For Dutch geni-users an interesting study a the Leiden University:
Heiligen en Heren: studies over het parochiewezen in het Noorden van Nederland voor 1600
For Dutch geni-users an interesting study a the Leiden University:
Heiligen en Heren: studies over het parochiewezen in het Noorden van Nederland voor 1600
Mush to my dismay I have many Saints in my tree. jAlthough interesting the reasons why they are Saints are interesting, I don't beleave in them. They are just man made elevated people to scare the faithful into line and to go to church and spend money.Like the girl at work who was going to pay to a certain Saint to find a lost purse. She's often preying to tem for all of us, one reason or another. I just thank you, it's can;t hurt but do I really think it's going to help ,no!But who knows.
Just a few links more, from the related Saints:
St. Domantas Timotheus is your first cousin 23 times removed's wife's brother prince Dovmont Timofey, St. Santa Teresa de Portugal, reina consorte de León, is your first cousin 23 times removed Blessed Teresa de Portugal, queen consort of Leon St. Andrei Bogolyubsky, is your first cousin 26 times removed. Grand prince Andrey Bogolyubsky St. Hallvard Vebjørnsson is your first cousin 30 times removed. St. Hallvard Vebjørnsson St. Edward the Confessor, King of the English, is your first cousin 31 times removed. Edward The Confessor, king of the English Santo Hermenegildo II, King of the Visigoths, is your first cousin 33 times removed Saint Hermenegild Saint Odile, Abbess of Strasbourg, is your first cousin 37 times removed Saint Odile, Abbess of Strasbourg Saint Beggue of Austrasia, is your first cousin 38 times removed Saint Beggue of Austrasia Gertrudis van Nijvel, Saint, is your first cousin 38 times removed Saint Gertrudis of Nivelles Saint Wærburh is your first cousin 39 times removed. Saint Wærburh Iddawg Corn Prydain ap Cawrda, Saint, is your first cousin 40 times removed Iddew ap Cawrda, Saint Cadvarch . ap Cawrda, Saint, is your first cousin 40 times removed Cadfarch ap Caradog, Saint Saint Shushanik is your first cousin 42 times removed Saint Shushanik Erbin King Of Dumnonia, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed's husband's father Erbin ap Cynfawr, king of Dumnonia Selyf . ap Erbin, Saint, King of Cyniw is your first cousin 42 times removed's husband Selyf . ap Erbin, Saint, King of Cyniw Gwen Tonwen verch Cyngyr, Saint, wife of Selyf . ap Erbin, Saint, King of Cyniw is your first cousin 42 times removed Gwen verch Cyngyr, Saint Ysgin . ap Erbin, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed's husband's brother Ysgin . ap Erbin, Saint Saint Arianwen verch Brychan, is your first cousin 42 times removed St. Arianwen verch Brychan Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint Arthen ap Brychan, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed Arthen ap Brychan, Saint Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint, is your first cousin 42 times removed Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint St. Branwaladr . Ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed Branwaladr . ap Cynan St. Mel-Noch ap Conan, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed Mel-Noch . ap Cynan, Saint St. Echea ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed St. Echea . ap Cynan St. Echea . ap Cynan Iestin ap Caden, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed Iestyn . ap Caden, Saint St. Loman Ap Conan, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed Loman ap Cynan, Saint St. Loarn ap Conan, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed Loarn . ap Cynan, Saint St. Rioch Ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed Roch ap Cynan, Saint Roch ap Cynan, Saint St. Bolcan ap Conan, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed St. Bolcan . ap Cynan, Saint St. Munis Ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed St. Munis ap Cynan St. Lalloca ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed St. Lalloca . ap Cynan St. Branwaladr . Ap Conan is your first cousin 44 times removed Branwaladr . ap Cynan St. Mel-Noch ap Conan, Saint is your first cousin 44 times removed Mel-Noch . ap Cynan, Saint Saint Anna of Kashin, is your second cousin 21 times removed's husband's mother. Saint Princess of Tver Anna Kashirskaya Dmitriyevna Тверская (Кашинская) Saint Thibaud de Marly is your second cousin 23 times removed Saint Thibaud de Marly Santo Domingo de Guzmán Garcés, O.P., is your second cousin 24 times removed Domingo de Guzmán Garcés, Santo O.P. St. Thomas de Cantilupe of Hereford, is your second cousin 24 times removed. Saint Thomas de Cantelupe, Chancellor of England and Bishop of Hereford Saint Mikhail of Chernigov,Ukraine,1246, executed by Tatars, is your second cousin 24 times removed's husband. St. Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky Saint Alexander Nevsky is your second cousin 24 times removed. Saint prince Alexander Nevsky
