What is going on?

Started by Alex Moes on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
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Showing 181-187 of 187 posts

Actually, since this Caleb Baskett is in a straight male line from you, you might consider taking an Y-DNA test.

If you can find someone who's a straight male DNA descendant from the "printer Basketts" and get them to take an Y-DNA test too, and they match, you will have proof of a relationship. You won't know exactly where the lines connect, but you'll know that they do.

That could be interesting.

That's exactly wath I'm trying do get...about my mtDNA Haplogroup H-1c. But it's very difficult to find those "most distant ancestors" related to some profile in our Geni tree. Even when we have a "family-tree-almanak" with about 19.000 names "saved" in 1.100 Word-pages as I got until today.
Worse, it's very hard to do that even when we already found nothing less than 3.277 others tests results of different people who belong to our same DNA-Haplogroup. As I already did too. To give you an ideia, here you are the very last of those results with each HVR1 and HVR2 mutations(ID 49X4U is my own test-results user ID):

User ID Pedigree Haplogroup HVR1 Mutations HVR1 Mutational Difference HVR2 Mutations HVR2 Mutational Difference

27C7D H 239A,519C +1 Not Tested
293G9 H 167T,519C +1 Not Tested
293J2 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
2ACAX H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
2C99T H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
2CMVX H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2J5BJ H 167T,519C +1 Not Tested
2JSJV H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
2JXAB R1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
2GD8M Unknown 320T,519C +1 Not Tested
2GHU8 H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
2GUC5 U 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
2EMFE H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2EPAW H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
2EFDE H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
2DH63 H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
2DHB8 H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
2BUZE H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2DRXF H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
2MC86 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
2KNVU H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
2KT6U Unknown 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
2KFW7 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
2P8K3 H 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
2PS57 H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
2PT2E H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
2MGKX W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
2RJRP H1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
2QNN6 H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
2NB5X H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2TE54 Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
2UAU4 H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
2WJN4 H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
2XGFF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
2XKV3 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
2Z9GJ H 214T,519C +1 Not Tested
2ZT4B H1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
2YFA6 H 179T,519C +1 Not Tested
32QGP H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
2ZYCE H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
348MU H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
33A5H H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
36GEU U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
36RPC H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
37FWE H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
38EVX H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
386YT U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
3AWCG H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
3BT7E H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
3CED8 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
3CPQD H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
3CUSD H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
3D7BK H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
3E9QC Show H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
3FHZ8 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
3HMMN H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
3HQPJ H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
3J7PY H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
3JEED H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
3JBWH U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
3JCNR H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
3JRN6 W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
3JPZP U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
3K3DY H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
3NP45 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
3PHSQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
3QMT6 H 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
3QBMQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
3QNQG H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
3X84Y H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
3ZM4P H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
3ZEEZ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
3ZQAR H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
429A3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
435QG H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
43E64 H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
44XB5 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
45SYT H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
45WBK H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
483JV H3 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
499DD H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
4A283 H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
49K56 H* 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
4BV2T R1a 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
4BN4D H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
4CB4S H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
4E4KD H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
4F64M H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
4EKRQ H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
4G7TA H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
4GSSY V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
4H8VJ H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
4K982 H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
4KRDB H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
4MSFA H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
4MQG2 H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
4MMUJ H 519C,524G +1 Not Tested
4PFZJ H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
4PGWT H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
4NH23 H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
4U6NY U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
4V8QJ H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
4W247 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
4XTPK H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
4XJBE H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
4YVUM H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
4YKMX H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
4YMQJ H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
4ZMU7 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
52DC4 H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
54DJV H 318G,519C +1 Not Tested
53PAX Unknown 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
53JAM H 318T,519C +1 Not Tested
53D3F H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
55M8Y H 083T,519C +1 Not Tested
55E7Q H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
55EPZ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
54RGY H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
52889 H 318C,519C +1 Not Tested
56X48 H1 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
57SRW H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
57VZ2 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
58M76 H1 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
58MDJ H 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
58PVX H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
5B63V H 318G,519C +1 Not Tested
5D6PA H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
5G54N H* 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
5G6J9 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
5F655 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
5HC6D H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
5HC7B H 353T,519C +1 Not Tested
5HV5D H 428A,519C +1 Not Tested
5J3KF H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
5K8PT H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
5KZTT H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
5K2H2 H7 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
5P2XG H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
5QR2Y H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
5T5TR H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
5V73J V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
5VYTC U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
5WWDC HV* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
5WJRW H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
5WKAR H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
62TV7 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
62M99 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
62DF2 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
64P6P H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
5Z3T3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
5Y7KT H 093T,519C +1 Not Tested
5XNNV H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
66ZD8 Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
65VEJ H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
69E6Z H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
6ACD9 H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
68PWX H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6DBST V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
6CUQR H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
6CGZY H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
6BZZS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
6B2V6 H* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6BVUZ H2 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
6BWM6 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
6E7Z5 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6EERM H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
6DMW2 Show H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
6EZ5F H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
6F8M7 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
6FATN Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
6GUKQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
6GR3U H 186T,519C +1 Not Tested
6G8AY H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
6JMV2 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
6JD6J H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
6PK8A H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
6KEB9 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
6KS7G H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
6RGAG H 174T,519C +1 Not Tested
6QYXJ H 066G,519C +1 Not Tested
6QCKH H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
6QD67 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
6VECW H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
6UP5S H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
6VVZV HV* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6WGV5 H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
6Y2FY U 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6YNMD H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
6YRVF H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
6Z2FV H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
725SZ H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
726K3 H 257T,519C +1 Not Tested
6ZRJA H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
75VTD H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
75XQA H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
749J7 H1* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
72DAJ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
76E6D H1 270.1C,519C +1 Not Tested
789CB H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
786UF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
77QZ9 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
797JP H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
7BENR H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
7BSHP H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
7DF3Q H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
7E7Y8 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7H6BT H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
7GJC8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
7E42V H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
7FMXJ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
7FQ2A H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
7GDED H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
7HSQ8 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
7J7EM H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7HERR H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
7HFF3 H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
7HKSU Unknown 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7JXE9 U7 318T,519C +1 Not Tested
7K3C6 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
7KE9B U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
7MU9P H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
7MVAF H 167G,519C +1 Not Tested
7NJUT H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7N2YK H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
7PDPF H 485A,519C +1 Not Tested
7R3EY H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
7Q8X4 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
7Q5PK H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
7TGMV H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
7UESD H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7TNT5 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
7UUCV H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
7UYSG Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
7WAY5 H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
7W83Q H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
7X4YV H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
84KVV H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
83RYH H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
85CPP H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
858CT H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
84QU9 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
7ZJHQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
7ZZA9 H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
7YJ4P H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
7YNAE H3 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
86MU3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
872ZD H 519C,287T +1 Not Tested
86AV2 H 327T,519C +1 Not Tested
869RV H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
85XBB H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
85MY8 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
89KK6 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
89NYT H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
89QFT H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
89FWQ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
8B2WK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
8ANE8 H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
8C7UE H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
8CHPW Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
8D6MJ H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
8D7CS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
8DW5Z H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
8ERAQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
8FNKU H1 301T,519C +1 Not Tested
