Henry Boone - Is Henry Boone the son of George W. Boone & Ann Linville?

Started by Dan Cornett on Thursday, November 5, 2015
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While the ages of parents (54 & 49) at the birth of Henry may be cause for suspicion, it is the birth location which gives me greater cause for suspicion.

Three of the noted children of George (Henry Boone) and Ann (Ann "Nancy" Boone) show birth locations 'out of line' with the other children's birth location. Henry (Pennsylvania), Nestor (NC, after the family had moved to KY), and Susannah (also PA). I can sort of understand Susannah, as that may have been a 'temporary' stop along the way from NC to KY.

(reference links: Susannah Suzie Hamm, Nestor (Nestor ??) Boone, Henry Boone )

Oops, wrong link after George above! Should be George Boone, Sr.

Hi, Dan Cornett. Good question. I'm not too familiar with this branch of the family. Could their birthplaces have been written down erroneously, or do you think they are outliers that belong in a different Boone family?

I wonder if Faustine Faustine Darsey on partial hiatus may be able to help provide insight? (Hi, Faustine! Congrats on becoming a curator!)

Hello Pam Wilson (on hiatus) and Dan Cornett. Thanks Pam, It has been a long time since I worked on the Boone merges!

I have the Boone book by Spraker and I have studied it for a few minutes. The children of George W Boone are listed and Nestor was the youngest son. There was not a son named Henry. I looked in the book for Henry married to a Rice and did not find anything. I also looked in the DAR database which shows no son named Henry belonging to George W. Boone. Nestor is not listed either, but Edward Boone is listed as the 2nd youngest son. He is listed as being born in NC about 1783. I also looked for Henry Boone m: Rice in the DAR database and found nothing. I agree with you that Henry is not the son of George W. Boone. I do not know who his parents are. I hope I have made sense and hope this helps.

So, I am cutting Henry off (with a curator note of 'not son of ...')

regarding the other children's birth locations: if you look at the timeline of George W (or Ann Linville), it seems to indicate they moved around (or at least traveled while Ann was nearing delivery!), particularly if Edward was also born in NC instead of KY ... or it might be simply mis-information (assumptions or bad auto-lookup location choice).

Dan Cornett

Thank you!

Currently, Henry is shown as a child of Benjamin Maugridge Boone, II and Eve Boone ... but some messages have been calling that into question based on DNA testing (there have not been any DNA results propagated to Heny's profile at this time).

Please look at the timelines for Benjamin-1741 & Eve, and let's decide if 'unknown' parents need to be created for Henry Boone's profile -- and if any of the other children do or do not belongs to Benjamin & Eve (such as Sibella Webb or Nellie Boone).

Per Y-DNA of a male desc. of Henry Boone - I've sent previous messages - Henry Boone is not related to any Boone or Boone and/or other variant spellings that have been tested. I have researched Henry Boone since 1995. At that time there were very few researchers actively engaged in researching Henry Boone and his descendents. The old genforum.com and/or rootsweb mailing lists will verify that. About 1998 Dave Brueggemann found me via genforum.com inquiry I'd made. Dave's mother is a desc. of William Henry Boone, son of Henry Boone. Dave told me that if I'd help him track desc. of William Henry Boone, his mom's brother was willing to submit DNA for testing. My line (Joseph R. Boone, son of Henry Boone) has no eligible male desc. for y-dna testing so I was happy to track desc. of William Henry Boone. I have a fairly large datebase which includes a goodly number of obituaries and other newspaper items on William Henry Boone's desc. I discovred that there were not that many eligible male desc. in his line. I attepted to convince several to submit DNA but at the time there was a news-media related fear of identity theft related to DNA companies sharing DNA samples. Bottom line, none of our efforts were successful in finding a second DNA donor. Results of Dave's uncle's DNA suggest that Henry probably was of Germanic ancestry and that his ancestor's surname may have been something like Bohn. For results go to the undertermined lines which can be found at

http://boone-dna.com/Undetermined%20Lines.htm#Undetermined Lines and look at

#187174 has his ancestry researched back to Henry Boone (1796 PA - 1884 IL) and his wife Maria Barbara Rice, through their son William Henry Boone (1827 PA - 1884 IL) and his wife.

I'm willing to explore any and all possibilities and/or exchange and compare research information with anyone researching Henry Boone, but it is unlikely we'll ever find him. It would be helpful if someone related to an eligible male Y-DNA donor could persuade them to submit a DNA sample using FTDNA. I can share the names of those I have identified via my research. There's one branch of Henry's desc. in North and South Dakota that has with several eligible males. Ruth Hasten Walsh - email at delins1@verizon.net

Thank you for providing those details in this discussion, Ruth.

