the father for Frances (Roberts ) Woolsey was Baronet Thomas Roberts but the link has been deleted and my tree is messed up completely on my Grandfathers side did someone delete the account for a reason or was it a glitch with Geni......I am very confused and i have tried to correct but it is a deleted account so i am of need of some assistance any help i could have would be greatly appreciated...Best regards Beverly J Skidmore Petrice.....
I think you mean Profile instead of Account.
I also believe these are the profiles of question:
Sir Thomas Roberts, 1st Bt of Glassenbury
Frances Woolsey
If that is the correct Frances, then the profiles needs some work as there are zero sources attached.
I had to search for them, could not find a connection to Opha Zirkles (Opha Oscar Zirkle). Beverly Joan Petrice Can you point us towards which ancestor line starting at Opha the connection to Frances begins?
Well it seems that someone deleted all my profiles that i worked so hard on it took me years of research and my sons were working on it for school....I am very upset because it took me so much time to look up records and i found some of my research through Hackers Creek descendants.....wonderful that i come on geni to have some of my profiles deleted and yes when i connected to the line two nights ago Frances Roberts Woolsey was the daughter of Thomas Roberts and it said account deleted ......also Lady Frances Thurtle Roberts Btts was removed also......if you could help it would be greatly appreciated.....
You might try undeleting them - sometimes they come up correctly attached, tho it seems not always. In any case, should come up with info you entered and any documents that were attached, etc. (at least, I think it is supposed to!!)
Suggest - when they come up, copy the URL someplace, so you will be sure you can find again - especially if do not come up correctly attached. Also perhaps first ndelete ones that connect to profiles still existing, to increase chance of coming up attached correctly.
See http://help.geni.com/entries/471518-How-can-I-undelete-a-profile-I-... - link they give there: http://www.geni.com/list/deleted
She says she did much research -- if comments and info about HER research were in the About and/orTimeline, and documents she had found in Media Tab of the Profiles, then undeleting would probably be very helpful and reassuring to her - that way she could compare the info SHE found to what is on the other versions of the Profile, rather than having to guess if she had found the same thing - and might even provide extra info for others.
re: "The top of the line profile will have information in the revisions to help us understand what happened." -- Either this is totally wrong, or I am not understanding.
IF her profiles were deleted, their info will not be shown in revisions of existing profiles for that person. Moreover - The only info shown in Revisions is the revision history of the Primary Profile. Since hers were deleted, they are clearly not the one that 'won out' as Primary. So how would revision history there be helpful?
OR - possibly first question is - What do you mean by "the top of the line profile".