Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom - Relation type !

Started by Prof. Dr. Engr. Shaun José Rodrigues on Sunday, November 8, 2015
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Showing 31-53 of 53 posts

Queen Elizabeth 11 of the United kingdom is my 15th Cousin. It is True
You cant choose your family.

I meant she wouldn't have chosen me as family

Hi all my cousins! Queen Elizabeth is my 12th cousin thrice removed! I wonder is she going to invite us all to her place for a cook out?

I was hoping for tea...

Queen Elizabeth II is my 12th cousin five x removed

@!Queen Elisabeth II is my 17 th cousin twice removed"

Queen Elizabeth II has so many cousins, it makes me think of Winnie the Pooh's friend, Rabbit, and all his relations. (It seems if we go back 13 or more generations, we can be related to almost everyone.)

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother is my great aunt's fourth great aunt's husband's son's wife's first cousin thrice removed

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is my great aunt's fourth great uncle's wife's third great niece's husband's niece.

Just a short story about the queen During the second world war my uncle was on guard duty at Buckingham palace. One cold morning the king wake up a bit earlier as usual and start patrolling the palace grounds . He found my uncle rubbing and shaking his hands for the cold. Moring , Young man , a nice morning he greets my uncle. Yes Your Majesty a cup of coffee will be the right thing to drive this cold away.
At that the king look up to palace and call ,,,, Lizbeth,!!!!!!! Lizbeth,!!!!!!!!! Pump the primus and made this young man a cup of coffee..

my 26th great grandfather was king henry the 1st of france .my queen is my cousin

She is my 15th cousin five times removed

She is my 15th cousin once removed

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is my 13th cousin thrice removed.

Such a trip! So, does this mean we can all join a special club or something? lol

Martin Andreas Karl (Dries) Potgieter I am also your 15th cousin (3 removed) :)

Queen Elizabeth is my 12th cousin four times removed. Hello cousins

hello cousins she is my 11th cousin once removed

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother is my 14th cousin

Queen Elizabeth II is my 28th cousin 3x removed on my dad side, my mom side her dad related by marriage. Elizabeth II 32nd great grandfather "Rollo" is my 4th great grandfather of husband of 30th great aunt.

11th cousin twice removed from mother’s line

16th cousin from dads line

10th cousin, 2xs removed. RIP

Showing 31-53 of 53 posts

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