I am confused. You want records to prove Henry is NOT son of Benjamin when there are no records to prove he was. Someone, I do not know who, made an incorrect assumption and published it. It was copied and/or linked on-to so now we have to disprove the assumption. That’s not how genealogy is supposed to be presented. One should have definitive proof of a relationship before publishing it. There's a perfect example found right here among Henry Boone’s descendants. Back in the 1980’s and 1990’s an LDS researcher (one of my cousins) anxious to find Joe Boone’s father and add another generation to her “sealed” tree in the church attached Joseph R. Boone of Fannin Co., TX to Mordecai Boone. Those “sealed” records started popping up the on-line family trees on the internet and before long it there were multiple family trees with Joseph R. Boone listed as son of Mordecai Boone. That same person subitted the data to the compiler of an extensive Boone book and it was published as factual in the book. (DAR owns a copy, as do I). So now here we are, Henry Boone’s descendants, confronted with same problem again – another 20 years of false genealogies because someone (I do not know who and at this point it is not important) decided without proof to link on-line Henry Boone to Benjamin Boone. Now there are many (more than I can count) on-line trees showing Henry to be son of Benjamin. That’s really disheartening. There are now 2 false genealogies being published this particular Boone tree. Actually, attaching Joseph R. Boone to Mordecai makes more sense to me than linking Henry to Benjamin.

So a WORD OF CAUTION unless you have definitive proof, not an assumption, please do not attach (on-line) a parent to an individual you are researching. Your mistaken assumption will out-live you, making someone else’s family tree a nightmare when trying to dispel your false assumption. None of us have a perfect tree, but at least make certain your data is well-researched before publishing it on-line for others to copy.

In the 1990’s I took many genealogy courses. Each of those instructions (all highly regarded professional genealogist) EMPHATICALLY TOLD his/her students that if definitive proof of a relationship did not exist then then the relationship should be listed as probable son/dau of XYZ so that others will know there are still questions about the relationship.


Since Geni is a collaborative, shared "world family tree" there are going to be issues such as this to resolve. DNA tests are great tools to disprove conjectures, and we *do* have the tools (such as what I just put in place) to help maintain 'known correct' information and to help prevent the propagation of erroneous connections (at least, as shown on Geni).

Do you have information about the children of of Benjamin Maugridge Boone, II and Eve Boone (Leffel) ? As I noted above (msg https://www.geni.com/discussions/151000?msg=1131235), the dates lead me to wonder about Sibella Webb (Boone) and Nellie Boone)

I KNOW very little about Benjamin. I am not one of his descenants so never put forth much effort researching him. In the 1990's some consideration was given to him as potential father of Henry but was discounted when ages did not marry up. Then when the Boone Project DNA revealed Henry was not related to any known Boone family in the US there certainly was no reason for me to research Benjamin.

As evidenced in the 1977 published book, "Fannin County (TX) Folks and Facts", Joe Boone's descendants never suspected that Joe's father was Henry Boone until the late 1990's. The same woman who contributed the family history pages from Joe's Bible to the Oklahoma Historical Society was the same woman who wrote the article for "Folks and Facts". Wanting to believe family lore of kinship to Daniel Boone, she didn't twice at their names. Until the Oklahoma Historical Society's published the page about the Joseph R. Boone Bible, most of did not knew it existed. At the time Charlie Green's grandmother, not recognizing its significant, never felt a need to share it. Following OHS's publication, I submitted an inquiry about Henry at genforum.com and on the rootsweb Boone mailing lists. Dave Bruggermann saw my inquiry and contacted me. Whalla!! Henry's will proved that Joseph R. Boone, Fannin Co., TX as his son. All in all it took efforts of Charlie Green, Joan Hill, Dave Bruggermann and me to prove it. If we had not been working together, combining our research effots via email, and if on-line research had not been in its infancy stages, it would have taken much longer. The same can be said about our combined research efforts for the Boone DNA project. Dave's uncle got excited about contributing DNA once Dave told him we promised to fully research (with the records available to us at the time) William Henry Boone's line. Many have copied our work and posted it on line but they are not the ones who paid for all those obituaries, deeds, wills, and other documents. They just copied a gedcom and added some post 2004 data on some of their more immediate family members and/or posted a picture of a tombstone. In the Blanton and Hall family lines, all descendants of Joe Boone, Charlie Blanton, Don Brister, Dorothy Gunn Latimer, Kathryn Spicer Earley and one or two others contributed invaluable help and should be acknowledged. Those named are primarily responsible for all the trees that are so freely shared today on the internet, without acknowledgement to the effort, time and money expended by each. Interestingly, cited as a source document, but without acknowledging the author, many of the old emails, postings and obits, we exchanged back then frequently show up on trees found on ancestry.

Ruth...Define an eligible male please and what the DNA results would prove? I am a decendant of Henry Boone and his son William Henry Boone and can prove it. I would possibly do a dna test if results could give you some conclusions !!! You may email me at jim@akronpc.net

I too very much wish this mystery could be solved :)

Hi, Michael Dean:

Unfortunately, your Y-DNA can't help with this particular Boone lineage, as your connection goes through (as currently shown on Geni) a couple of female generations to get to the Boones. An autosomal DNA test may be able to help, and could always help confirm -- or call into question! -- other branches. Having both autosomal & Y-DNA can always be useful ... even if not about this particular question.

Dan... I have finally submitted a DNA sample to genealogy.com and should get results soon. I understand it needs to be an all male line. BTW, I was adopted as Jim Evans (and lost the Crockett name). I still claim it as my birthright and have found my entire Crockett family and bio mom's family also. They have all confirmed my identity and have accepted me as family. We also just found my deceased brother Phil Crockett's daughter via DNA, so for fun I finally broke down and submitted mine to find out if I have any more brothers or sisters out there. I was highly against submitting DNA until my daughter did and we found a Crockett niece. (I know this has nothing to do with this Boone discussion, but it is still interesting !)

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