Lady Mary Scott (Howard) - Who's her parents?

Started by Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator on Saturday, September 5, 2015
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This Mary Howard wife of William Scott is connected as a dau. of William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham , I have seen her listed in any reference I have seen as a dau. of William Howard. William Howard had a dau. Mary Howard, Baroness Sutton of Dudley who married Edward Sutton, 4th Baron Sutton of Dudley & Sir Richard Mompesson, Kt., MP .

I this Mary Howard connected to the wrong parents? I see in some of the Smart Matches her parents are listed as Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham & Lady Katherine Howard, Countess of Nottingham but I see no dau. Mary Howard listed in references for him.

Who are her parents?

@ I hope this correction has been done correct.

Correction to the above posting it should say
This Mary Howard wife of William Scott is connected as a dau. of Sir William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham , I have "not" seen her listed in any reference I have seen as a dau. of William Howard.

valerie cawthan
No correction has been done on Mary Scott yet.

I see a revision for Joan Scott being disconnected as the dau. of William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham & Margaret Gamage, Baroness Howard of Effingham which happened 3 days ago.

I can't even confirm the wife of this William Scott. Not all sources list him as a child of Thomas Scott and Elizabeth Baker. I can find them no problem, but not William. Douglas Richardson does list William in _Magna Carta Ancestry_, but Kate Emerson lists the children of Thomas Scott and Elizabeth Baker as follows:

"Thomas, John, Edward, Richard, Reginald, Charles, Robert, Elizabeth, Emelina, Anna, Mary, and six more who are unnamed."

If he's really a knight, there ought to be a record of him somewhere. Especially if he really married one of these Howards.

Some of these children have fishy birthdates, too.

Will take another look tomorrow.

Erica Howton

Erica--heads up re: the Spurious Pedigree Project.

Hello all--

This posting about the Scott family pedigree (see link below) references
--Hasted's “History of Kent”
--Faris’ "Plantagenet Ancestry of 17c Colonists"
--Noel Currer-Briggs' "English Adventurers and Virginian Settlers"

and does not include a son William for Thomas and Elizabeth Baker Scott.

The only source besides Douglas Richardson that I can find for William Scott as a child of Thomas and Elizabeth Baker Scott is the following:

_Genesis of the White Family: A Connected Record of the White Family …_
By Emma Siggins White, assisted by Martha Humphreys Maltby, 1920

“His son, Sir William Scott, Ambassador to Turkey and Florence, married Mary Howard, daughter of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham.”

The authors put forth one of the false pedigrees for Lady Mary Howard.

They also admit that the link from William Scott to his father Thomas is tenuous:

“The name of William Scott does not appear in Sir Thomas Scotts’ will, or in the Scott's of Scot's Hall Records, but an entry appears in Brabourne register to the effect that William Scott, son of Sir William, was buried in that church on February 3, 1612, and in the Pedigree in Brit. Mus. Add. MSS., 14, 311, fo. 32, the name of William Scott is given as a son of Sir Thomas, who had in all seventeen children.”

So there may have been a William Scott, son of Thomas, but as he was not in his father’s will, it appears likely that he died young. There is neither proof that he was “Sir” William, nor proof he married a Mary Howard (who doesn’t seem to exist).

There was, furthermore, no such thing as “Ambassador to Turkey and Florence” as far as I can tell. I Googled this phrase and found only links to _Genesis of the White Family_.

I believe this is a spurious pedigree.

I have not looked at the children to see if they have documented parents.


@Margaret Howard (Gamage) married William 1st Baron, Howard of Effingham . Mary Howard is listed as dau.,she is listed with brother Francis, Catherine and Charles Howard of William & Margaret Howard 1st Baron of Effingham. This Mary Howard married Willaim Scott but her birth is 1553 married 1548 death Circa 1624 in Rattesden Suffolk, England. Then there is one more listed Mary Howard birth 1548 Burial Aug.23 1600 husband Edward Sutton 4th Baron of Dudley @ Richard Mompesson MP. So let me know and I will correct something or you can on your in.

Amy Nordahl Cote tell me Richardson didn't source from Genesis of the White Family: A Connected Record of the White Family …_
By Emma Siggins White, assisted by Martha Humphreys Maltby, 1920 !!!!

Private User your genealogical nemesis strikes again ...

Where's the cut point?

If it's from Emma White, it's bogus.

Some day Emma S. White will be recognized as among the worst of the genealogical fraudsters - but apparently that time has not yet (quite) come....

Do we have a list of the lines she's contaminated ?

About half the White families in England, just for starters!

The worst of that was the forced, bogus merge between the Whites of Somerset (good solid Protestant yeomen) and the extended recusant-Catholic gentry family of Hutton/Farnham/London/Aldershot/etc. She nearly obliterated the Somerset line in the process.

FORTUNATELY she didn't mess with Frances White Wells - who was messed up badly enough quite independently.

But she *did* tack Robert White of Messing (yeoman, parentage unknown) onto her conglomeration.

