Eberhard I von Thurgau - Zürichgau - Could these Profiles be sane -

Started by Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns on Sunday, August 30, 2015
8/30/2015 at 8:57 AM

Could these be the same people:

[Eberhard II, Graf von Zürichgau Evrard Ier De Nellenbourg]
* Birth: estimated between 843 and 895
* Death: January 31, 899
* Son of Adalbert II, count in the Thurgau and Judith di Friuli, Countess of Eastern Franconia, Duchess of Bavaria
* Husband of Gisèle De Zurichgau
* Brother of Manegold and Burchard I, duke of Swabia
* Half brother of Berengar Graf in der Hattenhuntare; Adelgunde of Burgundy; Adalbert III, count palatine of Franconia; Adelheid van Metz (van Auxerre); Gisela von Nellenburg (van Auxerre) and 1 other

son of

[Adalbert II, count in the Thurgau Adalbert II "der Erlauchte" von Räthien, Graf in der Thurgau]
Birth: circa 835 Switzerland
Death: June 6, 905 (66-74) Germany
Son of Adalbert I von Schwaben (von Räthien), Graf von Räthien & Thurgau and ? am Bodensee?
Husband of Rotlind Graf de Thurgau; Judith di Friuli, Countess of Eastern Franconia, Duchess of Bavaria and N De Rhetie
Father of Manegold; Burchard I, duke of Swabia and Evrard Ier De Nellenbourg
Brother of Ulrich I, Graf von Thurgau and Bouchard

There is a lot so similarities but a variation of spelling on the names and generational alignment

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