My tree is once again been messed with

Started by Beverly Joan Petrice on Wednesday, July 15, 2015
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Just letting you know so it will not happen to yours profiles are completely deleted ......

Also info is changed and just check the birth dates on the merges because they completely deleted my info and replaced and had the son older than the so called father not possible.... also my Aunts and and Uncles are in their 70,s and upper 80,s in my information also to let you know my ex husbands grandmother lived to be 107 so on that note...... a lot of my research and dates add up i read a lot i may not be 100% correct but i am pretty certain that they should have not been completely removed maybe corrected but not removed completely....i would like to hear your opinion on his matter.....i hope this does not happen to you

Beverly - please, I beg you, please include a link or a name or "something" to the profile you're concerned about? I've fixed things for you before, can do it again - but not if I don't know what it is ... :(

it is not just one profile it is a bunch of them.....i would provide a link but everything is gone.....

Names and dates, Beverly? I don't know if you remember but I do - I was able to fix it right up last time. But now I'm clueless so how can I even start?

I know i have to make profiles all over again i guess,,,thanks for offering to help...appreciated....

Beverly I'm quite sure we can fix this, all you need to do is give me a couple of names beyond "great grandmother". I dont even know my own without looking it up. :). If it's a privacy concern, my Geni mail is open ....

Beverly, if the Profiles were actually deleted, you can probably find and restore them --

If the info has disappeared due to a bad merge, Erica (or any Curator) can reverse the merge. Or, if it is a combination of bad merge and good merge with bad data, they can help unravel it. I do not know what they can do in the situation where a connection was cut.

Did somebody do a merge and then cut a connection, sending the profiles off into never-land with different names, or ??

Re: ". I do not know what they can do in the situation where a connection was cut."

That's the easiest to solve.

Look in revisions, see what's been disconnected, and drag & drop (in other words, re create the family relationship that had gotten disconnected).

says error but not deleted on some and some profiles have been removed completely.....says by me but it wasn,t me....i changed my email and password to geni just to be safe and only currators can lock profiles and make changes ...thanks for your help God bless.....

Erica - I looked at one of the places where a disconnection was made - it says "<private> B---- (R----) was disconnected from her parents <private> R---- and <private> R---- (C----) and siblings <private> R----, <private> R----, <private> R---- and <private> R---- by ...." - none of the names are clickable blue - 'B----" and "R----" are written out - I changed to preserve a bit more privacy -- BUT I see no way whatsoever that I could find the person disconnected, cannot even be certain who the other folks are -- certainly could not drag and drop -- are these shown differently to Curators than to non-Curators, or ?? [was a merge that should never have been made, would love if the Manager who was added due to the bogus merge was removed but this is NOT a situation where I want the disconnection reversed -- just trying to understand your comment]

However, do see that where both/all are Public Profiles, reconnecting might be rather easy. -- did Geni always give this info in Revisions, or is it just in the past few years or ??

soo... who messed up what?

Lois - i can't quite recall history; the revision story has incrementally improved in "usability."

For public profiles, the revisions tab will show disconnects through a certain range around that profile. Those links are clickable and anyone (pro or basic) could then recreate the family tree via drag & drop (or other methods). For private profiles, i would think this is same within the family group only.

Michael - "who" matters not at all, everyone makes mistakes, it's entirely besides the point of "where.". I feel helpless because I "know" this is easily fixed if the disconnected profile could just be specified.

Re: removing managers.

That can only be done within the family group via actions menu > manager options > X off a manager. If they are legitimately in the family group (4th cousin + spouse or closer) they are not removable, although even then, the other manager could relinquish management by Xing themselves off.