8H24W H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
8FWHE H 067T,519C +1 Not Tested
8J8PK H 320T,519C +1 Not Tested
8JYZZ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
8M86E H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
8MCFC H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
8KSD4 H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
8R4RB Show H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
8QF3E H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
8NCC2 H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
8NDSQ H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
8T4Z6 H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
8U8AN W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
8WQFQ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
8Z8M4 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9476N H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
93Q3N U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
92VCP H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
95DH3 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
968AW H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
9A4UZ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
98R6G H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
9AHDN Unknown 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9AZ8F H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
9CTTQ HV* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
9BRFG H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
9EEJT H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
9EG87 R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
9DK38 R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
9G9YF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9EUD2 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
9FMDV H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9KHRU H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
9M36N H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
9M5QK H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
9MGKT U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
9P9DZ H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
9PRAK H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
9SC66 H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
9T5HF H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
9QWBK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9VN9K H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
9VQQ2 H2a 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9TW8J H 257T,519C +1 Not Tested
9U3NK H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
9U5ES H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
9WZ57 Unknown 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
9X5XJ V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
9X9XU U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
9VYDK H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
9ZB2N H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
A2JCR H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
A299F H* 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
A2FX7 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
9ZWJM H 353T,519C +1 Not Tested
A46R5 H 180G,519C +1 Not Tested
A35GU H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
A53C2 H 316G,519C +1 Not Tested
A5X5H H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
A7AC3 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
A6KSX H 296T,519C +1 Not Tested
A6Q9V H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
A8NYW HV 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
A89HK H 288C,519C +1 Not Tested
AATHF R1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
A9ASD H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
A9WEN C1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
A9XYG H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
AAWX3 Unknown 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
AE3SQ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
AD79R H 274G,519C +1 Not Tested
ADAMH H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
AFVXV H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
AEEPV H 519C,311C +1 Not Tested
AEY9E H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
AF2BP H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
AF8NQ V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
AJB3F H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
AJDSS H 344T,519C +1 Not Tested
AHNEG H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
AMAJN H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
APX8W H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
APF52 Show H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
AQHKV H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
AUXRS H 259T,519C +1 Not Tested
AV9HE H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
AVQV2 H 289G,519C +1 Not Tested
ASWNC H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
AR6SV H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
AR72W V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
AR5HM H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
AX597 W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
AX3MQ H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
AYYWU H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
AZY6S H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
B3AN7 Unknown 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
B44JH H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
B56ZE H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
B7C6H H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
B76GU H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
B7NF8 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
B7ZDW H 086C,519C +1 Not Tested
BAQNV H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
BAGCE H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
BAH85 U 119G,519C +1 Not Tested
B97HX H1 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
BAUEP H3 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
BBEHV H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
BC34F H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
BD9TC H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
BDCAT H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
BDTHK H 216G,519C +1 Not Tested
BFS6U V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
BET7B H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
BFEHD U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
BH764 H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
BGQBA H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
BGWCF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
BHDZ6 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
BHERE H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
BJ3RW V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
BJ7VS H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
BKPJE U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
BMRZB H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
BP8G9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
BQX9E H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
BQXTP H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
BTCN4 H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
BS8TV H 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
BTR7U H 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
BUFA4 H 361A,519C +1 Not Tested
BUGC5 H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
BWDSS H 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
BWX33 H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
BXJ82 H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
C2Z7U H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
BZA9P U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
C4CWA H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
C7SNE H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
C72PQ U 344T,519C +1 Not Tested
C75HC H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
C7AG5 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
C9EMK H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
C9EWF H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
C9HJZ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
C6J86 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
CBWHP H 169T,519C +1 Not Tested
CBNB2 H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
CBEK7 Unknown 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
CB5WF H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CAERA U3 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
CEP6T H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
CF6VA H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
CECXX H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
CF8CP H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
CFACJ W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
CHUCG H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
CGW7Y H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
CGE3K V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
CFMB8 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CJRH3 R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
CKE62 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
CKYXA H1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
CMAUG H 227G,519C +1 Not Tested
CNZ6A H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
CQ37V K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
CT2BP H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
CRSNU H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CSQU7 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
CU2CW H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
CWX6A H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
CUYVH H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
CXMN7 H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
CXEY7 H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
CYNE9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CYAG6 H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
D3B9C H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
D3CZM H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
D3KM7 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
D3FXQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
D54UZ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
D5VMD H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
D5VQY U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
D67BX H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
D7HAY H 428A,519C +1 Not Tested
D6RBS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
D8B4Q H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
D8UWG U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
D95SW H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
DAR2K V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
DAYJR H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
D9HN6 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
D9NS4 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
DB4F4 H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
DBRHZ H 519C,513T +1 Not Tested
DF9DF H 485A,519C +1 Not Tested
DDEYE H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
DDPKK Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
DEA3W H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
DEC6V H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
DHXGR V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
DG85N V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
DGSY2 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
DGTXE H 318G,519C +1 Not Tested
DHKUX H 327T,519C +1 Not Tested
DHM3V V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
DGZD9 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
DHH3W H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
DNRTT U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
DNC5T H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
DMPT4 H 301T,519C +1 Not Tested
DMXMR H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
DN5F7 Unknown 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
DKK82 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
DKM74 H3 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
DPUXQ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
DR3YV H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
DR82Y H9 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
DQHSZ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
DQR6Z H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
DRJX9 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
DSF5N H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
DT455 H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
DVRPS H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
DVU2Z H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
DUZHH Unknown 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
DUV7R H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
DTTVF H 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
DWDNS R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
DX367 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
DXW5E H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
DXC5Z H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
DY7WF H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
E25SU H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
DZQNH H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
E4U6G H 176T,519C +1 Not Tested
E7BDN H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
E7BK2 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
EA4RB H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
EAR6R H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
E8543 H 216G,519C +1 Not Tested
E88HM H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
E983N H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
EBVUU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
EBU2S H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
EGVDJ Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
EGAVD H 309G,519C +1 Not Tested
EGE3S U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
EGEUU H 289G,519C +1 Not Tested
EFUXP H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
EE4HJ H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
EJ7QT H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
EJX6D H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
EK2HM Show H 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
EJ3NN H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
EHAM3 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
EHBHD H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
EKXZ8 H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
EMUZG H 497G,519C +1 Not Tested
EM4YZ H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
EMST3 H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
EMSYF H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
ENJYK H 297C,519C +1 Not Tested
ENRQ2 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
ENTC5 H 212G,519C +1 Not Tested
ERXJX H 140C,519C +1 Not Tested
ES3NB Show H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
EU7F2 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
EUD3X H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
EUMN6 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
EUQ3T H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
EYGJS H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
EYH3P H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
EXW39 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
EZR9V Unknown 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
F27EB H 215G,519C +1 Not Tested
F6E3H H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
F5VRD U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
F9SZT H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
F8SA6 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
F8ZJP H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
F9JH5 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
FCYZK H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
FCJPR H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
FC6TH H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
FBHUU H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
FFCPQ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
FFWUV H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
FG6J8 H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
FEMBE H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