Saint Amalberge of Neustria (640-692) is your second cousin 35 times removed Saint Doda of Neustria Saint Doda of Neustria Saint Amalberge of Neustria, is your second cousin 36 times removed. Saint Doda of Neustria Saint Gregory of Utrecht is your second cousin 36 times removed Saint Gregory of Utrecht Erbin King Of Dumnonia, Saint is your second cousin 42 times removed Erbin ap Cynfawr, king of Dumnonia Digain ap Custennin, Saint is your second cousin 42 times removed Digain . ap Custennin, Saint Erbin King Of Dumnonia, Saint is your second cousin 42 times removed Erbin ap Cynfawr, king of Dumnonia Digain ap Custennin, Saint is your second cousin 42 times removed Digain . ap Custennin, Saint Sta.Jeanne d'Arc, La Pucelle d'Orléans is your third great uncle's niece's husband's great niece's husband's first cousin's husband's 7th great aunt's husband's niece's husband's fourth great aunt. Jeanne d'Arc, La Pucelle d'Orléans Saint Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński, SFO, is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's wife's sister's husband's ex-partner's ex-husband's wife's first cousin thrice removed's wife's great uncle Saint Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski Święty(Saint) Stanisław Kostka, is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's third cousin 9 times removed Saint Stanislaus Kostka Święty(Saint)Rafał Kalinowski is your third cousin once removed's husband's aunt's husband's second cousin's husband's first cousin once removed's husband's son. Święty Rafał Kalinowski Saint Emebert is your third cousin 35 times removed Saint Emebert Of Maubeuge Saint John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla(Pope John Paul II), is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's wife's great niece's husband's first cousin thrice removed's wife's great aunt's husband's nephew Saint John Paul II
San Francisco Borja s.j., IV duque de Gandía, is your fourth cousin 13 times removed's husband San Francisco de Borja y Aragón, S.J. St. Caenog Mawr ap Iowerth. ap Lowerth, is your fourth cousin 18 times removed's husband's wife's niece's husband's uncle. St. Cynog Mawr ap Idnerth St. Arianwen verch Brychan, is your fourth cousin 18 times removed's husband's wife's niece's husband's grandmother St. Arianwen verch Brychan?through=6000000029011381931 Saint Dmitry I of the Don Grand Prince of Moscow is your fifth cousin 18 times removed's husband's father Dmitry Donskoy Jeanne Sainte Valois de France, Duchesse de Berry, Rheine de France, is your 6th cousin 14 times removed "Sainte" Jeanne de Valois, Duchesse de Berry, Reine de France São João de Brito, beatificado em 1852 e canonizado em 1947, is your 7th cousin 8 times removed São João de Brito São João de Brito?through=6000000018048589081 St. Gwenllian . ferch Brychan, is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 27th great grandmother St. Gwenllian ferch Brychan St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog, is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great grandfather. St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog Ceneu ap Coel Hen, Saint, Brenin Rheged & Catraeth is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great grandfather. Ceneu ap Coel Hen, Saint, Brenin Rheged & Catraeth St. Nennocha Wencu Gwengustle ap Brychan is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great aunt St. Nennocha Wencu Gwengustle verch Brychan St. Cynbryd . ap Brychan is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great uncle St. Cynbryd . ap Brychan Hychan . ap Brychan, Saint, is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great uncle Hychan . ap Brychan, Saint Envail . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 9th cousin 11 times removed's husband's 28th great aunt. Envail . verch Brychan, Saint Saint François de Laval is your 9th cousin 12 times removed Saint François de Laval Saint Edwin, King of Northumbria, is your 10th cousin 31 times removed Saint Edwin, King of Northumbria Saint Jean de Brébeuf is your 11th cousin 9 times removed's wife's third great uncle Saint Jean de Brébeuf, SJ Saint Eanfleda of Deira, is your 11th cousin 30 times removed Saint Eanfleda of Deira Saint Edwen of Llanedwen, is your 11th cousin 30 times removed Saint Edwen of Llanedwen Saint Oswine, King of Deira is your 11th cousin 30 times removed Saint Oswine, King of Deira Saint Wigstan is your 11th cousin 31 times removed Saint Wigstan Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Andes, is your 13th cousin 6 times removed Santa Teresa de Jesús de los Andes Santo Ignacio de Loyola, is your 14th cousin 6 times removed San Ignacio de Loyola