François Dubois - Needing Corrections?

Started by Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator on Friday, October 23, 2015
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I have been contacted by Private User about corrections for François Dubois dit Lafrance, I and his parents Claude Fayel & François Dubois

It seems there is a lot of confussion.

Here is information listed for the son François Dubois dit Lafrance, I
DUBOIS / LAFRANCE, François 241340
Statut Marié
Date de naissance 23-02-1650
Date de baptême 23-02-1650
Lieu d'origine St-Pôtan (St-Pôtan) (Côtes-d'Armor) 22323
Parents Jean Bouan et Claude Fayel
Métier du père Écuyer, sieur Du Bosc ou Dubois
Première mention au pays 1665
Occupation à l'arrivée Soldat au régiment Carignan-Salières, cie de Maximy
Date de mariage 19-10-1671
Lieu du mariage Québec (Notre-Dame)
Conjoint Anne Guillaume
Décès ou inhumation St-Nicolas, 09-07-1712
Remarques François Dubois (Jan Bouan, sieur Du Bosc et Claude Fayel), est fils naturel. En 1671, ses parents sont nommés François Dubois et Claude Fayenne. Actes relatifs : Le 13-02-1635 à St-Pôtan, mariage entre Jan Bouan, écuyer, sieur Du Bosc et Gillette Mouessan, dont cinq enfants sont nés et baptisés à St-Pôtan : Sébastien, 16-08-1638 ; Françoise, 11-03-1640 ; Élisabeth, 05-12-1641 ; Allain, 31-01-1636 et René, 29-07-1637. À noter que le nom composé, Bouan du Chef du Bos, désigne la famille Bouan vivant en haut du bois (chef du bos) ; et Jan Bouan en fait partie selon les actes en France.
Identification DGFQ, p. 367
Chercheur(s) Denis Beauregard ; Lise Dandonneau
Référence Fonds Archange-Godbout, SGCF
Copie d'acte AD-22 numérisé
Date de modification 2014-11-02

Please note that place of marriage for François Dubois dit Lafrance, I & Anne Guillaume, Québec (Notre-Dame) would be in France, not Canada, also his place of burial is St-Nicolas would be in France.

Private User
François Dubois...
1- Parents of François Dubois dit LaFrance were
Jean dit François Bouan, Sieur Du Bosc (Bois) and Claude Fayel (Fayenne). His parents were not married.
2- Jean dit François Bouan, Sieur Du Bosc (Bois) was NOT married to Jeanne DeSalignac.
He was married to Gillette Mouessan.
3- This man did not immigrate to Québec. His son did.
4- His parents are not known.
1- The name of his parents are correct but this François Dubois is a different one from the Sieur du Bosc (Bois). He was not a soldier but a taillandier and a domestic, working for the Ursulines (nuns). Born in 1635 in Saint-Sixte de Turgeon, Confolens, Angoulême. François Dubois dit Lafrance was born in Bretagne, France.. not in the same area.
It is suspect that the dit Lafrance applied to his name in Tanguay is wrong.

It was not unusual for illegitimate children to use their father's name or, in his case, Du Bosc (DuBois). The father obviously acknowledged him.

Since he was in the military, he had a "nom de guerre'. Guerre means war. Those names were like "dog tag numbers" soldiers have today. And those "nom de querre" were inherited by the children of the soldiers.
So, in this François's case, adding 'dit LaFrance' is correct. But his father would not have carried the 'dit LaFrance' name.

His father was Jean Buan, Sieur du Bosc as per the records of Le régiment de Carignan-Salières. However, on his marriage record, his father's name is listed as François DuBois. Mother's last name is spelt Fayel or Fayenne.

His father was married to Gillette Mouessan and they had legitimate offspring.

((Please note that place of marriage for François Dubois dit Lafrance, I & Anne Guillaume, Québec (Notre-Dame) would be in France, not Canada, also his place of burial is St-Nicolas would be in France.))

canada yet not existed politicaly but reffeer to a small village in indian words

i think you confuse france and nouvelle-france

also if you show me where on a map St-Nicolas de levis is in france i will work harder.but .its in front of Quebec

...the marriage is
19 octobre 1671
Notre-Dame, Québec, Québec

( )


Thank you Martin RhNegativ & Private User for correcting me about my confusion of Québec & Notre-Dame

Jeanne DeSalignac is currently connected as wife of François Dubois who is father of natural/illeg. son François Dubois dit Lafrance, I by Claude Fayel

Erica Howton
Jeanne DeSalignac seems to be a duplicate for the above Jeanne DeSalignac

François Dubois has parent conflicts, could it be a miss-merge ? Did the same François Dubois have connections with Claude Fayenne resulting in son François Dubois dit Lafrance, I & with wife Jeanne DeSalignac resulting in son Jean Dubois dit Lafrance?

They seem to be two different men.

I do not read French and have very little knowledge of France & Quebec, Canada. I'm afraid I will not be much help.