Update and new information:


"Brit. Mus. Add. MSS., 14, 311, fo. 32"

This source is supposed to verify the existence of William, son of Thomas.

Is "Brit. Mus." supposed to be short for "British Museum"? Does the reference make sense to anyone else?

Otherwise I will assume it is bogus.


Big breakthrough here--I found a reference to a 20 April 1571 baptismal record for a William, son of Sir Thomas—in the wrong parish, but it’s something! But so far I've found no records of this William getting married, being knighted, or having kids. One article says it may be a typo, as the parish was closer to Sir Thomas's half-brother Charles, who did have a well-documented son William--apparently the one ES White attempted to pass off as the other one. William, son of Charles, is missing his baptismal record and was born around that time and place.

Here is the baptism info. as cited in the intro to “The Model of Poesy” by William Scott, intro by Gavin Alexander, Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge:

20 April 1571, Boughton Aluph Parish, Ashford, Kent, William, son of Sir Thomas Scott.

(No luck finding it on FamilySearch, however.)

That Brabourne reference ES White mentioned, of a Sir William who buried a young son William at Brabourne—I believe she fudged the record pertaining to the other William, the son of Thomas's half-brother Charles and his wife Jane Wyatt. This William did not have any of these kids, did not marry a Mary Howard, and was not knighted. He married Barbara Tomlyn, and his kids were William (baptised in Stanford in 1612, buried at Brabourne on 3 February 1614) and Kathryn (baptised on 10 November 1615 in Brabourne, rest unknown).

See pp. 19-28 for bio and other information for this other William Scott:

I will work up the info sometime in the next week and add him to his proper family--he is not here in Geni yet. The article at link references many wills and legal records that put him in the right family.


For the marriage of William, alleged son of Thomas, to "Mary Howard," online trees cite either Richardson, ES White, or Frederick Lewis Weis (speaking of bad genealogy)!
This is my first encounter with Ms. White, but not my first with the dreaded Mr. Weis.


I have found no record of Mary Howard existing as a daughter of either Howard couple or as a wife of any William Scott.

**Need to at least cut her from her parents. Not sure if she ought to be eliminated or left attached to William with a note that her parents are unknown and her existence questionable. Might help to leave her profile to explain that she's definitely not one of "those" Howards and there is still no known record of her alleged marriage to William or any children of theirs. Otherwise she may just be added again.


He may be one of the six "unnamed children" of Thomas Scott and Elizabeth Baker.

The baptismal record is all we have, and again, it could refer to the son of Thomas’s half-brother Charles, as it's in Boughton Aluph, much closer to Charles's home than Thomas's home of Scot Hall.

"The baptism of a William Scott on 20 April 1571 is, however, recorded in the parish register (and the Bishop’s transcript of the same) for Boughton Aluph parish, but this child is described as a son of Sir Thomas Scott (Charles Scott’s older brother). There is no other record of a son of Sir Thomas Scott named William, and that this William should be baptised in Boughton Aluph is perplexing, since it is close to where Charles Scott was living at this time (it is the parish between Challock and Godmersham) and rather further from Scot’s Hall, where Sir Thomas lived. The William Scott born at Boughton Aluph is more likely to be the son of the as yet itinerant Charles Scott, living in that area, than of Sir Thomas Scott, firmly ensconced in Scot’s Hall several parishes away. But that would require a slip of the pen from the parson."

see pp 19-20

I have found no record of any knighthood, marriage, or children of this man (William the son of Thomas).

**I think he should be left with the baptismal record cited above and a caveat that it may be the wrong record.

**The death and burial records should be removed; they are incorrect.

He is not the William who was buried in Brabourne—that’s his cousin.

Rattlesden, Suffolk is the home of the other Scott line that has been incorrectly merged with this one in so many trees. Many trees show “Sir William and Lady Mary” as the parents of Henry Scott who married Martha Whalock. Others show Henry’s parents as Edmund Scott and “Joan Howard.”

(Rattlesden line review: Edmund Scott married Joan ___, his son Henry Scott married Martha Whalock, their children Thomas Scott and Ursula Scott Kimball came to Massachusetts. There is no known connection between these families. They were from different counties and different social classes.)



About the children of William and “Mary,” however (all except for John, see below):

Take a look at the children of Edmund Scott, here:

Edmund Scott, of Rattlesden

Everyone except John ought to be merged with Edmund's children (except for John).


John Scott, married to Mary Kirton or Kirkton:
I have seen him in many trees as the son of "Sir William Scott and Lady Mary Howard." The source given is "Glidewell Genealogy," author unknown. Might want to leave him for the time being, because I don’t yet know where else he belongs. But there is no record of either of the above-mentioned William Scotts having a son John.


Add. MSS. 14, 311, fo. 32 is a legitimate citation to a collection of manuscripts in the British Museum. Might take some work to very the contents. 14, 311 is a collection of 17th century pedigrees. No idea what's on folio 32.

Ah, that's excellent, many thanks, Justin.

Wasn't sure if it was fudged, like "Ambassador of Venice and Turkey."