Louis IX, le Saint, roi de France is your 21st great aunt's father Louis IX the Saint, King of France Sainte Marguerite d’Youville is your 22nd cousin four times removed. Sainte Marguerite d’Youville Saint Eanswythe, Abbess of Folkestone is your 22nd great grandfather's wife's 11th great aunt's husband's fifth great aunt. Saint Eanswythe, Abbess of Folkestone Saint Bertha de Paris, Queen of Kent is your 22nd great grandfather's wife's 11th great aunt's husband's 6th great grandmother. Saint Bertha, queen of Kent Saint Ethelbert I, King of Kent is your 22nd great grandfather's wife's 11th great aunt's husband's 6th great grandfather Saint Ethelbert I, King of Kent Fernando III, el Santo,, rey de Castilla is your 23rd great grandfather's wife's second great grandfather Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León Ramon Berenguer IV, el Sant, comte de Barcelona, is your 24th great grandfather Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" count of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" count of Barcelona St Magnus (Jarl of Orkney) Erlendsson, Orknøyjarl is your 24th great grandfather's wife's father's wife's grandson. St Magnus Erlendsson, Orknøyjarl Sta. Isabel de Aragão, rainha consorte de Portugal, is your 25th great grandmother Saint Elizabeth of Portugal “Santa” Ilduara Ériz de Lugo, wife of Gutierre Arias de Menéndez, Conde, 2º del Sobrado, is your 25th great grandmother Aldara Ériz de Lugo Sta. Isabel de Aragão, rainha consorte de Portugal, is your 25th great grandmother Saint Elizabeth of Portugal Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland, wife of Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots, is your 26th great grandmother Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots?through=6000000005029367221 St. Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, Emperor of Ethiopia is your 26th great uncle St. Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, Negus of Ethiopia ÁRPÁD(házi) Vajk►Szent István, Saint Stephan, 1st King of Hungary is your 28th great grandfather Saint Stephen, 1st King of Hungary ÁRPÁD(házi) I. Szent László - St. Ladislaus I, King of Hungary, is your 26th great grandfather Ladislaus I of Hungary Ferdinand III, the Saint, King of Castile is your 28th great grandfather. Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León Olav II Haraldsson, the Saint/Digre den Hellige, King of Norway MP, is your 28th great grandfather Saint Olaf II, King of Norway Saint Vladimir I, "Velikiy" "the Great", Prince of Novgorod, is your 29th great grandfather Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich Saint Adelaide of Italy, is your 30th great aunt Saint Adelaide of Italy Arianwen verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's grandmother St. Arianwen verch Brychan St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed) Saint Joachim is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's father's wife's son Saint Joachim Saint Anne (Hannah) is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's mother Hannah / Anna Saint Mary of Clopas is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife Mary ,the mother of James yngr & Joses Blessed Virgin Mary, wife of Saint Joseph of Arimathea,Disputed Father;God and Saint Joseph, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's 2nd wife Mary, mother of Jesus Saint Joseph of Arimathea, husband of Blessed Virgin Mary, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's Joseph of Arimathea Joseph of Arimathea Saint Joseph is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew Joseph Jesus of Nazareth is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son Nazareth/5416428010080105286?through=6000000004302359805 St. Mary Magdalene, wife of Jess of Nazareth, your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's nephew's wife's son's wife St. Mary Magdalene Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's fourth great nephew Saint Judah Kyriakos, Bishop of Jerusalem Envail verch Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great aunt Envail . verch Brychan, Saint Pasgen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint Pabiali ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Pabiali or Papai ap Brychan, Saint Nefai ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint Dingad ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint Cledwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint Arthen ap Brychan, Saint is your 30th great uncle's great uncle Arthen ap Brychan, Saint Brân ap Llyr Lleddiarth, Saint, Brenin o Silures is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed) Bendigeifran (Bran the Blessed) Saint James "the Just", 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, half brother of Jesus of Nazareth, is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's