Henry Scott, of Rattlesden - Corrections for children of Martha Whatlocke & Henry Scott

Started by Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator on Friday, December 11, 2015
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12/11/2015 at 9:37 PM

Their son Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich may need a undo merge, he is currently connected to two wives, I think the wife Ann Ford is not correct for this Thomas Scott, probably the son of Anna, Thomas Scott, of Farmington does not belong as a son with this Thomas Scott either?

12/11/2015 at 10:17 PM

Other children of Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich that may not be correct are Elizabeth Jackson who is Wife of Hugh Chaplin, this is a second dau. by the name Elizabeth, there is mention in http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p2569.htm#... & http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=104537691 to her husband being John Spofford.

If seen no mention in references about a son Isaac Mixer

12/11/2015 at 10:19 PM

I will try some undo merge on Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich to see if I can remove the wife Ann Ford & son Thomas Scott, of Farmington

12/11/2015 at 10:28 PM

Right, Thomas Scott did not marry Anna or have a son Edmund.

For ref, these are the 7 children of Thomas Scott & Elizabeth Strutt:

1. Elizabeth Scott. Christened 18 November 1623 in Rattlesden. She married John SPOFFORD (SPAFORD) of Rowley, Massaachusetts (about 1645-S2)(before 1647-S1) in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts. Elizabeth died 10 FEB 1690-1691 in Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts.

2. Abigail Scott. Christened 5 MAR 1625 in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England. She married Hanniel BOSWORTH (1614-1683) of Ipswich, Massachusetts about 1655 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. Abigail died (after 1683)(after 1700-S8) in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts.

3. Thomas Scott Jr. Christened 15 JUN 1628 in Rattlesden. He married Margaret HUBBARD, sister of Rev. William HUBBARD. He died (6 September 1657-S2)(1657-S8)(before APR 1684-S1) at Ipswich, Massachusettts. Margaret married (2) Ezekiel ROGERS at least by 1661. Her will was written 28 JUN 1678.

4. Benjamin Scott. Christened 3 February 1630 in Rattlesden, England. He died on 10 AUG 1633, and was buried there 30 August 1633.

5. Hannah Scott. Born about 1635-6 in Ipswich, after the family arrived in America. After her father's death she apparently came to Stamford to be a ward of her brother. She married Edmond (Edmund) LOCKWOOD of Stamford on 7 JAN 1655-1656 at Stamford, Connecticut. She died on 12 April 1706 at Stamford.

6. Sarah Scott. Born about 1637-1638 in Ipswich, Massachusetts. In 1661 an acknowledgement was given to the court by Ezekiel Rogers for her share of her father’s estate. m. 5 Dec 1645 John Stanley [F3933].

7. Mary Scott. Born about 1639 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. She married Thomas PATCH [F3932]. She died 26 September 1728.

12/11/2015 at 10:50 PM

So far have undo merged Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich the father of Elizabeth Jackson who married Hugh Chaplin & supposedly Nicholas Jackson, according to her Find-A-Grave

Finally Thomas Scott, of Hartford the husband of Anna & father of Edmond Scott is removed.

There is also a conflict with the references on the death date of Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich , one is listed as 6 November 1643 Hartford, CT, another Mar. 17, 1654 Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. The Smart Matches are no help, they list both dates and places.

12/11/2015 at 11:21 PM

I think Isaac Mixer has been confused and is really Isaac Mixer

Seems there was a family of Mixer on the same ship Elizabeth with the Scott's, Isaac Mixer aged 31, wife Mrs. Sarah Mixer aged 33, Isaac aged 4.

I will remove Isaac Mixer Scott and merge him with Isaac Mixer

12/12/2015 at 12:06 AM

Elizabeth Spofford
& Hannah Lockwood could be children of Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich he has a dau. Abigail but not with the birth date for Abigail Bosworth

Find-A-Grave lists Dorothy Whatlock Scott and it also lists a Robert Scott b. 1604, if they died young they would not be listed in Henry's will. Or can anyone find another spot for them?

Henry Scott is listed as being of Anderby, Lincoln, England in his Smart Matches.

12/12/2015 at 1:48 PM

Unable to find anything about Henry Scott & Susan Scott

The memorial history of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884, Volume 1 (Boston, Massachusetts: Edward L. Osgood, 1886), page 257. Retrieved: 3 May 2011 from https://books.google.com/books?id=B18EAAAAYAAJ

They seem to have confused the two Thomas', listed as coming from England with wife Elizabeth but having died 1643 in Hartford and having widow Ann who married after Thomas Ford.
Some of the children are of similar names with different spouses except for Thomas Scott b. c.1628 d.1657, who married Margaret Hubbard

12/12/2015 at 1:53 PM

Carole are you thinking there was "both" a Thomas Scott of HARTFORD (married anna) & a Thomas Scott of IPSWICH? Because i am. I wonder if Savage muddled them up.

