Discussion for cleaning up connections around Marie Bernard. Other profiles of interest:
André Bérnard, Andre D'alnay Bernard-bourjoli, Marie Andrée Guyon, Jean Dumais, Jean Guyon dit Buisson, Mathurine-Madeleine Robin dite Boulé, Antoine Béliveau
French / Canadian CTags morel, Paul Louis Doré, Private User, Angus Wood-Salomon
Prior relevant discussion (Starts at the bottom - full names redacted since it's outside of user privacy settings in the public forum):
yesterday at 10:29 PM
There seem to be a lot of questions that have to be ask.
have anyone read this Andre Bernard story seem to start on page 8 it's in France.
The curators would be a good idea.
yesterday at 9:38 PM
Hey all, should we send this to the curators for help?? This lineage seems a bit wonky and maybe we need an objective eye?
yesterday at 10:12 AM
nosorigines lists the father as Rene Bernard. http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?genealogy=Marie_...
The link to Andree also links to the spouse of Antoine Believeau, but it then seems to be disconnected with a note. So, needs more research. http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?genealogy=Andree...
parents inconnus - une filiation avec Jean Guyon et Mathurine Robert est fictive.
Note Stephen White p.125
Au contrat de mariage passé par Loppinot, notaire à Port-Royal, le 5 octobre 1701, entre Abraham Landry, fils de feu René Landry et de Marie Bernard avec Marie Guillebaud, fille de Pierre Guillebaud et de Cathérine Thériot, assiste Jean Bélliveau, oncle maternel du futur. Par cette expression il faut entendre que Jean Bélliveau est frère de Marie Bernard, mère d'Abraham Landry. Et puisque le frère et la soeur ne portent pas le même nom de famille, c'est que Jean Bélliveau et Marie Bernard sont frère et soeur utérins. Andrée Guion, mère de ces deux personnes, épousa donc en première noces un Bernard - dont le nom de baptême est ignoré - et , en seconde noce Antoine Bélliveau.
Au recensement de l'Acadie de 1698 et 1700, nous trouvons chez Jean Bélliveau Anna Lavalée, sa nièce, née en 1680. Cette Anne Lavalée n'est autre que Anne, fille de Guyon Chiasson dit Lavalée et de Jeanne Bernard, et futre femme de Jean Brau. Elle est la nièce de Jean Bélliveau par sa mère Jeanne Bernard, soeur utérine de celui-ci. Point n'est besoin pour expliquer le lien de parenté.
Voir aussi René Bernard - qui n'a pas de lien de parenté avec les deux filles Marie et Jeanne Bernard
yesterday at 10:09 AM
Thank guys for your help. I am sure there are issues. I think much of the problem is that the Landrys intermarried. My grandparents were both Landrys, but from two different brothers who came here.
yesterday at 9:46 AM
Yes, her parents are screwed up and probably more. Her father should be Charles Bernard. Andree Guyon married Charles Bernard and Antoine Beliveau. Her sister, Jeanne, married Denis Chiasson dit Lavallee.
And I don't see Andree Guyon listed as the daughter of Jean Guyon and Mathurine Robin. http://www.francogene.com/genealogie-quebec-genealogy/000/000065.php
It's possible that Andree Guyon married Jean Dumais, but not sure that connection has been made that they're the same person. http://www.francogene.com/genealogie-quebec-genealogy/008/008798.php
It looks like the Andre Bernard, son of Isaac and Francoise, married Marie Delezay. The other wife is a duplicate of Andree Guyon. http://www.francogene.com/genealogie-quebec-genealogy/202/202685.php
yesterday at 7:49 AM
Thanks Stan, if I have further information on her parents I'll let you know.
yesterday at 3:29 AM
I change the buried year from 1718 to January 11. 1719.
Both of her parents have three partners that don't seem right. I will try
to do same research but if anyone known I would welcome the time saved.
9/30/2015 at 10:03 PM
Managers of Marie-Reine Bernard,
I am contacting you about this profile: Marie Bernard. The burial date indicates that she was buried 1 year before she actually died. Can someone please take the time to correct this because there is a pending tree match that I would like to complete.
Thank you kindly