great nephew James "the Just" Saint Jude "the Just" is your 30th great uncle's great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's second great nephew Saint Jude Saint Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury, wife of Edmund I "The Magnificent", King of the English, is your 31st great grandmother Saint Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury Olga Helena, Grand Duchess of Kiev, Saint Helena, wife of Igor I of Kiev, is your 31st great grandmother St. Olga of Kiev Saint Gregorius, bishop of Langres is your 39th great grandfather's wife's great grandfather. Saint Gregorius, bishop of Langres Saint Theodora, Empress, wife of Theophilos I Amorian, Byzantine Emperor, is your 33rd great grandmother Saint Theodora, Empress of Byzantium San Leandro, is your 33rd great uncle San Leandro San Isidoro, is your 33rd great uncle San Isidoro San Fulgencio is your 33rd great uncle San Fulgencio Václav I Duke of Bohemia, Saint, is your 33rd great uncle. Wenceslas I Duke of Bohemia, "Good King Wenceslas" Santa Florentina, is your 33rd great aunt Santa Florentina Santa Senhorinha is your 33rd great aunt. Santa Senhorinha Hufez Santo Gervás, irmão de Santa Senhorinha(, is your 33rd great uncle San Gervásio Hufez San Gervásio Hufez
Saint Chrodegang de Metz is your 34th great uncle Chrodgang van Austrasië, Bishop Sainte Eugénie d'Alsace is your 34th great aunt Sainte Eugénie d'Alsace Saint Leutwinus, Bishop of Trèves is your 35th great grandfather Saint Leutwinus, Bishop of Trèves Sto. Hermenegildo II, rey de los visigodos, is your 35th great grandfather. Saint Hermenegild San Leandro is your 35th great uncle. San Leandro San Isidoro is your 35th great uncle. San Isidoro San Fulgencio is your 35th great uncle San Fulgencio Santa Florentina is your 35th great aunt. Santa Florentina Saint Amalberge of Neustria (640-692), is your 35th great grandfather's 1st wife Saint Doda of Neustria Saint Theodora Empress is your 35th great grandmother Saint Theodora, Empress of Byzantium St.Gertrude Bastard, "The Holy" Bastard, is your 35th great aunt Gertrude d'Orleans, "The Holy" Bastard St. Cadwaladr ap Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd, Brenin Gwynedd, is your 36th great grandfather St. Cadwaladr Fendigaid ap Cadwallon, Brenin Gwynedd Saint Beggue of Austrasia, wife of Ansigisel de Metz, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, is your 36th great grandmother Saint Beggue of Austrasia Saint Judicael, son of Hoel III, 9th King of Brittany(ruled 594-612), is your 36th great grandfather St. Judicael ap Hoel St. Judicael ap Hoel Saint Gertrude, abbess of Hamage, wife of Richemir, duke of the Burgundians & Franconians, is your 36th great grandmother Saint Gertrude, abbess of Hamage Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz, is your 37th great grandfather Saint Dode of Metz Saint Chlodulf (Cloud), Bishop of Metz is your 37th great grandfather Saint Chlodulf (Cloud), Bishop of Metz Saint Sigrade de Verdun is your 37th great grandmother. Saint Sigrade de Verdun Saint Itta of Nivelles, wife of Pippijn ler le Vieux van Landen, is your 37th great grandmother Saint Itta of Nivelles Saint Dode of Metzm, wife of Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz, is your 37th great grandmother Saint Dode of Metz Basine, Sainte de Thurgovie, is your 37th great aunt Basine Sainte de Thurgovie Basine Sainte de Thurgovie Saint Leger, Bishop of Autun is your 37th great uncle Saint Léger, bishop of Autun Saint Leutwinus, Bishop of Trèves, is your 38th great grandfather. Saint Leutwinus, Bishop of Trèves Saint Guntram, King of Burgundy is your 38th great uncle Saint Guntram, king of Orléans Clodoald, St. Cloud d' Orleans, is your 38th great uncle Chlodoald Saint Bavo of Ghent, is your 38th great uncle. Saint Bavo of Ghent
Saint Modoald, Bishop of Trèves is your 38th great uncle Saint Modoald, Bishop of Trèves Afra La Sainte de Schelde is your 38th great aunt Afra La Sainte de Schelde ST. DENTELINUS of Hainault is your 38th great uncle St. Dentelinus of Hainault ST.MADELBERTA of Hainault is your 38th great aunt St. Madelberta of Hainault ST. LANDERICUS (LANDRY) of Hainault is your 38th great uncle St. Landericus (Landry) of Hainault St. Severa de Trier, is your 38th great aunt Saint Severa of Trèves Saint Severa of Trèves Saint Itta van Nijvel, is your 38th great aunt Saint Itta of Nivelles Saint Itta de Gascogne is your third cousin 38 times removed Saint Seaxburh, Abbess of Ely is your 39th great grandmother. Saint Seaxburh, Abbess of Ely Saint Eormenhild is your 39th great aunt. Saint Eormenhild Saint Eorcongota "The Holy Virgin" is your 39th great aunt. Saint Eorcongota "the Holy Virgin" Saint Terticus, bishop of Langres is your 39th great grandfather's wife's great uncle Saint Terticus, bishop