I agree. Just trying to understand where the mistake and who did it intentonaily mistake or otherwise which is why the revisons tab comes into play but of course with out details of i or some one messed this up aka profile links its kinda hard to solve did she delete them her self trying to fix it or? And thats why lois suggested the geni deleted list.. Just trying to figure it all out and being cryptic is hindering me and you and lois trying to help her out

It would help if we had a safe guard on manager removel much like we have to have 2 people aprove a merge i think.

yes i think if it is because of bad merges some profiles need to be looked at and possibly corrected to prevent a bad merge i do not think that people should just be able to remove work if it affects multiple tree,s i think that other managers should be made aware of removal so said profile can have the option of having a alternate manager so work can not just be deleted which affects other,s tree,s in progress or at least give someone the option of being manager of said profile if the original manager is deleting their account from said site.....just a thought though...

but oh well .......still a work in progress and i really do mean that.....

Beverly - my offer to fix the tree if you give me more information stands, of course. But without more information there's not a lot more to say.

Michael - The system as it is now works pretty well, so i can't even begin to address the improvement question.

Unfortunantly I have the same issues. Due to several merges some of my grandparents have no parents, the Courtenay's, Hungerfords, Kings, etc. have gone from grandparents on my grandmother's side to cousins, uncles and aunts on my grandfather's side and are now not related at all but are relatives of my step father. There are way too many to try and correct so I simply gave up and go with the flow but do not hold the information as accurate. That is why at first I didn't want to merge and had my profiles set as private. I use geni as a cross reference but have my own information on another sight.

Pamela - again, post a link to a profile, what you think is the correct information, and it "will" be fixed. The easiest is to start a discussion from that profile tab so it is transparent.

Here's only one example. Sir Walter I de Hungerford. Walter de Hungerford is your 6th great aunt's sister's husband's 13th great grandfather.

My lineage shows Walter-1110, to Walter-1140, to Everad-1160, to Walter-1186 to Walter-1230, to Walter-1260, to Walter-1308, to Thomas-1340, to Walter-1378, to Elizabeth-1405, to William de Courtenay-1428, to Joan-1480, to Elizabeth Drury-1518, to Catherine, John, Phillip, Elizabeth, Judith who married John Tisdale IV and on down the line to my grandmother, mother and myself making them all grandparents. I also realize the reluctancy to show John King and Catherine Drury as Rev. John King's parents but all other sights show that they are so I will go with that as I do that Elizabeth Browne Walker is Sarah Walker Tisdale's mother. I think that the problem here is that most profiles are not a direct line. They include brothers, sisters, spouses, etc. which shows a connection but not a direct one. All I do know is that my grandparents are not connected through my step father.

Sir Walter Hungerford, 1st Baron Hungerford

Sir Walter Hungerford, 1st Baron Hungerford is your stepfather's 18th great grandfather.

Tried posting the link but it won't stick for some reason.

I agree to dissagree on the works well part erica some of it can be smoother but that,s a debate for later. Now about that hungerford line.. Um...

I know you cant please every one but it seems every other day i log on here and see a merge complaint like this.. Wish it would stop honestly. When i did my merge it was simple and easy because i checked first took the time to make sure source a matched source b etc etc so maybe it was some one with bad data or somthing.

Michael - There's no debate. Everything can always be better.

But I work on Geni a lot. Do you really think it helps me help others better to hear about what's wrong? It depresses me. I don't want it to get in the way of trying to help members --- and that's the effect. Was that the intent?

Better for more experienced members to help people with the technical aspects using the tools at hand, and save the "needs improvement" for dedicated discussions I don't have to read.

thanks Michael

Pamela Joyce Tisdale Poppe Antrup

Your link took great, thanks for posting. It looks like your question is on how to get Geni to reflect a different path to Sir Walter?

Here's my current path

Shockingly I think it's OK. I'm surprised -- there's a lot of fraud in the Hungerford pedigrees.

Your right. Erica that wasnt my intent. I just wish all the griping would stop. There seems to be too much of that lately and its depressing as well. Just trying to understand what beverly was talking about. I can agree with pamela the logistics are off a bit and with you that there is a lot of bad data and people merging bad data because they dont see it as bad because they merge with out thinking. For some reason it will not let me tag the profile from my ipad but.. William douglas in 1610 because geni needs to save. Server power is messed up but i dont really care how it gets there. By my acounts he should be 10th ggf i think but geni has it at some weird path

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