Is there a "Landnámabok" project?

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Thursday, December 10, 2015
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12/10/2015 at 5:37 AM

Methinks there should be a separate project specifically for people mentioned in "Landnámabok".
If there isn't one, should we create one?

4/28/2016 at 5:16 PM

I think it would be a good idea.
I did a small project the other week focused on one specific "chapter" and actually now that i think about it i am not even sure that i did the whole chapter.

I was thinking this morning that Iceland in general is poorly represented on Geni, my understanding is that it is genealogically speaking one of the most well researched countries in the world and same for DNA testing. If DNA results were ever made a feature of Geni tree it would seem that Icelandic population would be an important part of Geni to have well represented.

The current Iceland project is more embarrassing than no project at all :)

What I am curious about is what other trees there might be online, if Iceland IS so well researched do we really have to reinvent the wheel translating Landnamabok or can we do a bulk import using Smartcopy or similar?

Also is there any way to get an idea of how complete the "Icelandic Tree" is, are the profiles present and just in need of polishing or are there gaps?

4/28/2016 at 10:51 PM

All Icelanders are covered by their official database "Islendingabok" ( Unfortunately that's available to Icelanders only, so no smartcopy :-(

I have merged many copies of Icelanders' trees - there are hundreds of Icelanders who have entered significant amounts of stuff on Geni, I think - but most of the accounts are abandoned, and none of the active ones I've asked has shown interest in becoming a curator. (I've asked a couple.)

No idea how to get a completeness story - probes like your Landnamabok chapter seem like they could give some idea... how many of the profiles did you find?

4/28/2016 at 10:54 PM

(Auðun Bjarnason Skökull has 50 managers .. that's one hint?)

4/28/2016 at 11:20 PM

The project has 34 profiles, i'm pretty certain i attached a profile for every person mentioned in the section of text that the project covered, except for Bishop Thorlak who was not a family member.

If i recall correctly all the profiles were on Geni already although a few were not in the correct position. If such a small sample is indicative of the entire Tree then i suppose we have 100% coverage! Which is good but the sourcing (by which i include just copy & paste into the About) is near non-existant

5/3/2016 at 3:49 PM

I am thinking that perhaps one project for the entire Landnamabok might get a bit big and cumbersome, I have started a portal/umbrella project:

Current idea then being to have a sub-project for each kafli, I'll either need to expand the existing project for kafli 55 to include the rest of the people mentioned or else make a second project to capture other families.

Started at the beginning of the bok with Floki as the first person to really have much of a family described, he will need to go in the kafli 1 sub-project (which doesnt yet exist) but for now is in the kafli 65 project which i have started on:

There are 102 kafli in the version of the bok that i am referencing so i am considering splitting them up even further, I think Palsson divides the bok into Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western settlements so perhaps rather than linking all 102 kafli to the "portal" the portal could instead have 4 sub-portals N,S,E,W with the kaflis then connected to those. I think it is safe to leave this decision to a later day.

5/3/2016 at 7:50 PM

I think keeping it simple would be best - if we end up with 102 sub-projects, having one umbrella listing the 102 kafli should be enough structure.

Was it accidental that the Google Books link to the English translation ended up in Finnish? Confused me a bit.

5/3/2016 at 8:45 PM

I don't know how that happened, I've just been putting up with it as it doesn't affect the text.

Do you know of any un-redacted versions online? I much prefer Palsson to the northvegr version but Google books blanks out big chunks of his work.
Also northvegr is spread across multiple web pages so limits ability to search using control-F which google books and the heimskringla and snerpa sites allow.

5/3/2016 at 8:59 PM

Nope - given that Palsson is fairly new, it's within copyright, which means that it can only be published in its entirety if the publisher agrees to it - most won't.
It's not even a Kindle edition on Amazon - which would at least have provided a search function. Gaaah!

5/3/2016 at 9:02 PM

I up dated the link to go to English version of Google Books.

I assume that the ENglish version and Finnish versions have the same pages blanked out... surely?

5/4/2016 at 12:56 AM

I think the degree of redaction depends on which country you're in - different laws and diferent deals in different countries :-( - but should not depend on the UI language, no.

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