FEND5 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
FDQ2A H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
FE6CZ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
FEJWC U7 318C,519C +1 Not Tested
FJ37A H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FMG2D H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
FKSQP V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
FH8UH H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
FGJZZ H 227G,519C +1 Not Tested
FGMVX H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
FHGC3 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FNKNK Unknown 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
FNRRK H 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
FQ885 Show H 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
FN7SB V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
FMRUT H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
FMSR5 Unknown 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
FQWK8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
FQYBG H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
FSF5W H 124C,519C +1 Not Tested
FSM8U H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
FSVQF H 176T,519C +1 Not Tested
FVT8M H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FVTDM H 170C,519C +1 Not Tested
FVUCS H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
FVYFQ H1* 186T,519C +1 Not Tested
FWCYW H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
FUMTC HV* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
FUBCJ H 214T,519C +1 Not Tested
FU5HG H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FYNDF H 176T,519C +1 Not Tested
FYCMX H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FXHPG H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
FY66E H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
FYSK5 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
FZ7ME R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
G3GNT Unknown 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
G3W2C H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
G2QGU H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
G2RAJ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
G2UQ3 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
G2VDF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
FZVRX H 465T,519C +1 Not Tested
G5GV6 Unknown 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
G4CNZ H1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
G53DU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
G4BRP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
G4MVU H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
G3ZPR Unknown 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
G8EPH R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
G8FFP H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
G8KMF H 327A,519C +1 Not Tested
GAJ2E H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
GACCB U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
GADXG HV1 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
GBMQ8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
G9E2Q H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
G999C H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
GCR62 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
GCJCS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
GDV7J H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
GDKM3 H 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
GEJRA H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
GE8XP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
GJ4P6 H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
GHQTG H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
GHU69 H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
GHNMR V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
GGYP5 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
GGZDF H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
GPRNU H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
GQHD7 H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
GRAHJ H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
GRDVX H 288C,519C +1 Not Tested
GMNSC U5 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
GN5TH H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
GM354 H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
GTZ53 H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
GSP3B K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
GUR6M U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
GU5MN U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
GVQEX U* 342C,519C +1 Not Tested
GVQGT H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
GWM3S H1 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
GY5CE H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
GXD68 H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
GXGUJ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
GZ7UR H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
H4EKB V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
H27AC H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
GZSBZ H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
H2WCF H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
H36C4 H* 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
H77T5 H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
H6DYG H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
HAQ3A H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
HCGGS H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
HCGZN H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
HCT2B H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
HDE2X H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HF4CN Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
HF8D9 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HGFS7 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
HHAHG H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
HGPFU H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
HGMUA H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
HGMZS H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HGVBU H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
HM3R4 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
HMXHG K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
HN2YJ H 309G,519C +1 Not Tested
HNJZ9 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
HPS7K H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HQDKM H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HQUSN H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
HR5DA H1 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
HV8PT H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
HST37 H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
HSVKE Unknown 207G,519C +1 Not Tested
HXUJC H 048A,519C +1 Not Tested
HXUJF H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
HXXUF H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
HY3XC R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
HW569 Unknown 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
HZRJX H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
J2BEK H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
J3UGR H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
J3VZ4 H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
J4NRQ H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
J4VR6 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
J693E H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
J8TTJ H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
J8UW7 H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
J76ED H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
JBKMP H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
JBV65 H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
JAMMR H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
JCZZ9 Show H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
JC49G H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
JCASS H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
JCF5Q H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
JGHKR H 129T,519C +1 Not Tested
JJ7SA H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
JEUNF H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
JJX9R Unknown 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
JJYDB H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
JKX5H H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
JM365 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
JNFY7 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
JRN8K H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
JRUST H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
JRZ6P H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
JRZUW H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
JTHNB H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
JST79 H 258G,519C +1 Not Tested
JSHXY H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
JR9P8 H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
JQE9G R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
JQYWS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
JQ5SV H 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
JUEKN M* 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
JVVQS H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
JVWEZ H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
JW27K H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
JZB74 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
JZCCR H7 271C,519C +1 Not Tested
JZ6XP H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
JYFKG N 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
JXW7H H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
JY2BR H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
K55WB H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
K42BU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
K7X4Y Unknown 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
K773F H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
K7QTH H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
KA9MT H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
KBJUK H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
K9UJQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
K9K94 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
KDNKW M* 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
KJJQZ H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
KJJV3 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
KJYTC H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
KKE2N H3 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
KMGEQ U3 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
KM6E6 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
KPUUN H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
KMPEX H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
KNVU7 H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
KRFQW H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
KRGTQ H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
KT4UR H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
KSEH2 H 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
KSENK H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
KSF97 Unknown 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
KV3YR H 497G,519C +1 Not Tested
KUFZP H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
KUEVM H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
KUAEV H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
KUAKK T2b 519C,293G +1 Not Tested
KZ2AY H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
KZ9BA H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
M46PB H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
M45B5 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
M3H4A H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
M4EDH H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
M4KVC H 042A,519C +1 Not Tested
M5YKS H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
M629S H 359C,519C +1 Not Tested
M7VVH H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
M7H6P H 124C,519C +1 Not Tested
M7WYR H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
M7K6S H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
M8GXS H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
M8NZV H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
M8CR6 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
M99JC H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
MAZCP H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
ME7WM H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
ME5DM H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MFF9Z H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
MFGAU H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
MF7SF H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
MCHUJ H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
MBYB2 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
MBSBV H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MM3CQ V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
MHSJB H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
MJ8HN H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
MN9P8 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
MNUKV U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
MQTV4 Unknown 086C,519C +1 Not Tested
MSDHX H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MRSXA H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
MRJ2C H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
MRESC H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
MSZVJ H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
MTXUY Unknown 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
MVRSB H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
MVK6M H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MWJPU H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MX6PC H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
MYU68 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
N25XN H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
N33XP H 239A,519C +1 Not Tested
N2ETD H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
N3RVA H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
N4T5T H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
N5X9N H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
N6C6P H1c1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
N5JTN V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
N5M4N H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
N6RMC H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
N6MTD H1b 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
N83YH H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
N84EM H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
N7N8A H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
N7ENY H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
N7H3H H 173T,519C +1 Not Tested
N7KRW HV* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
N86VZ H 342C,519C +1 Not Tested
N99ZA H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
NC3AT H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
NC54C H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
NC7MP H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
NAQ9A H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NBQMJ H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
NFP9D U 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
NFPCN H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
NE3RS H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
NJGZA H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
NMNDR H 267T,519C +1 Not Tested
NNKQA H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
NHAEH H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
NHDC7 H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
NQ2CF H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
NQ5NT H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
NQ7B7 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
NSUWS H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NSN3M H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
NR235 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
NV8M6 H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
NV5BS H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NUAVE H1 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
NTMU5 H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