James Renat Scott, _Memorials of the Family of Scott, of Scot's Hall_ (1876) claims it was "Ambassador of Florence, Venice, and Turkey," but he makes other unreliable claims in that book.

I have an idea.

Why dont we merge (can't really find him) William into Edmund Scott, and Mary (invented) into Joan (unknown)? Then their children will march and easily merge, except for (can't find him) John, who we cut loose with his own NN parents?

PS then we'd need to make a new MP'd profile for "this" Sir Richard Scott -- who did not have Edmund's children (or any other others we can find so far, and did have a fictional wife?)

They had 10 sons (Sir Edward; Thomas, Esq; Sir John; Richard; Robert; Reginald; Sir William; Joseph; Anthony; & Benjamin)

Note: Francis Wyatt married Margaret Sandys, niece of Sir Edwin Sandys, key member of the Virginia Company.

(I'm tracking the Sandys family, every detail helps)

Need perhaps two William profiles--

William Scott, son of Charles and Jane Wyatt Scott--and wife Barbara Tomlyn, children William and Kathryn.

This is Charles:
Sir Charles Scott, Esq.

And perhaps one for William, son of Thomas, no wife, probably not a knight, explaining the problem with the baptismal record and the lack of any other records. That same baptismal record could be for either William--the record says Sir Thomas is the father, but the age and location match the son of Charles.

I can add the family of William, son of Charles--tomorrow. Want to parse that article again and check a few more sources.

That "can't find him"John Scott/Mary Kirkton line doesn't seem to be documented until great-grandson Aymes Glidewell gets to America. Hard to know where to cut it off, except they can't be attached to either the Howards or the Scot's Hall Scotts.

Whoa ... Check the chart here

Memorials of the family of Scott, of Scot's-hall
 By J.R. Scott page 255

Lady Mary Howard married to Sir William Scott, son of Sir Thomas Scott & Elizabeth Baker. Their children don't seem listed.

I'm now looking in that book for Sir William's will.

William Scott's will, proved 7th Jan 1594, by Thomas Scott, Esq., and Sir John Scott, Knt., the sons, and Charles Scott, Esq., the brother of the deceased.

No son William. No daughter in law Mary Howard. No children of them mentioned.

He's a died young someone resurrected ....

Easier to read ? Chart
Pedigree of the Scott's of Bradbourne & Scott's Hall

99 - Sir William
100 - Lady Mary Howard

I'd read that JR Scott book is not considered a reliable source. It calls Sir William ""Ambassador of Florence, Venice, and Turkey." I couldn't confirm this.

This is a quote from JR Scott I found elsewhere (don't know the p. #)

"Sir William Scott, Ambassador To Florence, Venice, and Turkey, in the Reign Of James I. Died: 1612."

And here we go

Ambassador to Turkey & Florence (didn't appear in will, MSS as referenced above)

William Scott = Mary, Daughter of Charles Howard

2 children
John married daughter of Sir John Wettup
William buried 1612

Mary Howard, daughter of Charles, Earl of Nottingham, can't be right. The first Earl had no daughter Mary. The next two, also named Charles, had no children.

Can not confirm "George Wortup" (or "George Wettup")

I just found another book that says a son of William Scott and Anne Pimpe, "Sir REGINALD Scott, by his second wife Mary, dau. of Sir Brian Towke, had Sir William,3 Ambassador to Turkey and to Florence, who married Mary Howard, daughter of Charles, Earl of Nottingham>"

fishy, no?

The Heraldic Journal: Recording the Armorial Bearings and ..., Volumes 1-2
edited by William Henry Whitmore, William Sumner

p 103

Google books

not sure if this will work:

If JR Scott is to be believed, we have

Sir William Scott + Mary Howard (the sir noted in the burial of his son William, 1612, in Bradnose)
Their son John Scott + daughter of Sir George Wattrup (?)
Their son was

Capt. John Scott

Privateer & wife deserter!

This is awesome ...

Well our (certainly thought well of himself) Cpt John had Scott of Scott's Hall arms

If someone can parse out the rest of the arms noted here on page 104

I think we have enough for his parents & are closing in on his grandparents

I think this ref is on this thread but making sure

and ... I'd say our scoundrelous Scott is behind the constructed pedigree he tried to put over on Charles ll.

A review of the JR Scott book from NEHGR, 1877:

Re: John Scott of Long Island:

"The present authoritative pedigree is entirely contradictory of the one there given,"

Re: the Howard marriage:
"...and the peerages are silent as to any such intermarriage of Scot with a daughter of either of the three earls of Nottingham"

Whose parents do we have enough for? I have the impression that Capt. John Scott was a huckster with no proven claim to the Scot's Hall line.

Hey if he was good enough for Charles ll .... :):)

I think your find of looks right?

Martha, mother of Ursula (Scott) Kimball, was perhaps the widow of Hon John Scott, and daughter of Sir George Wortup.

So the Scoundrel Scott had a sister.

And there is some total fantasy in this line ....

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