Fruen til Ivar Ragnarsson (NNdatter), wife of Ívarr Guðrøðsson - Ivar vs. Imar

Started by Alex Moes on Monday, May 4, 2015
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5/4/2015 at 7:25 PM

I think it is beyond fantasy to suggest that this woman,"Fruen til", was married to two viking kings of Dublin both named Ivar.

Therefore the question is raised, are we (as Geni members) merging Ivar Beinlauss "Ivar the Boneless" with Imar ua Ímair Ivarr Gudrodson, king of Dublin?

I don't know of any sources for Ivar Beinlauss having children, so if we do not merge the children currently attached to him need to be disconnected and moved over to Imar.

Note: I am calling them Ivar and Imar for simplicity, obviously both men are known by various spellings of the same name.

Private User
5/4/2015 at 9:12 PM

Jason Scott Wills did the merge on her and could explain why...
I have undone the merge.

5/6/2015 at 4:39 AM

In Gaelic Ua Ímair means of the Race of Ivar, in other words the family of Ivar!

Irish Manuscript sources are reliable particularly because they were literate accounts of the illiterate 'Northmen' or Gall. These Manuscripts could be used to context date Saga accounts of the same events.

However you must understand that Irish sources are essentially 'a war correspondents' view of what transpired within an aggressive and alien society.


5/6/2015 at 5:50 PM

Michael George Dixon you are of course correct.

I was hoping to spark a discussion regarding the possibility that Ivar and Imar are the same person.

Looking at Ivar's profile it is clear to me that at least one of the 98 profiles which has been merged into the current MP was either an Imar profile or a profile of Ivar created by a user who saw the two men as one and the same.

I see two paths we could follow (i am sure there are more), the wife and children currently connected to Ivar can be disconnected and merged into the corresponding profiles connected to Imar, leaving Ivar as a genealogical dead end.
The other option would be to merge Ivar and Imar, with a prominent explanation, this would result in a data conflict regarding his father (which we could leave unresolved).

Private User
5/6/2015 at 6:30 PM

What's really wrong with Ívarr Gudrødsson being a second or third king of Dublin after Ivar the boneless?

5/6/2015 at 9:23 PM


Imar is active in the Irish Annals between 857 and 864 and again between 870 and his death in 873.

Ivar first appears in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles in 865 with the invasion by the Great heathen Army and is mentioned until, but not after, 870.

Apparently one of the strongest arguments for Ivar=Imar is that the period that Ivar is record in English texts almost exactly matches the time Imar is missing from Irish texts.

Unless there are sources i am unaware of which place Ivar in Ireland before 857 i don't see how your suggestion could work.

I don't know where the idea that Ivar was a king in Ireland comes and assume it is due to people thinking Ivar=Imar.

5/7/2015 at 3:23 AM

Hi Alex

Just a Curio.

Ivarr was described in the Irish Annals of dying of a sudden hideous disease in 873.

Tradition holds that his remains were buried beside the Dublin Steine, and indeed a grave site was discovered during the laying of pipes in the vicinity of the present day College Green Police Station about 1728.

The Steine itself was soon afterwards removed by a 'gentleman' for his collection while the grave contents of a quantity of burned bones and some metal objects were no doubt rifled by the curious.

Remarkably another hole in this general vicinity has just been excavated during the present works of extending the Dublin Light Rail System! Just in time for the return of the TV Series perhaps?

5/7/2015 at 5:12 AM

For anyone else that doesn't know what the stein is :)

8/31/2015 at 5:27 PM

In a private conversation today another user has pointed out to me the flawed logic of this profile even existing.

IF we accept the two men are the same and merge Imar and Ivar then Imar's wife becomes Ivar's wife.
BUT if we don't accept that assumption then there is no evidence that Ivar ever had a wife, so why does this profile exist?

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