Hey Cousins,
So one of my closer cousins, Cass Sunstein (first cousin once removed, straight blue line) is writing a piece about the World Family Tree and the Global Family Reunion and its social and political implications.
I got him some of the links he wanted (Abe Lincoln, for instance).
But he also asked to see how he is connected to someone who is not so friendly with the USA on the geopolitical scene. For instance, Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Ali Khamenei, Bashar al-Assad.
I searched all those guys and couldn't find a link. What do you think? Anyone up for the challenge?
The good news is, we have a little time, at least a week or more.
Thanks again for being amazing.
Putin might be doable
Unknown Profile
"Vladimir Putin is a relative of all royal families of Europe"
Unknown Profile ?
Asian would be pretty impossible unless there's a known exogamy event.
Can your cousin expand his wish list perhaps?
Re: Ali Khamenei
I don't know that we can get a good tree up on Geni so quickly but I think we can say there's connectivity.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei
"Khamenei holds the title of Sayyid, which means that he has direct patrilineal descent from Muhammad's daughter."
According to Geni:
"Syed's are the direct descendants of The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) Of Islam. The Prophet's daughter Syeda Bibi Fatima-tuz Zahra (R.A) was married to Hazrat Ali ibne Abu-Talib (R.A), (Fourth Caliph of Caliph of Rashideen) and who was also the youngest cousin of the Prophet of Islam."
That then would be
Unknown Profile
Who Geni says is my 42nd great grandmother
For Bashar-al-Assad I've been looking through this
It does not appear there's any link to the Prophet's line or any exogamy events.
Unknown Profile Putin's family tree is a secret even the Kremlin cannot penetrate.
However, in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) it is interesting to note that Unknown Profile survivor of Buchenwald, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1993 to 2003, and scheduled Keynote Speaker at the IAJGS 2015 Conference is A.J. Jacobs 11th cousin thrice removed: http://geni.com/XPcqH
1. http://www.geni.com/projects/35th-IAJGS-International-Conference-on...
2. http://www.geni.com/projects/Holocaust-Remembrance-Day-Yom-HaShoah/...
Unknown Profile I think we are meant to find contemporary US political adversaries. Linking to the baddest of the bad guys throughout history is no problem. The problem is that in hot-button volatile countries leaders, politicians and even the public avoids public social and genealogy sites.
Caligula, Roman Emperor is A.J. Jacobs' first cousin 72 times removed: http://geni.com/d7DXp
Countess Erzsébet - Elizabeth Báthory, labelled the most prolific female serial killer in history, is A.J. Jacobs' 33rd cousin 17 times removed: http://geni.com/5x020
A.J. Jacobs is related to Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia: http://geni.com/sd9C8
etc. etc. . . . http://www.geni.com/projects/Ambassadors-of-Darkness/2729
Unknown Profile I think we are meant to find adversarial contemporary political connections. The problem is that leaders in hot-button contentious areas, politicians and even the public avoids public social and genealogy sites.
However, linking to the baddest of the bad throughout history is no problem.
Caligula, Roman Emperor is A.J. Jacobs' first cousin 72 times removed: http://geni.com/d7DXp
Countess Erzsébet - Elizabeth Báthory is A.J. Jacobs' 33rd cousin 17 times removed: http://geni.com/5x020
A.J. Jacobs is related to Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia: http://geni.com/sd9C8
etc. etc. . . . http://www.geni.com/projects/Ambassadors-of-Darkness/2729
Unknown Profile I think we are meant to find adversarial contemporary political connections. The problem is that leaders in hot-button contentious areas , politicians and even the public avoids public social and genealogy sites.
However, linking to "bad guys", the baddest of the bad throughout history is no problem.
Caligula, Roman Emperor is A.J. Jacobs' first cousin 72 times removed: http://geni.com/d7DXp
Countess Erzsébet - Elizabeth Báthory, labelled the most prolific female serial killer in history, is A.J. Jacobs' 33rd cousin 17 times removed: http://geni.com/5x020
A.J. Jacobs is related to Vlad the Impaler Dracula, Prince of Wallachia: http://geni.com/sd9C8
etc. etc. . . . http://www.geni.com/projects/Ambassadors-of-Darkness/2729
I also checked "The Bad Guys"..........my luck:
"Joseph Stalin is Norm Galston's wife's third great uncle's wife's second great nephew's wife's sister's husband's second great uncle's wife's great nephew's ex-wife's father!"
...I always knew something was terribly wrong with her family.......
(Stalin would have died if he knew he had a Jewish connection!)
Unknown Profile If the following Wikipedia article is correct, Stalin's daughter and son married Jews.
. . . When Stalin's young daughter Svetlana fell in love with prominent Soviet filmmaker Alexei Kapler, a Jewish man twenty-three years her elder, Stalin was strongly irritated by the relationship. According to Svetlana, "He (Stalin) was irritated more than anything else by the fact that Kapler was Jewish". Kapler was convicted to ten years of hard labor in Gulag on the charges of being an "English spy."
. . . Stalin's daughter later fell in love with Grigori Morozov, another Jew, and married him. Stalin agreed to their marriage after much pleading on Svetlana's part, but refused to attend the wedding.
. . . Stalin's son Yakov also married a Jewish woman, Yulia Meltzer, and though Stalin disapproved at first, he began to grow fond of her.
. . . Stalin's biographer Simon Sebag Montefiore writes that Lavrenty Beria's son noted that his father could list Stalin's affairs with Jewish women.
Unknown Profile A.J. Jacobs is Joseph Stalin's 6th cousin once removed via an ex-husband of Stalin's daughter: http://geni.com/fgBVG
Fatimah-tuz-Zahra (R.A) is my 40th great grandmother.
Assad bin Imaam Hashim is my 42nd great grandfather.
Alphonse "Scarface Al" Gabriel Capone is your first cousin 22 times removed's wife's mother's husband's niece's husband's wife's second great grandson's wife's father's wife's husband's brother.
Rabbi Israel Meir Lau is your 38th cousin 18 times removed.
RE: Stalin...
Remember Stalin had plans to get even via the "Jewish Doctor's Plot"...then suddenly in 1953 he died of a "So Called Stroke"....guess he couldn't find a Jewish Doctor!!!!
"A.J. Jacobs is Norm Galston's wife's 6th great uncle's wife's fourth great niece's ex-husband's first cousin twice removed!"
RE: Stalin...
Remember Stalin had plans to get even via the "Jewish Doctor's Plot"...then suddenly in 1953 he died of a "So Called Stroke"....guess he couldn't find a Jewish Doctor!!!!
"A.J. Jacobs is Norm Galston's wife's 6th great uncle's wife's fourth great niece's ex-husband's first cousin twice removed!"
"Cass Robert Sunstein is Norm Galston's wife's 6th great uncle's wife's fourth great niece's ex-husband's first cousin once removed!"
That Hager family is related to almost everyone on GENI!!!
Heeey Ulf:
You are indeed correct!!!
My wife's family left Portugal during the Inquisition,1492, and wound up in the Netherlands...in "The Hague"...eventually they moved on to Austria where they were known as "The Haguers" or people from "The Hague".
The Hagers have over 5000 connections on GENI and seem to be related to everyone...including most of the people on this page!!!
"Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson is your wife's (Rose Hager Galston) 44th cousin thrice removed."