Francoise Martinet, SM/PROG - mtDNA Group known? - what is the strength of the test?

Started by Private User on Friday, January 8, 2016
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Thanks for the link!

I wouldn't put any probability on it.

What I mean by null hypothesis is we simply have no idea. So we make the best guess based on the fact that the boat came from India. We create a hypothesis that she was probably U2c. Then we try to kick the daylights out of that hypothesis and see if we can disprove it. It doesn't mean we believe the hypothesis or we don't believe it. Nor do we give it a probability. It just means we have something to test.

But before we do that do we actually have a source for that? Do we know for certain 100% that she came on a boat from India? Or did the boat from from nowhere? Because I know I have a lot of ancestors who "came on a boat from Devon, England" and when I go to actually find a source for it I find there is nothing... so it would be a good time right now to see if there is an actual piece of paper like a ship's passenger manifest that records that she was a passenger, etc. Otherwise we're just making stuff up. And as Ericka knows I like to delete data that's made up.

And we need to know if these are both full sequences and not just marker tests. Because U is a branch off of N. And if N or U is just a guess we could actually be looking at the same haplotype - no joke. I doubt that's the case but we don't want to spin our wheels if these data are not full sequences. If they are not full sequences now might be the time to upgrade them because things just got interesting! With FTDNA you don't need to retest or re-sample - you just pay and upgrade price which is a deal.

How much fun is this?

Wow, what excitement. Private User, I see you've been bitten by the DNA bug!

Guys, we need to move this discussion about
Catharina (Catrijn) van Malabar, SM/PROG onto her profile, and advertise it a bit - to get her managers, and others with an interest in her line to come and help you with the research, and to keep it somewhere we can access for posterity.
Right now, it's all taking place as a Discussion called Francoise Martinet, and on her profile - it will get buried forever here.

VERY interesting! I can't wait for Geni to introduce DNA mechanisms and functionality!

This is the Discussion in which it seems that Beth's DNA was assigned to Catharina van Malabar: ://

I've started a dedicated thread for the research on whether Catharina van Malabar is U2c or N21: Please use this for summarising and continuing any important points you need to make as you research. It will be far easier to attract people who manage and follow Catharina, and we'll be able to find the conclusions when we look for them in the future.

The immediate problem with Charlette's motherline is that the profile for her grandmother - Terence Terence Willie Fitzgerald Visser (aka Raldy / Joyce Phyllis Barnard) - has a birth certificate that suggests she's male.
Who was it who said that the SA DNA stories are the best in terms of interest value?

Keep the discussion here about Francoise.

Christiaan Frederik Beyers Herbst has just contacted me to say that he's a matrilineal descendant of Francoise - and his mtDNA is Haplogroup U5b2b3a.

I've asked him to upload his results to his profile.


Congratulations on a job well done finding two U5b descendants of Francoise Martinet!

Hi everyone. I am the guilty party with the N21. Tested at FTDNA. It was the full sequence! Quite happy to download test but need help here. Jan I'll contact you to help! OK

Charlette - nice to meet you! Your test as definitely roused the spirits!

If you log into your FTDNA account click on "results" under mtDNA. On the RSRS tab copy everything from the three section called HVR1 HVR2 and Coding DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS. The easiest way to do this is to drag your mouse form the HVR1 title box in the upper left and drag it down to the last marker on the bottom right under coding regions until you have it all selected including the three titles and all the markers and then CTRL-C to copy. Then open Excel and CTRL-P. Excel will create three separate columns of data all sorted out nicely. Then you can copy each column to GENI.

In the bottom right of this page there is a link called "FASTA" click on that and download it to your desktop. If you are opening to adding this to the NIH database please email it to Dr Ian Logan Your haplotype is rare and historically significant. Note that if you opt to publish it your name will not be recorded, just your FTDNA kit number. Ian will get you setup on the database. When you are done ask Ian for the link to your results and include that as well. It takes about two weeks for them to get results online. Ian will also confirm your haplotype call - his analysis is usually more precise than that at FTDNA. So that may also be of interest to you.

Then click on the rCRS tab and do the same thing for the HVR1, HRV2 and Coding differences from rCRS. Note you only need the top three sections with values like 16069T. You don't need the bottom three sections that list the separate columns with C, T, etc.


Roland Henry Baker, III - I have placed the link to the full DNA in this message... lets respond there -

According to Geni,Christiaan Frederik Beyers Herbst is my 7th cousin once removed. My matrilineal line goes back to Francoise Martinet, SM/PROG from Sara Fourie b7 but diverges with Sara's son,direct ancestor Johannes Willem van Wyk, b1c5d4 . I presume this means only a probability of U5b mtDNA haplogroup. BTW-recent huge plunge in ZAR exchange rate means many of us will push DNA testing further onto the back burner...

Catharina van Malabar, SM/PROG is my 9th g/grandmother on my broken matrilineal line[not all female] so mtDNA discussion is interesting.

Alistair Moncur Knox, this is the furtherest back mtDNA granny on your tree: Christina Hendrina Fredericka Mynhardt. When you have your mtDNA tested - we'll extrapolate it to her.

You, like me, are the direct grandchild of Francoise Martinet, SM/PROG & of Catharina van Malabar - but not on the direct mother to mother to mother matrilineal line. So there is no chance at all that either of us will have her mtDNA. If we are U5b it will be by pure coincidence - not inherited from those two grannies. :-)

Thanks Sharon-that's what I thought. I already have many connections to the Nel stamvader,but not from Christina Andrina Frederika Nel/Nell,unlikely to have been born Nel...her Nel husband also a dead end,but I have his suspect father on a couple of other My Heritage trees...


Sharon, Both Francoise Martinet, and Catharina VAN Malabar are my Ggggrandmothers , so if anything new happens that has to do with their Dna please let me know as I am not always reading all the discussions.

I've invited you to the mtDNA & Y DNA SA PRogenitor projects.

Thanks, Sharon. Ouma Regina is she the one from the Pigmy tribe who never move out of region.
Sharon I have the results of my DNA test in PDF format but don't know how to get it pasted from there to this discussion. But I miss understood the procedure and had the wrong analyses done , so it is not connected to a specific .person but gives the spread of the Human race over the earth with my DNA in Comparison to other race groups. It makes quiete interesting reading.
If you want to I can send it by E-Mail to you. Just send me your E - Mail mine is
The children are saving for the next test but with falling Rand I do not know if it will be accomplished in my life time.

Thankyou Dries - That's so great! We now have an mtDNA Haplogroup of M30c for Regina van Rapenberg van Guinea, SM/PROG

M30c seems to show as being mostly from India- which perhaps makes the 'from Guinea' a bit questionable. (Although slaves were often designated from the place they were last, rather than their origin, as I understand it.). Rapenberg, is - as far as I can see, in Belguim - so there must be nog a storie behind that

I will start a Discussion on her profile - but just wanted to feed back here first. This will be so helpful for other descendants of hers. Thankyou for sharing Dries :-)


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