Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt - For real?

Started by Agathe Børretzen on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
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9/30/2015 at 7:16 AM

Claimed to be my 96th great grandmother. How do we eliminate errors?

Private User
9/30/2015 at 8:20 AM

@Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt Claimed to be my96 th great grandmother Mariana..

9/30/2015 at 11:17 AM

Agathe Børretzen by checking every link between you and the ancient profile, in this case Nefertiti, and in most cases you will be able to cut some links between the year 1200-1600 by using good sources. That is a job all of us should do because there are way to many questionable links on Geni, and most of them are in this period.

9/30/2015 at 11:28 AM

Ok. I know that my tree for the last 300 years must be correct. Exept if there has been infidelities that we don't know of. One of my relatives is quite serious about our tree. But the really old history... Do we have moderators that check? The genetic tests that are offered, can they confirm this distant relations?

Private User
9/30/2015 at 11:39 AM

Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt is my 88th great grandmother.

This far back, who the heck really knows.

Private User
9/30/2015 at 11:42 AM

Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt is my 95th great grandmother.

Even if the lines should turn out to be wrong, we are all descendants to the survivors, and if we go far back enough there are key persons that we all are related to, with or without any proof of pedigree, if we take Genghis Khan as an example, one out of 200 living people of today should have him as a direct forefather, and it's only ca. 853 years ago since he was born, mentioned just as one comparison. ; )

Agathe Børretzen is my 17th cousin once removed.

9/30/2015 at 12:05 PM

Agathe, there are no moderators or curators that know every line through the middle ages where usually the mistakes are, at least in our part of the world. The genetics won't help you to confirm distant relations either. Just plain old research of the different sources available to us. You can usually confirm scandinavians from the sources that are online and scanned as far back as into the 1600'.

What Ulf is saying, allthough probably true, isn't helping our genealogical knowledge and research one bit, since what we want to do is to identify the correct relationship between people and having a correct tree as possible, and to do that we want to identy the persons names, facts and stories for every link, and not say that we are a descendant of Harald Hårfagre, because there isn't a single one person that can prove the links back to him.

Private User
9/30/2015 at 1:24 PM

What I am saying helps a lot more than what skeptical persons says who actually would not believe in any lineage older than 400 year with or without supported documents and still would doubt these line because of the human nature regarding adultery, and would thereby just disbelieve in particular anything that connects to royal or ancient profiles.

I'm giving you an alternative way of thinking on it.

If you have supported documents that goes to any king, or to some older nobility clan, then if they in turn lived between 1000-1600, it would actually not be important that every single one of them were legitimate, as long as they are recognized they would have the same privileges as the rest, thus marring with their ilk, i.e. people from the upper class.

The lines from you down to the latest nobility in your line may vary, but say that he or she lived 300 years ago, this line would actually be more important to prove right for you than the ones above this.

Based on statistic, a maximum of 3 out of 100 persons would be bastards, in every 100 profiles you could have 3 bastards, but in every century you can almost only fit in 3-5 persons per side, including mothers and fathers that would be ca. 10 people per 100 year, with a 0.2 % of risk being illegitimate.

In the example with 300 year that would make 30 persons, with the risk of 0.6% to be bastards, the more proof you add, the more certain these profiles can be, adding DNA in some cases may help in some cases, but in general it would not help a lot because of the inbuilt limits in these test.

But, if you have one or more lines going back to the 1600's and in more than one line have nobility, you will find out that there would actually come down to just a handful of key people that must have had just those parents in order to make it fit, for the majority before that it's not as necessary because of the higher classes intermarriages, they are pretty much all related with each other, and as soon as you reach a king it really doesn't matter at all if you can prove something or not, they are all related with each other to a very high degree.

Here is also where the function of power comes in, people with power stays in power, marrying other people with power across nations, that is a part of our culture, it's the basic functioning of almost all human societies worldwide.

Private User
9/30/2015 at 2:11 PM

Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt - For real?

My conclusion is that in overall the most profiles would be as they are presented in the tree and as usual some minor altering will always occur, but the big picture will be almost the same over time, so if it's for real or not will ultimately be a question whether you will accept it as real or not, some people have more problems with that than others, as often if not always, the humanity are divided into two (or more) groups, basically; for or against, regardless the matter.

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