There is for purchase a book but no preview available listed online
*'''Biographie de François Dubois dit Lafrance, c.1651-1712, et de Anne Guillaume, c.1651-1716, et histoire d'une lignée J. Faucher-Asselin

1- Parents of François Dubois dit LaFrance were
Jean dit François Bouan, Sieur Du Bosc (Bois) and Claude Fayel (Fayenne). His parents were not married.

married 1641 in St-Potan, Dinan, Bretagne, France

I've finished the merges - the data conflicts are terrible, locations all over the place.

Who are the parents ofçois-Dubois/6000000004851597749?thro...

Does this reference from above
Remarques François Dubois (Jan Bouan, sieur Du Bosc et Claude Fayel), est fils naturel. En 1671, ses parents sont nommés François Dubois et Claude Fayenne. Actes relatifs : Le 13-02-1635 à St-Pôtan, mariage entre Jan Bouan, écuyer, sieur Du Bosc et Gillette Mouessan, dont cinq enfants sont nés et baptisés à St-Pôtan : Sébastien, 16-08-1638 ; Françoise, 11-03-1640 ; Élisabeth, 05-12-1641 ; Allain, 31-01-1636 et René, 29-07-1637. À noter que le nom composé, Bouan du Chef du Bos, désigne la famille Bouan vivant en haut du bois (chef du bos) ; et Jan Bouan en fait partie selon les actes en France.

say that François Dubois dit Lafrance, I 's father Jan Bouan, sieur Du Bosc was married to Gillette Mouessan and had children before François Dubois dit LaFrance ?

Yet there is no connected wife Gillette Mouessan but a wife Jeanne DeSalignac.

Did François Dubois marry Gillette Mouessan & Jeanne DeSalignac & have illeg. child with Claude Fayel (Fayenne) ?

there is no illegetimate childrens from those Noble Family line

some good detail and information are from the link i have pasted before and i will not translate them

but there a thing i will share ..some nobility title are from woman

and for the Lafrance he maybe came with regiment carignant its not mention he was a soldier

he is listed as a soldier in the Maximy Company.

There still is the issue of François Dubois having extra parents.

I think he was wrongly merged at some point, and there are two or possibly three different men mixed.

1. the husband of Jeanne DeSalignac & father of Jean Dubois dit Lafrance who married Anne Maillou
As to this reference.

2. the son of Jeanne du Bois (Tinion) & Private, they are listed from as parents of Jacques Dubois who married Catherine Vieillot Dubois (1642 - 1689). Jeanne & Jacques Dubois are born about the same time as the son François Dubois, so they would not be his parents.
Another error involving these parent seems to be with Jeanne du Bois (Tinion) in the Find-A-Grave reference she is listed as grandmother of Clément Dubois , Jeanne Dubois # 274 , Pierre Dubois & Francois (1668-1714) md Marie Guay.

This would be the profile for these children's father Jacques Dubois who is connected to duplicates of Jacques Dubois and Jeanne Tinon his parents with duplicates of the above children Clément Dubois; Pierre Dubois; Jeanne Dubois and François Dubois

3. Jean Bouan/Jan Bouan, sieur Du Bosc /François Dubois the husband of Gillette Mouessan, who had a natural son by Claude Fayel

you can disconect the wrong parents Madam Pomeroy
François Dubois

need work

I will disconnect the parents Jeanne du Bois (Tinion) & Private since they were born about the same time as François Dubois

I will also merge Jeanne du Bois (Tinion) & Private with the duplicates Jeanne du Bois (Tinion) & Jacques du Bois, Sr. also merge Clement DuBois , Jeanne DuBois , Pierre DuBois & Francois (1668-1714) md Marie Guay with their duplicates and select the parents listed in the reference.

This will leave the issues of are François Dubois dit Lafrance & Augustine Dubois dit Lafrance the correct parents for François Dubois & him being Husband of Jeanne DeSalignac & Partner of Claude Fayenne & his 2 children?

moessan=Moëssan thats in old french i trying to get somting

btw while on this dubois line

Isaac DuBois on geni 2 madeleine.. i think one is a bad merge

we need to put the (dit Lafrance in the dubois line family) it will help in the futur

There are four sets of parents listed in references for Chrétien Maximillien du Bois , which would be correct?

Chas. Maximillian des Fiennes, m. Henrietta de Reignier de Boisleau listed A Genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre Family: From Civil, Military ... edited by Samuel Gordon Smyth

Antoine Louis du Bois de Fienes, Greffier receveur de Coupigny & Anne Cousin listed

Marquis Jacques Louis de Bois & Madeleine Renée de Croix listed

Pierre, Seigneur de Fountaines-Moran, married Francoise Olivier de Leuville listed

Also which wife?

i read the overview ,,

to be acurate 100% i need to read in french i cant base shearch on enlish translation

