baal shem tov genealogy

Started by Nathan Rosenshein on Wednesday, July 8, 2015
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Malka, what is the source for saying that beila horodenker's daughter was rivka miriam rosenberg? The said rivka miriam was daughter to zvi hirsh rosenberg, but if zvi hersh did not marry beila horodenker, then rivka miriam is NOT the daughter of beila horodenker...So again, we come down to the same questions....

1) Where is the "evidence" that zv hersh rosenberg married beila horodenker? (It appears that he did not)

2) What do we do with the fact that the RESEARCHER Rosenberg asserts in his well documented book very clearly that they are NOT descended from the Besht?
He even writes that those who assert otherwise are wrong.

2a) Corollary: If the rosenbergs are not descended from the Besht, it means that the marriage between Beila Horodenker and zvi hersh rosenberg NEVER HAPPENED.

I am still waiting for someone to come up with evidence to refute the above.


Nathan Rosenshein I am going to try and see if some information can be found regarding the descendants of Perel Horodenker's two marriages.

Also, exactly who is this Rosenberg researcher, do we have a profile for
him on Geni??? Is he a direct descendent of the same Rosenberg Family we are researching?

Dear Malka,
I have the Rosenberg book. Authored by yisroel (son of shlomo) Rosenberg. A direct descendant of the Rosenberg/ElIentman family..
The book is a 700 page Hebrew volume, well researched. I have not verified on to see if yisroel is there, but I guess that is easily verified. The author died a few years ago. I spoke to him by phone about 8 or 9 yrs ago.

" A direct descendant of the Rosenberg/ElIentman family.. "
Rivka Miriam Rosenberg is my 44th cousin. She has 10684 descendants listed here on Geni.

Nathan Rosenshein, Private User makes an interesting point indeed.
Meanwhile I found Reb Yisroel Rosenberg's profile on Geni, and the About Me section lists the book. ie.

Reb Yisrael Rosenberg

Author of Geneology Book

A marvelous compilation, listing all the children of Reb Avraham Eber Rosenberg, and his nine children - Going back six generations.. over 10,000 names listed.

Additionally, the book include informations about the origins of Reb Avraham Eber Rosenberg's family, dating back to RASHI.

If interested in a copy, please write to Sarah (Sari) Mazor at (email available on profile) We have several copies left stored in the USA and in Israel.

Also, going back to Ulf's point, Interestingly enough I am connected to both Reb Yisrael Rosenberg, and Beila Horodenker.

To Reb Yisrael Rosenberg:
To Beila Horodenker:

To verify Perel's descendants from both marriages, I am contacting the various Breslever Website's to see if they have genealogical information to provide.

Hi All.

Malka has contacted me and suggested I look in on this interesting discussion.

My father a"h, Reb Yisrael Rosenberg was a walking encyclopedia when it came to family genealogy. He compiled his book in long hand in a series of notebooks without the aid of computers and databases.

His father, my grandfather, began the work. My father showed me the original notebooks.. which listed about 300 names. My father worked on the compilation for decades but was completely immersed in the project during the last years of his life.

Though I helped him with typing up his material, I did not participate in the research. I do know, however, that he was certain that our family was not related to the Besht.

- If any of you have interest my brother still has some copies of the book, and you may email me for his contact information.

All the best,

Thank you Sarah, for your comments. So Sarah has confirmed that the Rosenbergs are not descended from the Besht. Meaning that the above noted marriage (Rosenberg/Horodenker) never took place. Under the circumstances, I propose to modify the record to record that fact.
At present, the record is wrong, as it has recorded the marriage as having happened, even though it never did happen. The consequence of this error is that thousands of people THINK that they are descendants of the Besht, because they are looking at erroneous records. We should be accurate , obviously, and we should strive to correct errors.
I would be glad to hear of further opinions, both pro and con.

I just happened on another discussion regarding the BESHT
Check it out

Private User Thank you indeed for your invaluable assistance in this puzzling issue. I look forward to obtaining a copy of your dear father's Rosenberg genealogical Opus.

Nathan Rosenshein Out of curiosity, who was Zvi Hersh Rosenberg the patriarch of the Rosenberg family married to?

Hopefully some Breslever sites will respond with information re the descendants of Perel's two marriages, including that of Beila.

Malka, I am not sure who the wife of Zvi Hersh Rosenberg was. Rumour has it that her name was Beila (but I have no source and no evidence). It was not Beila Horodenker but I have heard it said that it was another Beila. Perhaps Sarah may know something more about this.

My grandfather Moshe (Morris) Sparber was born in Okopy,Galicia and his father was
said to have invented a threshing implement.My grandmother whose own mother came from Lemberg, was always looking at my brother and mine head for a double crown indicating descent from David.A descendent of theirs was said to be a Rabbi that lived to one hundred and eleven years of age.Any clues here of Davidic descent?

found a tombstone of my great great great grandmother, d. 1910, says on it 'descendant of the besht'. trying to find out how. her parents are Shmuel Simcha Halevi and Sheindel (Cohen) Rubenstein

Where did she live?

the kolatch family immigrated from pylyava, ukraine in 1893. mrs kolatch was a rubenstein.
they are buried in the sadagere section of mt. zion cemetery in queens.

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