of the profile.

Furthermore, having an original document does not quite always « remove all doubt and confirm that ...». A primary source has a high degree of reliability, but they can contain errors too. We have seen our share of errors in historic church records for example. This is why it is valuable to confirm with other generally reliable secondary sources, like PRDH (for Quebec profiles). Often, «Nos Origines» displays PRDH data and therefore has some value too.

Doesn't genealogy feel like detective work at time? Perhaps it's a reason why it is so fun...

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