NTYXA H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
NW4YE H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
NZABW H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
NYGED H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
P4FBV H 352C,519C +1 Not Tested
P4RPT U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
P678R V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
P6EWA H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
P5CS4 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
P7WU7 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
P79P5 H 353T,519C +1 Not Tested
P7BEC H1 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
P8QTZ H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
P82MF U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PABKX H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
PA5HV H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
PDD9V H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
PGMWQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
PJ3P2 H10 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
PJVPT Unknown 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PKF5G H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
PKJ7M H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
PNMEG H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
PMSNR H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
PPA5B H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
PPZWJ H 320T,519C +1 Not Tested
PRMFN H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
PRPA4 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
PQ38R H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
PT8H7 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PRVWB U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PSMAJ H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
PTESE H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
PTFVA H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
PU82N H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
PXGGG H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
PWYZR H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
PWB9H H 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PWS8H H2a2a 318T,519C +1 Not Tested
PW4DF V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
PZEHP Show H 042A,519C +1 Not Tested
Q27JQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
Q5F6Q H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
Q6PH5 H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
Q5685 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q475V H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q3TPF H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
Q2X6D H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q7RRV H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q8CHC H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
Q8VVM H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
QB9H6 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QAZBV H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QB2SP H1 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
QCK6N H 241T,519C +1 Not Tested
QCM2C Unknown 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
QECGV V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
QEJX3 L3 265T,519C +1 Not Tested
QEJYZ H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
QE4MP H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QDDBS H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
QDJKE H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
QBXEY H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QFKGN H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QJG6N H 222T,519C +1 Not Tested
QMHA7 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
QRP86 H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
QQUFC H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
QP8J6 H1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QSKHA H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
QRQYE H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QWDC7 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QWHRV H 147T,519C +1 Not Tested
QWPMT U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
QWPSV H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QWQPK H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
QWS8E H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
QVCR7 H 365T,519C +1 Not Tested
QVFCR H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QVGAA H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
QXPT7 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
QY82P H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QZXFR H 355A,519C +1 Not Tested
QY2VC H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
QZNUX H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
R3HDR H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
R4T36 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
R7N9B H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
R7H4M U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
R88GR H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
R6QJK H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
R5GWF H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
R6CEG H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
RA6CX H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
RAXUG H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
RAMTX U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
REHER H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
RF4E9 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
RF9C4 H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
RFBZN H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
RGXXS H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
RGFXJ H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
RE4SR H 327T,519C +1 Not Tested
RDEUP H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
RDQBD H 126C,519C +1 Not Tested
RCMZ2 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
RHSUR H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
RJ2RD H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
RJ3G8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
RM6GA H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
RK4N9 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
RNNU5 H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
RMQ5Y H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RMXRV H 519C,263G +1 Not Tested
RN5DY H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RQ2NK U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
RQHMK H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
RQEBH H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
RTQD2 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
RSYQX H1c1 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
RST6R H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
RQVSH Unknown 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
RRCVM H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
RREYE H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
RSB5Z H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
RY3WR W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
RWYVS H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
RZNYZ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RZ3SK H 215G,519C +1 Not Tested
RZUT6 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
S3VAK H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
S3YMG H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
S6AAR H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
S62EJ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
S8N4T H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
S8ZWC H1 048A,519C +1 Not Tested
S96N9 Show H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SBDRY H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
SBE5D H3 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SB5DT H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
SCD4X H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
SD8ZH H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
SEQE6 H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
SFNWF H5a 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
SGAV5 H 257A,519C +1 Not Tested
SGTV8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
SH9KQ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
SGJCS Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
SJ63U H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
SJB2M H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SKQRF H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
SMPEB H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
SMPHY H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
SNGR5 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
SNJYB H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
SNMJU H 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
SNBBF H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
SPCKW H 214T,519C +1 Not Tested
SRY7A H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SSS5R H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
SSSAW H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SQUNX H 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
SR9QX W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
SRWCR H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
SRFUS H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
SU8M7 H1g 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
SU9SW H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
SUBQZ H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
SUFR8 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
SVH3H E 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
T28CF H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
SZF9Z H 150T,519C +1 Not Tested
SZG79 H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
T3KVB V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
SZ7AH H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
SXXXJ H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
SYDXT H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
SXE4U H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
SWVSQ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
T6XUJ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
T4N3D HV* 126C,519C +1 Not Tested
T3N8X H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
T8XBA H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
T9CJG H 185T,519C +1 Not Tested
TACRC H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
TAGEU H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
TAKXS H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
TBXPW H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
TBYD5 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
TDJ73 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
TDJEZ H1 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
TDNPF H2a2a 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
TDQNN U5 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
TEQXH H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
TFGC3 H 157C,519C +1 Not Tested
TDV3E H 156A,519C +1 Not Tested
TGHHS H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
TNB8B H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
TNGC6 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
TM6HS H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
TM9V6 H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
TMG8F H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
TPVH2 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
TQYVN H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
TQZHJ H 360T,519C +1 Not Tested
TPXF5 H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
TRETF H1* 235G,519C +1 Not Tested
TRH5F H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
TRQ4S H 271C,519C +1 Not Tested
TRQYH H 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
TSBBH H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
TTBA5 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
TTCJ4 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
TVG8N H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
TW8QE H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
TX8W7 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
TXNHP H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
TZ86W H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
TZCYN N* 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
U2BXR H 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
U2GMV H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
U2RVX H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
U39PF V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
U3HCZ Unknown 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
U4BWT H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
U48MY H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
U52FN H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
U7G5R H 293C,519C +1 Not Tested
U4VPW H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
U7JS7 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
U7P5W HV 297C,519C +1 Not Tested
U9NY9 H 140C,519C +1 Not Tested
UAPPW H 153A,519C +1 Not Tested
UB78V H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
UB3N7 H 519C,129A +1 Not Tested
UA6GA H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
UE4JQ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
UCS7G H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
UD6HN H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
UF9AF H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
UKC96 W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
UKUXP H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
UKHZH W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
UM9U6 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
UR9Q8 H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
UQW7B H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
UTYNU Unknown 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
UT46S H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
URRZ3 H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
URAUS H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
UU35A H 216G,519C +1 Not Tested
UUFQW U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
UUMMH V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
UVFKR H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
UVDRV H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
UVWSV H 104T,519C +1 Not Tested
UW9AU H1 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
UWQMJ H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
UXD75 H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
UZ5DB H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
UZ2UF H 242T,519C +1 Not Tested
UY8X2 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
V5K84 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
V3SV3 H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
UZTPK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
V34RJ H 318G,519C +1 Not Tested
V2MAQ H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
V6EWP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
V8WEJ R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
V7C37 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
VDJDK H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
VDV3N HV 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
VCJE6 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
VC8G3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
VCAAX H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
VASNT H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
V9UKP H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
VFMAY H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
VFVM5 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
VGBKJ H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
VGCAS H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
VH67A H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
VH7E4 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
VHAUQ H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
VHDWS H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
VJ3TW H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
VJ9XV H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
VJJUM H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
VK9AK H* 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
VNHAZ H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
