Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks - Changes to this profile?

Started by Dan Cornett on Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Problem with this page?


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6/9/2015 at 8:21 AM

As posted in the About by Private User:

"Regarding Clovis I

I put out some info on this person, but now it is gone, why?

I have said some things about this before, where some People feels that what comes from wiki is the thruth.

The info I put out comes from the museum in Reims, where I was in 2013. I also saw that the Picture I put out was removed. This Picture is the statue in Reims that is outside the Basilica that shows the baptisme of Clovis.

The Pictures that are put out om wiki are no evidence of what the People looked like and further more some of this pics are used on multiple persons. I consider to not put out any more info on geni because of this.

Most of the info about People comes from wiki, where everyone can put out anything without documentation.

As it says in the sentence below, is not a without a doubt the thruth, because the name Louis came first after the capetians came in to the royal French Family. It seems to easy for everyone to put out some info and say it is the thruth. The other thing is that some profiles get locked to prevent changes. Before any profiles are locked they should be certain that the info is correct, but this is not the case.

It is to bad that this happens couse the idea to get many People to collect info to get it right is good, but when everybody get the info fromm the same Place it will not help.

Clovis "

6/9/2015 at 8:29 AM

I removed the text above from the 'About' since a Discussion such as this is the appropriate place for such issues ... and it automatically notifies the active co-managers. (Simply modifying the "About" does not do so, except as a possible 'newsfeed' item.)

I do notice that there are sections in the "About" in different languages; those are undoubtedly from either merges or they preceded the availability of having separate 'languages' for the About text.
... it would be nice to have those sections separated into separate 'language' tabs. Unfortunately, I'm not multi-lingual enough to feel I could do so properly.

6/9/2015 at 7:31 PM

We need to do a thorough clean up in this area. A lot of nonsense has been interested recently.

6/18/2015 at 7:05 PM

Incidentally, the person that posted that comment on the *Clovis profile and other people (whom I will not mention) have control of certain key profiles attached to the world tree and set them to private. Now, it's understandable if it's a great grandparent or even a Great, great grandparent but why is it acceptable to set a profile to private for a person whom lived in 1190?

Many of the profiles set to private haven't always been private... Wondering what gives?

6/18/2015 at 7:14 PM

Easy enough for curators to set them back to Public. Just let us know when you find one.

6/18/2015 at 7:22 PM

Thank you, I do have a list developing.

6/19/2015 at 12:54 AM

Mary Susan: Simply post them in the "Attention Curators, please assist" discussion:

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