Joanna Culpeper, Princess of England - Joanna m Culpepper: a daughter of King John?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, April 6, 2015
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@Sharon, you beat me to the punch, LOL.

:P Sharon i am sure wearwolf existed :P as for a giant race of bat dna can proove the its a mix of bird and rats heheheh

(i try to make my funny mart today .outsite with pc with the beautiful sun awwwww summer comming) :)


here again i am talking about Arthurian tale..this is only a story maybe based on some historical event but stay fiction

or i maybe confuse
King Arthur, Geoffrey of Monmouth Text

Athrwys ap Tewdrig, King of Glywyssing & Gwent

those 2 some ppl claim to be King Arthur but it cant. its a ficitional characther from a book nothing more nothing less

the caracther based is from pure fiction from a romanced point of view here (view from woman of those time)

ready to argumentation :)

Arthurian connection
See also: Historical basis for King Arthur: Athrwys ap Meurig

Due to the similarity of their names, it has been suggested that Arthwys had some connection with King Arthur, or was even the historical basis for the legendary king. However, the identification has been challenged on linguistic grounds by most of those who have examined the names

we can call this a made up story if the base source is from geoffrey of monmouth

We sell a lot of King Arthur material at our bookstore. There are dozens of theories, dozens of books. There's no easy answer to some of the chronological problems. Perhaps at some point we should create a King Arthur project to outline the alternatives.

Good Ide Justin! Just as Ragnar Lodbroke, semi myth and semi truth,
it might lead us to some form of substance.

Well I might as well stir the pot one more time while I'm at it, LOL.

Santa Claus
Saint Nikòlaos de Bari, Bishop de Myra

OK. I created a shell project for King Arthur.

Request to be added as a collaborator if you're interested.

I'll add more info (much more!) over the next few weeks and months.

Love it, Justin :-)

I think Martin needs to start a project for his Werewolf ancestry. :-)

Arthur - a Father Christmas project?

knight of the ronde table project soon.
Sharon :) for the werewold project its to soon i gona wait a full moon on a friday 13 :P

Martin, I Hope your not related to the slasher Jason too ; )

:P ahahaha

Martin, I'm bookmarking that :-)

@Martin This is the closest profile to a werewolf I can think of.

Lon Chaney Jr. who was the Original Wolf Man.

Lon Chaney, Jr.

Lon Chaney, Jr. is your 18th cousin once removed.

this is a good exemple of a fiction based on history legend
in 400 years after few translations ppl at that time can believe Lon Chaney jr to be one of werewolf family,,,,the proof a part of that movie clearly identify as original document

i hope to see more realistic genealogy in the futur

Gorlois, Igerna's Husband, Geoffrey of Monmouth Text
Gorlois' name first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136),[1] in which Uther falls in love with Igraine and wars with Gorlois to get to her. Uther asks for Merlin's aid in pursuing her, and Merlin concocts some drugs that disguise Uther in the form of Gorlois. As Gorlois, he approaches his love easily and they sleep together, conceiving Arthur. Unbeknownst to either of them, the real Gorlois has been killed in his castle that very night. Eventually Igraine is convinced to marry Uther.

Athrwys ap Meurig Uther Pendragon Gorlois merlin

We have an Arthurian Fiction Project to collect this kind of information.

The project hasn't yet moved into the problem of Ygraine and Gorlois, but they should be included.

It would be lovely to make a bit of progress on the "real" King Arthur. Of the victories attributed to him by Nennius, only one (Mons Badonicus) is clearly real and more or less datable by both archeological and historical sources (Gildas, who says that he was born in the year of Mons Badonicus) and names the leader as Ambrosius Aurelianus. Geoffrey of Monmouth is [too] easily dismissed as a historian, although he obviously can't be relied on for what we would call history. He claims, for example, that Merlin built Stonehenge; obviously wrong. But the nearest town, Amesbury, is with more or less certainty named after an "Ambrosius" [perhaps the only place-name in England outside the Celtic fringe to be named after a clearly Celtic person?] , in the vicinty of many places which have the "Bad" prefix which might identify them as Mons Badonicus - perhaps "a Badonic hill" rather than a specific place. And other claims by him which have traditionally been dismissed as fiction are probably right [for example, he claims to have seen and modernised a life of Athelstan, in Glastonbury Abbey, and close examination shows that his twelfth-century rendering may well contain echoes of tenth-century Latin, and we can even identify the lost manuscript in Glastonbury Abbey which might be the source}.


Please merge, this is real, they are not Fictious

Lord Bruce de UBC

Anne I know the story just we want not to make stories up and beleive someone that someone said he pulled the sword out of the s

Please merge, this is real, just because someone said they did this, is not good reason to isolate this family, they are a real family, not based on someone's made up story to make it belivable to say it is what they say, not real, people make up stories just because they did great stories, doesn't mean we can separate them from the tree is not the way to stop the connection to the past, we pay to find it not to have it snipped

Lord Bruce de UBC

Please Anne, I know the situation, but I want all profiles that are real please merge, thank you

Lord Bruce Ross Myers -- the links you give are the same profile. They can't be merged because they are already one thing.

Also, nobody said that Athrwys ap Tewdrig was fictional. As my notes in the Overview say, though he gets confused with King Arthur, he existed.

There's nothing to do here.

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