VNK5X H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
VRAFA H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
VS5D7 H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
VSV42 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
VWNCZ H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
VVHVM H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
VV6G2 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
VVABB H 300G,519C +1 Not Tested
VVF3J H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
VUD7K H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
VUMFT Unknown 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
VXTYF H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
VXV8E H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
VYW8T U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
VZ9FC H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
W38A6 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
W477W H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
W3WYP H* 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
VZVUS H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
VZHXM H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
W2UFG H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
W4H22 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
W5CGQ H 147T,519C +1 Not Tested
W5HQT H1 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
W6EUR H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
W7UBN H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
W87S7 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
W8U2D H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
W8VU4 H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
W8Z5X H 169T,519C +1 Not Tested
W9S2D U 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
WB5A8 H1 297C,519C +1 Not Tested
WAAPG H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
WBDMD H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
WC6YR H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
WC767 H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
WD6R6 H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
WENFQ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
WF8DE H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
WF8JT M 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
WFNYY H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
WGZBS H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
WGMXG H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
WKR3G H 153A,519C +1 Not Tested
WN74Y H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
WPBR6 H 181G,519C +1 Not Tested
WPWDJ V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
WQSVY H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
WRNKY H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
WRFKQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
WRV45 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
WSS94 Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
WT4CA H 271C,519C +1 Not Tested
WT5Z7 H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
WT7SW H 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
WTEZR H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
WU6C2 H 312G,519C +1 Not Tested
WUYR4 W 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
WWFX4 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
WV3PZ M* 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
WWWFW H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
WX9ZZ H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
WZFBM N* 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
X632T H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
X5BUQ H 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
X57HS R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
X88F8 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
X3SR3 H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
X3FPU U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
X3KSR H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
WZWNC H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
WZ58C H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
XC6U3 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
XCX5H H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
XCQFY Unknown 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
XAW5E H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
XABJG HV* 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
XA3SM H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
X977T H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
XF83J H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XFZX9 H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
XGVNJ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XKC7H H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XHQ9D H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
XH4S8 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XHP63 H 335G,519C +1 Not Tested
XMAKH H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
XMD5A H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
XM9BJ H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
XT3AK H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
XRDW2 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
XQAX5 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
XQCEK H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
XRFJG H7 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
XVFKU H 257T,519C +1 Not Tested
XUP44 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
XU5NQ H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
XTX4W H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
XXD5G H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
XXGPJ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
XYSRY H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
XZ2SV H 400T,519C +1 Not Tested
Y2F9Q H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
XZTB2 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
Y4T5U H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y3C7C H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
Y8F7M U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y7H5E H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
YA3Y4 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
YAMPM H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
YBF6T H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
YB2XM U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
YAS57 H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
YBVWF H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
YC94Q H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
YCE4G H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
YD4YM U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
YD24W H 185T,519C +1 Not Tested
YEWSC H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
YEXRF W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
YF42Z H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YJB3G H 085T,519C +1 Not Tested
YJF79 H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
YK39M H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YNJCY W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
YMWX7 H 271C,519C +1 Not Tested
YP3TJ H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
YPBWF H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
YPDK8 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
YPHKH H 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
YPPNH H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
YRB6S V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
YRBE4 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
YS9H8 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
YT2MP H* 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
YTK9C H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
YTNM9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YUEUV H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
YYRSH H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YYHCK H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z2VA3 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z5HUJ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZAC9B H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z9YQN H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z8XAR K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z92D2 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZC3FY H1e 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
Z8VSC H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z7FD4 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z72TJ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZCFYT H 316G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZC8CK HV 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
ZC94Q H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZD76W H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZE4RA H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZEPAA H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZEQ3C H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZEWJ2 H1 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZG7GM H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZG4XH H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZH3P4 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZMBCV H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZNJW9 H1 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZPATG H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
ZMQ6C H1b 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZNBC6 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZNDP6 H 157C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZR3T8 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZQY75 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZSR26 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZTE64 H1c 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZT98K H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZUBF3 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZUHFD H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZVYCA H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZVYDT H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZW7UY H1 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZWW3F H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZZ3GD H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZYFNY U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZYGE2 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
zwtzx H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZU2BZ H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZUBF8 W 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZV6Z2 H 297C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZTG3R I 391A,519C +1 Not Tested
ZQAZ5 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZNPAB H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZMDYE W 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZMFPQ H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
ZJB6N H 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
ZFJW2 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZDV6Z H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZFHTS H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
ZC685 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z8QJ9 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z94ZK H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ZANED U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z4J32 H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
Z4NN7 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
Z4HU6 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
YRC84 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YM9YH H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
YJ6TD H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
YHQVY H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
ygm54 H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
YBGV5 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y6W5W Show H* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y6WWY H 264T,519C +1 Not Tested
y7ahg U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y62EU H1 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
Y6Q8Y H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
Y3H9F H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
Y3UAT H 177G,519C +1 Not Tested
Y2E58 H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
XYW3U H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
XZ7TY H 300G,519C +1 Not Tested
XXBM9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XSFDB H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
XUSWX H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
XVP5X H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
XRKP9 H1e 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
XR8TZ H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
XQDGW H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
XPVRM H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
XT47W H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
XNWMX H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
XNSF9 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
XJPVB H 310A,519C +1 Not Tested
xf68h H1 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
X8NHY H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
X95WE H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
XA4TE H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
X9MWH H 169T,519C +1 Not Tested
XC3B7 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
XE5KP H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
X2VZZ H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
X2Q9P H 222T,519C +1 Not Tested
X72YG H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
X7PDT H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
X693Z H 216G,519C +1 Not Tested
WYBCU H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
WWX65 H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
WWM25 H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
WUEWG H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
WPUNA H 258G,519C +1 Not Tested
WJWV3 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
WJNBK H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
WH6AF M* 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
WEVVJ HV1 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
WB4VT H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
WC8DK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
WBB46 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
WAHAE H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
W9ZNP H1 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
W9HEP H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
W72QG H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
W627E H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
W27HQ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
W3ZDB H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
W3P98 H* 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
VYU8V U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
VXQBT H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
VX95P H1 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
VUHB2 H1 342C,519C +1 Not Tested
VVEM6 H 067T,519C +1 Not Tested
VSVEP H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
VTCQS H3 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
VSTEK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
VTVHJ H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
VUANG H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
Vrq4c H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
VS4BV U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
VNU67 H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
VQ2CA H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
VR4N2 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
VK5WV H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
VH8Y8 H 519C,260T +1 Not Tested
VHAG8 H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
VG8AG H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
VFTAB H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
V9M2M H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
V95Q8 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
V9PCH H 259T,519C +1 Not Tested
VAFSH H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
VANFA H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