of Langres 6 St. Arddyn Benasgel 'Wing Headed' verch Pabo, wife of Brochfael Ysgythrog ap Cyngen, Brenin Powys is your 39th great grandmother Arddyn the Wing Headed Saint Clotilde of Burgundy, wife of Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks, is your 39th great grandmother Chlotilde of Burgundy Saint Mundéric, Bishop of Arisitum is your 39th great uncle Tarsicius, bishop of Arisitum Saint Gondolfus, bishop of Tongres is your 39th great grandfather Saint Gondolfus, bishop of Tongres Saint Oda, is your 39th great grandmother. Saint Ode de Gascogne St. Hubert, is your 39th great uncle. St. Hubert Saint Modoald, Bishop of Trèves is your 39th great uncle Saint Modoald, Bishop of Trèves Saint Ferreolus, Bishop of Uzès, is your 39th great uncle Saint Ferreolus, Bishop of Uzès Saint Sigrade de Verdun, daughter of Ansoud de Dijon, and wife of Bodilon de Trèves, is your 40th great grandmother Saint Sigrade de Verdun Sto. Hermenegildo II, rey de los visigodos, is your 40th great grandfather. Saint Hermenegild Saint Léger, bishop of Autun, son of Bodilon de Trèves and Saint Sigrade de Verdun, is your 40th great uncle Saint Léger, bishop of Autun Saint Chlodulf (Cloud), Bishop of Metz, is your 40th great grandfather. Saint Chlodulf (Cloud), Bishop of Metz Diheuvyr . Ap Arwystyl, Saint, is your 40th great grandfather's wife's son Saint Diheuvyr Ap Arwystyl Dier . verch Arwystyl, Saint, is your 40th great grandfather's wife's daughter Saint Dier verch Arwystyl Tudyr Ap Arwystyl, Saint, is your 40th great grandfather's wife's son Tudur ab Arwystyl, Saint Tyvrydog . Ap Arwystyl, Saint, is your 40th great grandfather's wife's son Tyvrydog . Ap Arwystyl, Saint Tyrndog . Ap Arwystyl, Saint, is your 40th great grandfather's wife's son Tyrndog . Ap Arwystyl, Saint Dingab . ap Nudd, Saint, is your 40th great aunt's brother Dyngad ap Nudd Hael, Saint Baglan . ap Dingab, Saint, is your 40th great aunt's nephew Baglan . ap Dingad, Saint Eleri . verch Dingab, Saint, is your 40th great aunt's niece St. Eleri verch Dyngad Tyvriog ap Dingab, Saint, is your 40th great aunt's nephew Tyfriog ap Dingad, Saint Tegwy ap Dingab, Saint, is your 40th great aunt's nephew Tegwy ap Dingab, Saint Amaethlu Maethlu Ap Caradoc, Saint, is your 40th great uncle Saint Maelthu ap Caradog King Cawrdaf of Ferreg Ap Cradoc Ap Cradoc, Saint is your 40th great uncle Dwg ap Llywarch Madrun Verch Vortigern, Saint, is your 41st great grandmother Saint Madrun verch Vortimer Saint Madrun verch Vortimer Madrun . Verch Vortigern, Saint, wife of Ynyr Honorius Brenin Gwent, is your 41st great grandmother Saint Madrun verch Vortimer Saint Itta of Nivelles, circa 592-652, Nivelles, Walloon Region, Belgium, wife of Pepin of Landen, is your 41st great grandmother Saint Itta of Nivelles?through=6000000003828287568
Saint Bavo of Ghent is your 41st great uncle Saint Bavo of Ghent Saint Gertrudis of Nivelles daughter of Pepin of Landen and Saint Itta of Nivelles, is your 41st great aunt. Saint Gertrudis of Nivelles Saint Beggue of Austrasia, daughter of Pepin of Landen and Saint Itta of Nivelles, is your 41st great aunt. Saint Beggue of Austrasia Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz is your 41st great uncle's father. Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz Saint Dode of Metz, wife of Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz, is your 41st great uncle's mother Saint Dode of Metz Cynheidion . ap Ynyr, Saint, is your 41st great uncle Cynheidion . ap Ynyr, Saint Ceidio . ap Ynyr, Saint, is your 41st great uncle Ceidio ap Ynyr, Saint Tediwg . verch Ynyr, Saint, is your 41st great aunt Tediwg verch Ynyr Gwent Saint Helena of the Cross, wife of Constantius I Chlorus, Roman Emperor, is your 42nd great grandmother Saint Helena of the Cross Saint Rusticius, Archbishop of Lyons, is your 42nd great grandfather Saint Rusticius, archbishop of Lyon Saint Ethelbert I, King of Kent, is your 42nd great grandfather Saint Ethelbert I, King of Kent?through=6000000002717891583 Saint Bertha de Paris, Queen of Kent is your 42nd great grandmother Saint Bertha, queen of Kent San Leandro is your 42nd great uncle. San Leandro San Isidoro is your 42nd great uncle San Isidoro San Fulgencio is your 42nd great uncle. San Fulgencio Santa Florentina is your 42nd great aunt Santa Florentina . St. Anna . ap Gwythern, is your 42nd great aunt St. Anna . verch Gwythern St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog is your 42nd great uncle St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog Tudhistil verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Tudglid verch Brychan, Saint Meleri verch Brychan, Saint is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Meleri verch Brychan, Saint Saint Gwawl ferch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Saint Gwladys, Princess