David King of Israel is my 87th great grandfather.
How many of us are there in the world, i wonder, who descend from King David? Considering the Holocaust, in which whole family lines were cut off, there are still many thousands of us. I am not here to debate if the genealogy if "accurate," only to ask, how many of us are there in the world .. in Geni and off of Geni. Any guesses?
Think about it, King David had several sons and daughters. If you go back far enough, everyone is connected some how. I'm connected through an Armenian King in the 700s. My wife is Jewish, and her line from her dads side connects her, when he wasn't Jewish. We don't have records of her Jewish line that far back: I need to learn Polish and Russian to read them haha.
Catherine Anna Manfredi Yronwode, going that far back, the math works out that IF someone has any living descendants, then pretty much "everyone" today is a descendant of theirs. That would certainly include almost all Jews.
Here are two real examples, that have been studied:
* Charlemagne (742 - 814) - Estimated 10% of Europe are descendants!
* Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire (1162 - 1227) - Estimated 10% of the WORD are descendants. Although later, he got around a lot more than Karl.
King David of Israel lived **two thousand** years earlier...
I don't remember where I saw it, but I could have sworn the estimated percentage of Europeans descended from Charlemagne was 60%, not 10
Family researchers have long known that if you go back far enough, everyone with a European connection ends up being related to Charlemagne.
according to you people King David is my 88th great grandfather. Well, I have a problem with this. The trail that leads me to him has King Solomon as David's father. As far as I can remember from my Sunday scholl bringing up and the old Testament, Solomon was not his father. David was a shepherd boy. I might need to pull my bible out on this one,
David King of Israel is your 88th great grandfather from my mom side. He was a Jew and I was shocked to find out he was grandfather found pockets of Hidden shephardic jew and other pockets of jews in the family also related thru my father sideWoodrow Wilson Worthley is David King of Israel's 88th great grandson.Genghis Khan (Temüjin), Khagan of the Mongol Empire is your 19th great uncle's great aunt's husband's great grandfather. Frances Lenora Thomas-Worthley is Genghis Khan (Temüjin), Khagan of the Mongol Empire's great grandson's wife's great nephew's wife's 17th great niece.Woodrow Wilson Worthley is Charlemagne's 30th great grandson Charlemagne is your 34th great grandmother's husband's 11th great grandfather.
I was thinking of King Solomon not the son. I had no idea who David's son'd were. We never went into his linage in Sunday, it just wasn't that important. What was important was various Bible stories and then getting to Jesus. My main knowledge of him was killing the giant, who's name I can't spell,becoming king, an affair with Bathshebia, not studied in Sunday school, obviously, the murder of her husband ,by placing him on the front linesand Jesus's stepfather Joseph was of that line
I would to speak about more interesting things about the true goal of GENI (atleast I hope it was): THE TRUE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE AND MADE THE MANKIND THROUGH THE GENERATIONS.
Than I would like to speak about the marriages between relatives (very commune in some communities) that the GENI's software can't manage, because it privileges the shorter path (number of generations), than genealogical lineages with a commune great grand parents and marriages between descendents of these lineages are no more recognized as kinsman or great grand parents become great grand huncle/aunt or the number of generations change following different parallel lineages with the same number of generations.
All these
All these problems of software, hidden a lot of links of kinship. Other thing that I think, instead of fruitless speechs, is that GENI's software would underline over all, the mascoline lineages that can be verified with the Y-DNA test.
After this it is possible speak about some CURATORS that are looking for particular interests instead of the GENERAL INTEREST and so on
Often I'm not agree with Justin and this is one of these, the sexism is a mistification. Statisticaly the family name is that of the the mascoline lineage (sometime in some countries the family name of the wife (*) it's linked to that of the husband (*), but in the next generation the family name of the wife (*) falls, while that of the male(*) remain and that of woman (*) has replaced by that of the woman (**) that will marry the male (**) of the next generation; the only exception is that of some royal families without male heirs).
Speaking about the accuracy of Y-DNA test I need to leave the word to Justin great expert of all, but I need to add only a last (for the moment) thought: I prefer the statistic "Truth" to the individual interest of Justin that has took the family name of his mother, legitimate choise, but not a general rule to impose to all the GENI's members, creating genealogical situations of great confusion and occulting some kinships that can be relevant for many GENIS's members.
Surnames are certainly an interesting part of genealogy, but we take our surname because it's a custom, not because it says something about biology.
Think about it for a minute. Are you more closely related to your father's parents than to your mother's parents? Of course not. You have four grandparents and you are a descendant of all of them. Go back 20 generations and that's still true. You are descended from all your ancestors, not just the ones in your male line.
It's no secret that I took my mother's maiden name when I was already an adult. It might seem scandalous to you, but it doesn't mean I'm trying to impose that rule on Geni. It also doesn't mean that I think I'm more closely related to my mother than to my father ;)
There was a tradition in the north that widely ended before 1400, with few exceptions, that a man could take his mothers first name as his last, but it had most likely to do with the mother being of a more significant family than the father. There were also one tradition that a child with an unknown father was given the mothers name in the church record, but in the most cases they managed to squeeze out the name from the mother, unless she had been raped by a stranger, which now and then happens everywhere, just as much today as in ancient times, but with the differences that today most woman can do an abortion.
When we look at any tree that goes far back, we can never be 100% certain, and there's really no way to tell what's really true, we have to settle for probabilities.
On this argument I completely agree with you and I am an architect and not God and than I don't take position on your personal choices, but only about the fact that the masculine lineage is traceable by Y-DNA tests and these tests gives une evidence that can confirm a genealogical lineage on statistic basis.
I make an example: on GENI exist some families that for masculine lineage descend from an Exilarch that for genealogical tradition is a descendent of King David; with this preamble these families can test their Y-DNA and if this test confirms a match with zero distance, we could say that on "statistic basis" they are King David's descendents.
I don't undervalue the feminine lineage that is a mix of women and men that arrives until me, I would like that GENI's software would point out all the lineages that have a commune forefather and through consanguineous marriages between members of different lineages (very commune in Jewish genealogies)) joint on a single person (a GENI's member).
This GENI's member would like to know that all the profiles of these lineages are in a relationship of consanguinity and in the right degree of kinship and in the right number of generations, but at the present it is not possible because GENI's software doesn't support that situation and some profile (consanguineous) are no more in kinship.
I understand the difficulty of an upgrade of the GENI's software, perhaps in the next future it will be possible, but in the immediate future was useful et possible for Y-DNA purpose to privilege the masculine lineage to the shortest lineage that has not a genetic utility.