VC5VE H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
VCFUF H 067T,519C +1 Not Tested
V7BA3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
V88J9 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
V89HB U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
V6EVS U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
V5RDX H 259T,519C +1 Not Tested
UZTZA H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
UXV57 H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
UWKFS H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
USEJR H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
USA99 H1 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
USCVB H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
UQD9Z H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
UNUYC Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
UKM5E Show H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
UK3GR W 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
UGZHK H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
UJDQA H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
UEY8S W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
UCVNX H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
ue63z H 167T,519C +1 Not Tested
UA9WW H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
U8QSQ H 248T,519C +1 Not Tested
U8D4Z H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
U7G8Y H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
U4C4W H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
TZDRQ H3 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
TXFMP H 258G,519C +1 Not Tested
TWF5X H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
TUD8X Unknown 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
TTFYQ U3 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
TTVGJ U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
TRKSW H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
TPZ5F H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
TGX4C H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
thcdc H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
TDEPT H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
T8WK3 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
T8VNW H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
T73SA Unknown 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
T8F54 U5b2 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
T3PFE H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
SVFFY H1 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
SXJB3 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
T2K7V H 180G,519C +1 Not Tested
SVUTB H 150T,519C +1 Not Tested
SRTCA H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
SQFUE Show H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
SN67J H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
SNN6X H1 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
SP6SR H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
SKW93 H2a 183G,519C +1 Not Tested
SMNG7 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
SFHSM H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
setgt H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
SDSPR HV1 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
SC46D H 320T,519C +1 Not Tested
SBJMY H 209.1A,519C +1 Not Tested
SAB6T H 126C,519C +1 Not Tested
SAC43 H 104A,519C +1 Not Tested
S9M9C H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
S75KS H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
S4JU8 Unknown 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
S4HSH H 283G,519C +1 Not Tested
S2ZNY H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
S2BTZ H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
RZMRZ H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
RX28W H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
RS62Z V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
RRBA3 H 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
RR5NZ H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
RSWDC R 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
RUD53 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
RUZGN H3 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RTV66 H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
RMUBC H1 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
RPKDA H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
RQ7CT R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RJH2X H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
RKA5A H 183G,519C +1 Not Tested
RKY6S U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
RGTQ8 H 177G,519C +1 Not Tested
RGX3X H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
RBPZP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
RA6FQ H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
R9X54 U3 343G,519C +1 Not Tested
R8N48 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
R6YVR Show H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
r7mfb H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
R4Z4B Show H 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
R52QA H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
R4AB4 H1c1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
R3Z8J U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
R2KBJ H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
R29BZ H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
QWVK7 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
QMGDY H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
QSMDS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
QQV7K H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
QKAU5 H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
QFF95 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
QGSUU H1 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
qcmxs H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
QDJX6 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
QE66K H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
QDSVJ H1* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
QECYU H 283G,519C +1 Not Tested
QCM8C H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
QABGT W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
QA6BJ H 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q3HFP H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q4BGN H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
PZ3GB H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
Q2NCY H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
PUBKC H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
PUEYY H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
PWYWH H 174T,519C +1 Not Tested
PXHDQ H3b 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
PP973 H 214T,519C +1 Not Tested
PJZJQ H 216G,519C +1 Not Tested
PHDZ6 H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
PJ3JV H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
PJ7VR H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
PFSAY U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
PDMNF H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
PB7XX V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
PANHN H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
P9KCW U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
P8UZM H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
p7b99 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
P5QG9 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
P5WFZ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
P6EY5 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
P4S64 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
P4PKD H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
P3THF H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
P4EHV H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
NZDPP H 086C,519C +1 Not Tested
NZN8R H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
P28AX Unknown 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
NY3XJ Unknown 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
NZCMV K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
NXT9A H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
NXUHB H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
nqyhy H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NUF98 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
NV638 K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
NV4JM H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
NR3RE HV* 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
NSUDW H3 222T,519C +1 Not Tested
NQHFA U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
NG3GC H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NNXNF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
NJX9X H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
NEUAM H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
NE6BG U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
NE7UQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
NEVWP H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
NBHTA H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
nbhu8 H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
NBBX8 H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
N8VMQ H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
NANYF H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
N5NRJ Show H 353T,519C +1 Not Tested
N2DEV H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
N2JGV H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
n3eyz H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
MY3ES U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
MZRA7 H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
MX6VP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MTCPG H 051G,519C +1 Not Tested
MRDU5 H 134T,519C +1 Not Tested
MS4F9 Show H5a1 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
MMVY3 H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
MMXNF H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
MJGPG U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
MDH7T H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
MCQK6 H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
MBM8X H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
MCMNN H 183-,519C +1 Not Tested
ME75J H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
MEG76 I 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
MA4XM H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
M9FYM H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
M9CNU H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
M725H H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
KXAZM W 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
KWJHU W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
KU27A H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
KSRN2 H 085T,519C +1 Not Tested
KN4UJ H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
KP2UW H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
KPYG8 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
KPZR9 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
kkeat H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
KGAWP H1 297C,519C +1 Not Tested
KCQQM V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
KET74 HV1 067T,519C +1 Not Tested
K8WHE H 180G,519C +1 Not Tested
K8ZZT H 071T,519C +1 Not Tested
K684X H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
k6unv H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
k7spw H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
K5987 H* 318G,519C +1 Not Tested
K237W U5 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
JYSQG H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
JSP4R H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
JPM8U U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
JQ95J H10 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
JQYX2 H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
JR5NM H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
JTREN H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
JTTXX H 183-,519C +1 Not Tested
JRZ6M H 239A,519C +1 Not Tested
JSG2B H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
JNAGP H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
jmxp6 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
JK4ZK H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
JGDCH H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
JHXSB H 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
JJ95W H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
JHJ4Y H 327T,519C +1 Not Tested
JHMV2 H17 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
JBMDT H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
J7AWV H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
J97HQ H 209G,519C +1 Not Tested
j8yyb H 468C,519C +1 Not Tested
J9PHM Show H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
J65K6 H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
J4XGD H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
J4T7F H 215G,519C +1 Not Tested
J39WT V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
HY23Y H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
HZMBB H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
HZHXZ H 422C,519C +1 Not Tested
HTZMX K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
HR9DC H3 519C,311C +1 Not Tested
HRDZ4 H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
HPQGC H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
HNJ34 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
HPBUY H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
HN6C6 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
HHMH2 H 271C,519C +1 Not Tested
HHMJX U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
HHN89 H 361A,519C +1 Not Tested
HCMXD H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
HE5YZ H 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
HCA5V H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
H8HVU Show K 286T,519C +1 Not Tested
HA9RS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
H38X9 H 239A,519C +1 Not Tested
H2MVW U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
GV3VW H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
GX6KW H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
GU5JB H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
gm347 W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
Gman7 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
GMBEC H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
GN7NF H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
GN8HU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
GRMMB H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
GJJTJ Show H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
GEERK H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
GEHNE H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
GDFK3 W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
GB4EA H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
GCYXB H1 207G,519C +1 Not Tested
G9HJK H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
G6ZF2 H 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
G5Y5P H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
G63AV H 181G,519C +1 Not Tested
G8WD3 H1 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
g7r2n V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
G83WU H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
G2M48 H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
G3JY5 H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
FWUV5 Show H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
FWVKE H3 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
FTRFC H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
FUC5M H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
FUD64 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
fvb8d R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FVSFF H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
FTCM2 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
ftnqk H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
FPFCM H 267T,519C +1 Not Tested
FHAGY H 316G,519C +1 Not Tested
FKSVA H3 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
FE4QJ H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
FGAT8 H 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
FGEJW H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FFDC2 R* 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
FFNSQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