of Brycheiniog Wales, Queen-Consort of Gwynllwg Wales Gwrgon Goddeu verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Unknown Profile Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's son Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint St. Nennocha Wencu Gwengustle ap Brychan is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Nennocha Wencu Gwengustle verch Brychan Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's son Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint Gwladys . verch Brychan, Saint is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Gwladys verch Brychan II Rhain Dremrudd ap Brychan, Saint, Brenin Brycheiniog is your 42nd great uncle's son Rhain Dremrudd ap Rhain St. Cynan Ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Cynan Ap Brychan St. Cynbryd . ap Brychan is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Cynbryd . ap Brychan Envail . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Envail . verch Brychan, Saint Hychan . ap Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's son Hychan . ap Brychan, Saint Gwendydd . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Gwendydd . verch Brychan, Saint Dogvan . ap Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's son Dogvan . ap Brychan, Saint Elined or Eiliwedd verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Elined or Eiliwedd verch Brychan, Saint Rhun . ap Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's son Unknown Profile Goleuddydd . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Goleuddydd . verch Brychan, Saint
Gwen . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Gwen . verch Brychan, Saint St. Cledog Clitaucus ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Cledog Clitaucus ap Brychan Tydiau . verch Brychan, Saint, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter Tydiau . verch Brychan, Saint St. Ceindrych or Cerddych verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Ceindrych or Cerddych verch Brychan St. Cymhorth or Clydai verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Cymhorth or Clydai verch Brychan St. Cyvlevyr or Cylflifer ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Cyvlevyr or Cylflifer ap Brychan St. Cymhorth or Clydai verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Cymhorth or Clydai verch Brychan St. Cenedlon . verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Cenedlon . verch Brychan St. Cadog . ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son Saint Cadoc the Wise, Welsh Prince of Gwynllwg, Abbot of Llancarfan St. Dyvnan . ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Dyvnan . ap Brychan St. Caian . ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Caian . ap Brychan St. Dwynwen . verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Dwynwen . verch Brychan St. Ive or Sion or Johannes ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Ive or Sion or Johannes ap Brychan St. Lanent Lelant ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Lanent Lelant ap Brychan St. Curig or Keri ap Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's son St. Curig or Keri ap Brychan St. Adwen . verch Brychan, is your 42nd great uncle's daughter St. Adwen . verch Brychan Saint Radegund of Thuringia is your 43rd great grandfather's 5th wife. Radegund, of Thuringia Saint Guntram, King of Burgundy is your 43rd great uncle. Saint Guntram, king of Orléans Clodoald (St. Cloud) d' Orleans is your 43rd great uncle Chlodoald St Brychan of the Speckled Tartan Ap Anlach of Breichniog, King of Brycheinniog and Brecknoc, is your 43rd great grandfather St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog St. Elen Lwyddog 'of the Host' of Britain, wife of Magnus Maximus Augustus "Macsen Wledig" Flavius, Roman Usurper, is your 43rd great grandmother Elen ferch Eudaf Hen St. Publicus, son of Magnus Maximus Augustus "Macsen Wledig" Flavius, Roman Usurper and St. Elen Lwyddog 'of the Host' of Britain, is your 43rd great uncle St. Publicus Saint Viventiolus, is your 43rd great uncle Saint Viventiolus, archbishop of Lyon Saint Aelia Pulcheria Augusta is your 43rd great aunt Saint Aelia Pulcheria Augusta St. Cyllin Marius ap Caradog, King of Britain, is your 44th great grandfather Marius ap Gweirydd, King of Britain Saint Clotilde of Burgundy is your 44th great grandmother. Chlotilde of Burgundy Saint Radegund von Thüringen is your 44th great aunt Radegund, of Thuringia Patrick o Éireann, Patron Saint of Ireland, is your 44th great uncle Saint Patrick of Ireland Saint Dareca is your 44th great aunt Saint Dareca St. Elen Lwyddog 'of the Host' of Britain is your 45th great grandmother. Elen ferch Eudaf Hen
