N. Gillebridedatter, of the Isles - Disconnect from Malcolm MacHeth, & Reconnect to MalcolmMacAlexandair

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, January 1, 2016
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1/1/2016 at 7:18 AM

Following our work disentangling Malcolm MacHeth from Malcolm MacAlexandair: See project: http://www.geni.com/projects/Malcolm-MacHeth-vs-Malcolm-MacAlexanda...
- I am going to disconnect this profile for N. Gillebridedatter, of the Isles - from being the wife of Malcolm MacEth, Earl of Ross & merge her with the one we now have for Malcolm MacAlexandair wife, sister of Somerled, and Mother of Donald: Unknown sister of Somerled, of the Isles.

That leaves the problem of the profile presently positioned as her daughter: Gormflaeth (Hvafleva) MacEth. The About seems to suggest that this daughter belongs with Malcolm MacHeth, but the place & date of birth circa 1135 Roxburn Castle, Morayshire, Scotland - suggests someone may have connected her to the prisoner of Roxburgh. (Who we've now decided was not Malcolm MacHeth).
Are there Sources for her birth that suggest that this is more than speculation?

10/25/2020 at 1:56 AM

3. HVORFLAED [Hvafleda or Gormflaeth/Gormlath] (before 1134-). Orkneyinga Saga records that “Hvarflod, the daughter of Earl Malcolm of Moray” was the second wife of Earl Harald[14]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun (Continuator - Annals) records that "Harald the earl" was "goaded on by his wife, the daughter of Mached" to rebel against King William in 1196[15]. m as his second wife, HARALD Maddadsson Jarl of Orkney, son of MADDAD [of Scotland] Earl of Atholl & his second wife Margaret of Orkney (1134-1206). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER.htm#Mal

10/25/2020 at 2:03 AM

I'd say she's definitively the child of Malcolm MacEth, Earl of Ross

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