Ipswich is the bigger family (Thomas Scott & Elizabeth Strutt). I'm going to de tag him from the Hartford reference.

12/12/2015 at 2:02 PM
12/12/2015 at 2:09 PM

Here is Thomas Scott, of Hartford

Let's not re invent wheels:) Going on a merge party.

12/12/2015 at 2:21 PM

here is the 3rd Scott arriver to the Colonies, parents unknown (NOT either of the Thomas Scott's)

Edmund Scott, of Waterbury

12/12/2015 at 2:38 PM

Yes, definitely 2 Thomas Scott's coming from England living in the same area after arriving but one removing to Ipswich, Massachusetts (wife Elizabeth) and the other to Hartford, Connecticut (wife Ann).

Thanks for showing me Pg. 269

I've copied the page 270 from the image, I will copy Pg.269 to complete the family.

You beat me to the merges!

12/12/2015 at 3:23 PM

This is th family of Thomas Scott of Hartford, wife Ann, who married Thomas Ford 2nd

i. Elizabeth, b. about 1625; m. Feb. 6, 1648, Dea. John Loomis, of Windsor; d. May 7, 1696.
ii. Thomas, d. 1657.
iv. Mary, m. Nov. 7, 1644, Robert Porter, of Farmington.
v. Sarah, m. Dec. 15, 1645, John Stanley (q. v.), of Farmington; d. June 26, 1661.

12/12/2015 at 3:23 PM

This list of Rattlesden baptisms only includes Thomas Scoote, Urslaye Scoote, and Roger Skotte as children of Henry and Martha. I don't know if it is definitely a complete list.


These three are also in Familysearch:

Thomas https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NGNN-4QT

Ursula https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NYLJ-RXF

Roger https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NGNN-FQD

I'll see if I can't find any more records.

12/12/2015 at 3:29 PM

Here's the Elizabeth Scott confusion

From http://minerdescent.com/2010/06/29/hugh-chaplin/

Elizabeth Scott was born in 18 Nov 1623 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England.  Her parents may have been Thomas SCOTT and Elizabeth STRUTT. After Hugh died, she married our ancestor Nickolas JACKSON in 1656. Elizabeth died on 12 Jun 1694 in Rowley, Mass at the age of 89.

Some sources say Elizabeth Scott married in Rowley, MA in 1647, John Spofford, from an ancient Yorkshire family (pre-dating 106, according to the records). John Spofford was the son of another John Spofford, who, in 1662, lost his ministery in Silkston, Yorkshire for “non-conformity.” He was, of course, a Puritan. A daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford, Sarah Spofford, born 22 Mar 1661-2, married Richard Kimball(3). The passengers on the Elizabeth were very much an inter-related group; it also included Munnings, undoubtedly related to Richard Kimball.


Snide aside: she didn't have time to marry 3 times. Someone's not reconciling dates & locations. But I suppose we'll have to research (sigh)

12/12/2015 at 3:42 PM

I see no evidence for a) two "Elizabeth" wives of Hugh Chaplin, of Rowley b) that he married Elizabeth Scott in 1642 when she married John Spofford in 1647 ...

Someone look at Torrey and tell me different ?

12/12/2015 at 3:49 PM

Private User I wonder if you'd put your mind to the "two Elizabeth Chaplin" problem ?

12/12/2015 at 4:15 PM

As we may see Savage & The memorial history of Hartford County, Connecticut were not the only to confuse the Scott's, I'm sure there are others.

I haven't seen any Capt. William Scott listed in any references either.

Changed Abigail Bosworth & Elizabeth Spofford & Hannah Lockwood & Sarah Stanley
daus. of Henry Scott to daus. of Thomas Scott, of Rattlesden & Ipswich

12/12/2015 at 4:48 PM

The known Chaplin of Rowley tops at Jeremiah Chaplin yet the good folk at FamilySearch.org have managed to find him parents:

William Chaplin & Elizabeth Chaplin

What say you?

I say it's odd to see someone born in the heart of Puritan Yorkshire (Gov William Bradford of the Mayflower's home town) yet with parents married in Ottery St. Mary in DEVON?

12/12/2015 at 5:20 PM

Martha Whatlock Scott had a sister named Dorothy--her placement in this installment of the Kimball Family News, from 1913, may have led people to put her into the Scott family instead of the Whatlock family:


12/12/2015 at 5:29 PM

Regarding alleged son Henry Scott and wife Susan Spencer of Anderby:

A Henry Scott did marry a Susan Spenser in Anderby, Lincolnshire in 1619. So these folks are real. I'll see if I can figure out if they have a place in the Geni tree.


12/12/2015 at 5:45 PM

Capt. William Scott was time traveling. Based on the manager he belongs as the Rev War soldier I've merged him into.