Saint Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons is your 45th great grandfather Saint Eucherius, bishop of Lyons Ceneu ap Coel Hen, Saint, Brenin Rheged & Catraeth is your 45th great grandfather Ceneu ap Coel Hen, Saint, Brenin Rheged & Catraeth Saint Claudia, is your 45th great aunt Saint Claudia Saint Pudens, is your 45th great uncle Saint Pudens Saint Hmayeak I Mamikonian, Viceroy of Armenia is your 46th great grandfather Hmayeak Mamikonian
Saint Emerita verch Coel, daughter of Coilus (ap Marius, King of Britain), is your 46th great grandmother Saint Emerita verch Coel Saint Eorcongota "The Holy Virgin" is your 46th great aunt Saint Eorcongota "the Holy Virgin" Saint Martin, Bishop of Tours is your 46th great uncle Saint Martin, Bishop of Tours St. Cyllin, Marius ap Caradog, King of Britain, is your 48th great grandfather Marius ap Gweirydd, King of Britain Ursula . verch Dynod, Saint, is your 48th great grandmother. Saint Ursula Saint Aristaces I is your 48th great uncle Saint Aristaces I Saint Nerses I, the Great of Armenia,, is your 49th great grandfather Saint Nerses I the Great
Saint Jude is your 49th great grandfather Saint Jude
Saint Emerita verch Coel, wife of Telpwyll . ap Urban, of Britain, is your 50th great grandmother Saint Emerita verch Coel Saint Joseph, father of Jesus, he is honored as a saint by Christians, is your 50th great grandfather Joseph Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus of Nazareth, is your 50th great grandmother Mary, mother of Jesus Jesus of Nazareth, (c. 5 BC/BCE – c. 30 AD/CE), also known as Jesus Christ or simply Jesus, is the central figure of Christianity, is your 50th great uncle Jesus St. Mary Magdalene, special disciple of Jesus who has a deeper understanding of his teachings and is asked to impart this to the other disciples. is your 50th great aunt St. Mary Magdalene Saint Helena of the Cross is your 55th great grandmother Saint Helena of the Cross
Thanks cousins. I think so. In fact, Karol Józef Wojtyła rest - in our family pantheon - among important "third great uncle's uncle's" names, such as a Polish General Bbaron and the 1st Prime Minister of Australia:
Józef Grzegorz Chłopicki h. Nieczuja, general, baron, 1771,Kapustyn, Starokostyantynivs'kyi district, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast-1854,
Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland Ukraine, son of Franciszek Chłopicki h. Nieczuja and Marianna Chłopicka h. Nieczuja, is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's daughter's husband's second great niece's ex-husband's sister's husband's great aunt's husband's great uncle. General Józef Grzegorz Chłopicki h. Nieczuja
Karol Józef Wojtyła,Saint John Paul II, is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's wife's great niece's husband's first cousin thrice removed's wife's great aunt's husband's nephew. Saint John Paul II
Edmund Barton, 1st Prime Minister of Australia, is your third great uncle's uncle's wife's husband's niece's husband's sister's partner's third great grandson's wife's third great uncle. Sir Edmund Barton GCMG, KC - First Prime Minister of Australia
For those of you who are not aware of "HistoryLink", you may be interested to know that this is an application that can find ancestors of yours that are saints or who have occupied a notable place in the church of a faith.
HistoryLink has different key features. The one I am talking about is "History Search".
When you run History Search, the application will generate a report that shows all your ancestors who are associated with any of the projects registered with History Search. The list of projects is here:
The projects related to saints are: global list of Saints, Roman Catholic Saints, Russian Orthodox Saints and Saints of Norway.
Other projects related to Churches : Roman Catholic Popes (68) Roman Catholic Antipopes, Roman Catholic Cardinals, Roman Catholic Bishops, Missionaries, Christian Martyrs, Mormon Pioneers, Clergy in our family (all faiths), and many more.
History Search will look at all your ancestors and their siblings and compile a detailed tabulation.
Of course, History Search can only find profiles that are associated with project. If the profile of a saint is not added to the "Saints" project, this profile would not come up. This can be a motivation for Geni users to assign profiles to as many relevant projects as possible so that they can show up in their ancestry reports.
Also, you can add projects to History Search. If there are projects you would like included in your search, you can add them.
I hope you'll like it.
I have updated one person at John Paul II's tree. A granddaughter of King of Poland John III Sobieski who was about 1 year old when she died, had a wrong connection (husband and children). I needed to remove that. I found it in @Ulf's connection.
Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg
his daughter → Maria Magdalena Lukawska
her daughter etc.