FCWNC H 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
FD4TV H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
FAUDX H 265G,519C +1 Not Tested
F7AFE H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
F6BGY H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
F4DMQ H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
EZRQR H 167T,519C +1 Not Tested
EVEGU H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
EUR2V H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
ETXYC H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ES8QD H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
EQ5VF H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
EPHNZ H 264T,519C +1 Not Tested
EPNZS H 188A,519C +1 Not Tested
EM2BH H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
EKWAZ H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
ekbrb H 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
EDBK7 H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
EEYAF H1 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
efnxe H1 274A,519C +1 Not Tested
EGEVS H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
EBWQ6 HV* 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
EBPTP H3 290T,519C +1 Not Tested
EAKVE H 104A,519C +1 Not Tested
E7Z74 H 174T,519C +1 Not Tested
E9UHH H3 260T,519C +1 Not Tested
E53KN Unknown 136C,519C +1 Not Tested
E6D25 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
E35UZ R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
E2CSG H 267T,519C +1 Not Tested
E2283 H 353T,519C +1 Not Tested
DTBTS Show H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
DSFAQ H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
DRDSG H 227G,519C +1 Not Tested
DQD3U H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
DKGUB H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
DBVSJ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
DBM75 H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
D987H H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
DA83A H 519C,528T +1 Not Tested
d7vvn Unknown 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
D5T4E H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
D56W2 H 157C,519C +1 Not Tested
D2ZWJ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
CZWPZ K 224C,519C +1 Not Tested
D2TVY H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
CXFX9 H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
CXPBK H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
cy683 H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
CVRTS H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CVQUD H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
CP77X H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
CN6SX H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
CNCV3 H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
CKGQ9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
CJZ2H H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
CFDT3 H 342C,519C +1 Not Tested
cj2v3 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
CFB5D H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
CERQX H 519C,525G +1 Not Tested
CC7RF H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
CAFRF H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
cadu2 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
C4WTS H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
BZQTB H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
C22DY H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
C252H H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
BXR3T H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
BXUFE H1* 519C,186T +1 Not Tested
BXXU5 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
BW49B H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
BVGEW H 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
BU335 H 288C,519C +1 Not Tested
BTSXZ H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
BTTZE H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
BSZ5W H3 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
BRTAR H1 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
BMV9B H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
BNSDD H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
BNSJD H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
BJFD8 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
BJZ3H H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
BKW6N H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
BK45Y H 080G,519C +1 Not Tested
BBN39 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
BBNTB H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
BCHP4 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
BBCJM H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
B8Cp9 H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
B943D U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
B8WCG H 311G,519C +1 Not Tested
B74TJ H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
B5JN7 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
B33JZ H3 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
B2FW7 H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
B27HW U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
B2895 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
AXZJH H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
ARJW8 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
ASXDH H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
AT537 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
awm5b H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
AUD6U H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
AVNC5 Unknown 257T,519C +1 Not Tested
ajczm V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
AE6MM H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
AD7D8 U 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
AE6AW H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
AD69N H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
A9AWJ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
A62AN H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
A43PA H7 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
A3ETY H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
9Z2SV H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
A2D3T Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
9X9GT H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
9S9MC H1b 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
9rfdd H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
9N7ER H 086C,519C +1 Not Tested
9JT34 Show N* 292T,519C +1 Not Tested
9DUKQ H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
9EMJY H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
9CVHX H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
9beps H 519C,524C +1 Not Tested
98SUT H 213A,519C +1 Not Tested
964S2 Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
94C9K H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
93SMV H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
947T6 H 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
8YV3A R* 173T,519C +1 Not Tested
8ZZUZ H 092C,519C +1 Not Tested
8XHD3 H 220G,519C +1 Not Tested
8SQQ8 H 111A,519C +1 Not Tested
8RU9S H 114A,519C +1 Not Tested
8P3GU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
8P628 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
8PJRF HV* 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
8MW2A H 167T,519C +1 Not Tested
8FTXQ H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
8H2C3 H1c 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
8C48G H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
8AFA8 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
88TTK H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
864ZC Show H2a2a 114T,519C +1 Not Tested
86K3Y H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7XS76 V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
7YP7R H 148T,519C +1 Not Tested
85GVD H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
82X33 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
7VF88 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
7TVJF H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
7QGNK H 368C,519C +1 Not Tested
7S3RS H 227G,519C +1 Not Tested
7RDZ2 Unknown 295T,519C +1 Not Tested
7KUKU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
7M5VF H 278T,519C +1 Not Tested
7HNDD V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
7D6BD H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
792GP U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
79s5k U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
79Q4Q H 093C,519C +1 Not Tested
7872D H 234T,519C +1 Not Tested
76PDA R1 179T,519C +1 Not Tested
7784T R1a 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
753DS H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
75KDJ H5a 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
6ZXD2 H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6QMZF H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
6MFVD H 145A,519C +1 Not Tested
6PY3Q H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
6GUHD H 299G,519C +1 Not Tested
6GUM2 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
6G4YZ H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
6FWE7 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
6E3ZU H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
6BVQU HV 042T,519C +1 Not Tested
6CV72 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
68j63 H 294T,519C +1 Not Tested
6995U H 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
66SBX R 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
5Y7D9 H 153A,519C +1 Not Tested
5XS2Y W 223T,519C +1 Not Tested
5XTSR H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
5Y8G2 H 272G,519C +1 Not Tested
5za55 H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
5ZCZH V 298C,519C +1 Not Tested
646KU H1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
62hfb H* 170C,519C +1 Not Tested
5ZWBR H 239G,519C +1 Not Tested
62UH4 H6a 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
5W2ND H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
5UWS2 H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
5TAVS H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
5SVZ4 H 319A,519C +1 Not Tested
5GNXC H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
5KRA9 H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
5JQQK H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
5HVYA H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
5F9BF H 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
5EEKJ H 249C,519C +1 Not Tested
5DV8G H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
5DRES H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
5AKUE H 304C,519C +1 Not Tested
5ANCR H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
5CAXA H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
58RH2 H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
587TV H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
58Y3G Unknown 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
56ZBW H 220C,519C +1 Not Tested
5586M H 186T,519C +1 Not Tested
52WCK H 287T,519C +1 Not Tested
4YV2N U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
4YKNS H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
4YH4M H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
4zm9r H1 184T,519C +1 Not Tested
4WTY8 H 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
4sn3s H1a 162G,519C +1 Not Tested
4SNY2 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
4SPW9 H 193T,519C +1 Not Tested
4pm6b H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
4Q5VG H 245T,519C +1 Not Tested
4R5D5 H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
4KYWK H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
4JWM7 H 266T,519C +1 Not Tested
4KAWE H 209C,519C +1 Not Tested
4J89C H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
4JEEA H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
4HMKQ H 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
4GCHK U* 119G,519C +1 Not Tested
4GCJG Show H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
4GK4V H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
4F3P4 H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
4CKEX H1 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
4CE5Z H 188G,519C +1 Not Tested
4C5S3 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
48DKR Unknown 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
48YAR H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
493AF H10 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
476A3 H 355T,519C +1 Not Tested
465N6 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
46SZQ H 240G,519C +1 Not Tested
436DS H3b 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
3XZJY H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
3zrkq H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
3vefg H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
3SY5J H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
3RDWP H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
3KUMY H1 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
3NSKW H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
3NRNC H1 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
3MK8E H 270T,519C +1 Not Tested
3GUH7 H 218T,519C +1 Not Tested
3GRWN H 221T,519C +1 Not Tested
3G39K H 189C,519C +1 Not Tested
3CE3P H 168T,519C +1 Not Tested
3ATN5 H 153A,519C +1 Not Tested
38F95 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
36W7E H1c1 263C,519C +1 Not Tested
36XYG H 519C,527T +1 Not Tested
358DC H 357C,519C +1 Not Tested
35PTE Show H 293G,519C +1 Not Tested
35WG3 H 400T,519C +1 Not Tested
34DSM H 146G,519C +1 Not Tested
334pz H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
32J89 H 239T,519C +1 Not Tested
2XGNF Show H 354T,519C +1 Not Tested
2X86W U 255A,519C +1 Not Tested
2WQ8A Unknown 399G,519C +1 Not Tested
2TWAD H 222T,519C +1 Not Tested
2T3E9 H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2PUSY H 390A,519C +1 Not Tested
2Q5V7 H 185T,519C +1 Not Tested
2qj7z U7 318C,519C +1 Not Tested
2NH56 U4 356C,519C +1 Not Tested
2ny7s H 291T,519C +1 Not Tested
2KE6Y H 303A,519C +1 Not Tested
2MFUT H 256T,519C +1 Not Tested
2FJMV H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
2GE5X H 325C,519C +1 Not Tested
2FCNM H 129A,519C +1 Not Tested
2HY2Z H 111T,519C +1 Not Tested
2BJ4E HV* 192A,519C +1 Not Tested
2C7RG H 192T,519C +1 Not Tested
2A7ZW H 188T,519C +1 Not Tested
29EAV H 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
2A3ZM H7 261T,519C +1 Not Tested
297GJ H1 212G,519C +1 Not Tested
26ykj H 172C,519C +1 Not Tested
2696E H 362C,519C +1 Not Tested
24G94 H 311C,519C +1 Not Tested
32QSJ H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
4DCGU H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
59ZPG H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
7383C H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
8P9YV H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
9JJ7T H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
BFP2X Unknown 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
BKXFA R1 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
C2PMC H1 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
DQH9H H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
JV6NM H3 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
MYUDG H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
ph4sd H1 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
QWE66 H1e 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
VAJ4T H1e 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
weyg4 H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
Y8GXR H 519C 0 263G,315.1C,522-,523- -1
PN3UN H1c 519C 0 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
AWBWJ Unknown 519C 0 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
5XN7X H1c 519C 0 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
49X4U H1c 519C 0 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
JPAN9 H 519C 0 152C,263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- +1
KQS2Q H 519C 0 152C,263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- +1
SD5F5 H1c 519C 0 263G,309.1C,315.1C,477C,522-,523- +1
UYBFB H1c 519C 0 263G,309.1C,315.1C,477C,522-,523- +1
3N8UG H 311C,519C +1 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
ATUBH H 263C,519C +1 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
MS2SV H 316G,519C +1 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0
UESSB H 263C,519C +1 263G,315.1C,477C,522-,523- 0