12/12/2015 at 6:50 PM

I'm confused about something. The passenger list of the Elizabeth in 1634 has:

(On 30 April 1634, “Thomas Skott,” aged 40, “Elizabeth his wife,” aged 40, “Martha Scott,” aged 60, “Elizabeth Scott,” aged 9, “Abigail Scott,” aged 7, and “Thomas Scott,” aged 6, were enrolled at Ipswich as passengers for New England on the Elizabeth).

Surely Martha Scott aged 60 (actually 66) was Thomas Scott's mother Martha Whatlock, but the profile has her dead in 1611?

Martha Scott

And notes in the profile have

Henry Scott grew up in Rattlesden, a yeoman farmer. After his death, his family continued to reside there until 1634 when they emigrated to America. His widow, Martha, aged about sixty (really fifty-six), his son Thomas and his family, .... sailed in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, 30 Apr. 1634.

Can we clean this up & somehow get rid of the "died 1611" ?

What's her real death date & location?

12/12/2015 at 7:07 PM

No record of her death--many sites including this one (link below) say "before 1653."

We could also say after November 1634, Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts:

Ipswich. - A Note of the names and ages of all the Passenger which tooke shipping n the Elizabeth of Ipswich Mr Willia Andrews bound for new Eng Land the last of Aprill, 1634.
aged yeeres
Thomas Skott 40
Elizabeth, his wife 40
Henery Kemball, 44
Susan, his wife 35
Richard Kemball 39
Ursula, his wife . . .
Martha Scott 60
These p?sons aboue named tooke the Oath of Allegeance and Supremacy, at his Ma?ts Custome house in Ipswich before vs his Ma?ties Officers according to the order of the Lords and other of his Ma?ts most Honoble Priuy Councell:
This xij of Nouember 1634.
Ipwsich Custome House Tho Clere, Scr.
Phil Browne Edw: Man
p?r Custor. Compt.? "


I am not 100% certain of why folks say "before 1653," but it might be because her son Thomas Scott had a will dated March 1653 that did not mention his mother:


12/12/2015 at 7:40 PM

Next date discrepancy.

From Margaret Rogers notes

iii. THOMAS, bapt in Rattlesden June 15, 1628; m. Margaret Hubbard, sister of Rev. William Hubbard of Ipswich, author of History of New England and a Narrative of Troubles with the Indians. He died in Ipswich Sept. 6, 1657. His widow Margaret m. secondly Ezekiel Rogers, son of Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley, and died, his widow, in Boston in 1678.


But if I read this page correctly

She was living in 1683 as the widow of Ezekiel Rogers.

On the other hand, her sister in law was widow of Ezekiel Rogers in 1683

Ezekiel Rogers

"This Elizabeth Scott (mother of Mrs. John Spofford) subsequently married the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers (probably not the one who settled in Rowley, but a relative). She survived said Rogers, and was his widow in 1683."


I think we had thought a while back that this Margaret was "not" the sister of Rev William Hubbard of Ipswich, but that should be revisited. Certainly this Rev Ezekiel (also seen dying in 1675) was "not" the son of Ezekiel Rogers, founder of Rowley

12/12/2015 at 7:59 PM

I've created the immigration event for the family group here


Cleaning up the extra christenings for everyone will be a pain. But I'll try.

12/12/2015 at 8:12 PM

OK the parents of Martha Hubbard look correct but she's missing children & I'm still unclear about her death date:


vii MARGARET HUBBARD, b. say 1636; m. (1) by about 1656 Thomas
Scott (he d. in 1657 leaving two children and a third who was born
posthumously on 24 March 1657[/8] [Phoebe Tilton Anc 119-20; EPR
1:258-59]); m. (2) by about 1661 Ezekiel Rogers (eldest known child b. about 1661 [EQC 6:345; NEHGR 5:316-17]). (In her will of 22 June 1678, Margaret Rogers, widow, referred to the estate of "my son Tho[mas] Scott to which I am executrix " [EQC 9:227-28]. On 15 April 1684, in a dispute over the estate of Thomas Scott, son of Thomas and Margaret (Hubbard) Scott, "William Hubbard and Mary Hubbard testified . that they saw the will and Thomas had left everything to his mother, who was at the time the widow of deponent's brother Ezekiel Rogers" [EQC 9:224].)


Also once again Miner Descent bulloxed up this family

12/12/2015 at 8:16 PM


Hyde Genealogy: Or, The Descendants,in the Female as Well as in the Male ...By Reuben Hyde Walworth. Page 36

Ezekiel Rogers had six children with Margaret Hubbard.

12/12/2015 at 8:42 PM

If Margaret (Hubbard) Scott later Rogers was the widow of Ezekiel when her son Thomas Scott lll made his will, then "this" Ezekiel Scott was dead by 1678.

Perhaps Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford later Rogers was in 1683 widow of a different Ezekiel Rogers.

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