Madam Pomeroy i hope you can help me found somthing it wil help us alot ..but i cant find it for now

its about

"Louis du Bois fils de feu Crestien de stil couturier dem(eurant) à Herlÿ par ceste vendu cede et t(ran)sporte audict Franchois du Bois ... touttes tel part droict et action quil poeut ... avoir des suscessions et hoiries à luy venu ... par les trepas dudict Crestien son père et de Franchoise le Poivre sa mere ..." (2E3/3572-110 (August 12, 1643)).

where i can find this in book or somthing? thats old french and can read it easy and correct it but before i wish to see the writing

btw its not still couturier its ( En style coutumier) probably

That looks to be from the reference
1. Monte Horton. ""The Memory of the Just Is Blessed": The Ancestry and Extended Family of Chrétien du Bois, bailli, lieutenant, greffier, et receveur de la Comté de Coupigny, notaire, homme de loi, laboureur et marchand; Resident of Wicres, then of Herlies." DuBois Family News (July 2012): 4–7, Part III: "Birthdates of Three Huguenot Children — A New Proposal"

I think you can view the PDF from the link on his Wikipedia page. I have no idea whether much of it is in french.

There is also a book available only for purchase (no previews)
The American descendants of Chrétien Du Bois of Wicres, France, Volumes 1-2 by William Heidgerd, Du Bois Family Association

Huguenot Genealogies: A Revised Selected Preliminary List 2001 By Arthur Louis Finnell
Pg.20 Lists these for
The American Descendants of Chretien Du Bois of Wicres, France Parts 1 to 20; by William Heidgerd; with Index; 1968- 1988
The European Ancestry of Chretien Du Bois of Wicres, France1597-1628; by Matthew Hilt Murphy; 1995; 130p.
Millar - duBois Family, Its History and Genealogy; by Eva M. Nourse; np; 1828;p.407
The Origin and Descent of am American Van Metre Family collected from Civil Church and Military and Family Records; compiled by Samuel Gordon Smyth; nd np.
Bi-Centenary Reunion of the Descendants of Louis and Jacques DuBois Emigrants to America 1660 and 1675 at New Paltz, New York, 1875; Compiled for the Family Connections, Philadelphia, PA; 1876
Willoiam, Van Meter DuBois and Wainscott: Pioneer Families of West Virginia and Kentucky; by Sue Street; np; nd
Documents and Genealogical Chart of the Family of Benjamin DuBois of Catskill, New York Being an Addition to the History of the Descendants of Louis and Jacques DuBois as given at the Bi-centenial Reunion held at New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY, 1875 Compiled by Anson DuBois and James G. DuBois; New Platz; 1876; 104 pages
The Van Meter, Du Bois, Shepherd and Hite Families of West Virginia; n.p.; nd
Genealogy, History and Biographical Records of the Families of Joseph Haneu & Sarah Decker; David MacFarlane & Janet Millar; Philip Henry Moore & Mary Ann Van Wagensen and Allied Families; Compiled by W. Flora Shepard; Capital City, Inc, Topeka, KS; 1971
Supplement I II and II to Du Bose Genealogy Descendants of Isaac Du Bose and wife Suzanne Couillandeau, French Huguenot Refugees who settled on the Santee River in South Carolina about the year 1689. Compiled by Dorothy K. MacDowell; Aikin, SC
DuBose Genealogy Descendants of Isaac Dubose and wife Auzanna Couillandeau; by Dorothy Kelly Mac Dowell; 1972, reprinted 1981; 533p (French Huguenot refugee who settled on the Santee River in South Carolina about 1689)
Dubose Genealogy Supplement 1; by Mrs. Dorothy Kelly Mac Dowell; Columbia, SC; 1972/75

I will try to find some readable text on the internet for these books. If I can will post the links in this discussion.

Here is a link to DuBois Family Association Website
What they have on Chretien DuBois (b.ca1590)

i cant find it nowhere from original text or book

Louis du Bois fils de feu Crestien de stil couturier dem(eurant) à Herlÿ par ceste vendu cede et t(ran)sporte audict Franchois du Bois ... touttes tel part droict et action quil poeut ... avoir des suscessions et hoiries à luy venu ... par les trepas dudict Crestien son père et de Franchoise le Poivre sa mere

i have read that those information was from oral transmiting

i need some time

thing i dont understand if Isaac is not the brother of louis why louis name a son isaac//// its maybe coincidence

its a hard family line to work

Charles de Bois II de Fiennes, seigneur de Bourse

need a confirmation
1582 at death47
Seigneur de La Cerfontaine et de Bauffremez

2ieme femme
Marie de Le VAL Parents = Philippe de Le VAL+

a painting that say all

we need more than a discution for all this dubois fienne.and others

François Dubois dit Lafrance, I
not born 23 février 1650 but batism

disconect jeanne de salignac its not the same family line here francois+anne guillaume

here anne mailloux

Matthew Blanchan

Matthew Blanchan
possible merge

the real name of this man is (more probable)

Matthieu, Blanchan

Bourgeois De Mannheim
and the family Blanchan is from De Neuville-au-cornet

for few day i shearch in french and found nothing, this morning i just read that all of this line is the work of gustave anjou

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