3277 match(es) found.

Compare the profile with the profiles as on MyHeritage. It seems to me to be the persons you are looking for. Or what is going on?

Deisi Vaz Pinto you can't use mtDNA tha same way as yDNA because the mutation rate on the mtDNA is 10 times as slow if not more, which means that a woman living 10000 years ago may have the same mtDNA as your mother, which makes it impossible to find a common ancestor using mtDNA only.

With yDNA it is a lot easier because it mutates approx. every 500-1000 year, which makes finding a common ancestor much easier.

So using only mtDNA to find a common ancestor is useless because there will be to many matches.

Deisi Vaz Pinto I think mtDNA is mostly useful for *disproving* relationships. If you have two people who claim maternal line descent from the same person, and they have different mtDNA, you know that there's something wrong (but do not know where).

If they match, you only know that the relationship is not disproved.

There's a tool on historylink.herokuapp.com (the "ancestor graph") that will list for you all the known female-only descendants of a given ancestor in your Geni tree. If two of them have taken an mtDNA test, you can compare them and get a "there's something wrong here" result. Or not.

That can indeed be very useful.

Thanks Harald. That's what I'm looking for: what can possible be true, or not,
in those 1.100 pages from 136 generations of my mother's ancestors.

Thank you Harald for the suggestion. This sounds like a logical approach.

Showing 181-187 of 187 posts

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