I started this process at the prodding of my son .. wanting to know who our ancestors were and I was a bit surprised .... but at the same time I am concerned that we might be returning to that old system of social casting .. but not by bloodlines and social classing . But casting according to our genetics and ability to make a profit whether it be right or wrong .. or physical casting . Standards that are set up to make people always feel like they are inadequate ,, because some guy needed to sell his product .
But I am not big on cannonizing anyone .. it tends to make the rest of us feel inferior . If we can understand that every person has the capability to reach potential greatness . Not according to how we look ,.. our clothes we wear . or who our parents were ... or how well we scored on and I Q tests .
There were all just regular folks like the rest of us that were often times born into a system of social casting according to bloodlines and family heritages ... which in truth was about who the biggest bully was .
But , I have gone ahead and traced one branch back to the first century .. and that is because I have noticed that tribes of people tend to travel the same path . So those people will show me where my neighbors and I have come from .. luckily some of mine fell into bloodlines that were well documented ... But then again I am not much into people worship . We are all equally flawed in most areas . With and occasion fluke that has to be incarcerated here and there . But those folks are very rare .. Thank Goodness .
Peggy, thanks for your comments. I'm glad to see another populist on Geni, when sometimes it feels like we're surrounded by people who are only interested in genealogy if they can find famous ancestors ;)
I don't mean to criticize anyone else's interests and ambitions, but it seems to me that if some our ancestors were kings and saints, that's just a little footnote. Hardly worth the effort spent on it. The real stories are much closer to home -- the hard working people (with an occasional rascal) who built the world we actually live in.
I'm far less interested in an officially recognized saint who lived 1000 years ago (who built some churches and thought everyone who disagreed was going to hell) than I am in a saintly great aunt who worked tirelessly for social reform during the Great Depression.
You are right about that. I do like to work on Charlemagne, and Jesus, and many others, but it is because I am a historian not because I am a genealogist. It doesn't matter very much to me if I am related. If the problem interests me, I will enjoy working on it. I particularly like complicated, obscure problems that no one else will ever want to work on. If other people are working on something, I'd rather leave them alone and go find something else ;)
A. Saarinen & all, I know you will find this link very interesting.
Saint Ignacius of Loyola.
I have qute a few from all walks of life .. So far I followed one branch all the way back . Simply because I wanted to trace migrations and was able to make it all the way back to Africae Tunisia ... Which supported my theory that most people came from those tropical equatorial climates and migrated north and south and the physical and technological adaptation to survive harsher climates occurred . I just happen to be lucky enough to have a few branches that have high profile people in them .. that are well documented or I would not have been able to explore my theory .
I see it like this ... what I see happened in europe .. same things happened in america . At one time europe was broken down into tiny kingdoms .. in american the natives called them tribes ...As the tribes grew in population they formed alliances and those that from alliances usually were in power ... Kindoms were tribes ... Kings equivalent to Native Chiefs . Just a part of human evolution . We think of the word King as really making a big deal . But not . It was a social order that was in process all over the world . Actually the Native American were ahead of the Colonist in many ways .. as many of the civilized tribes were already practicing forms of democracy . This meaning the tribes voted and chose their leaders instead of submitting to a system of social casting and feudalism .
Technology has changed many things in todays world and many people take it for granted . Combines and Tractors and Harvester .. enabled Farmers to produce much more food with much less efforts .. there fore eliminating the need for large numbers of farm laborers .
Faster commications .. transportation of goods and services . The Machine has replaced the slave .
it is hard for many people to wrap their minds around that . Social groups will always form a pecking order ...
The Cannonization of some people .. I really don't have a big problem with .. if it is for their good works and good service to the communities and family they are in . People who put forth and extra effort should be recognized for that .. But to cannonize a bloodline or social casting .. I do have a problem with . And I do agree that too much cannonization of individual can have an opposite affect . Convincing the general population that they cannot rise above the drudge and do great things . As long as the cannonization is something that is attainable for everyone to have a chance to rise to the occasion
I started this project just to leave something behind for the nieces and nephews .. somewhere down the line they might want to know . But I was ready with my family for the good the bad and the ugly and was surprised that is was not as bad as i thought it would be . My son had been nagging me to do this . So that was my motivation intitially . Got here and got hooked just working out the puzzle .
But I did have one branch of on high profile ancestor and just for the heck of it I decided to follow it through . Just to find out how far back they go and that particular line went all the way back to the first century . I learned alot in the process about history and migrations . So if you have a branch like that . I think it is good to explore it . Unfortunately not every branch is well documented . So in my final tree I have decided to just get the line back to where they migrated and mabe just a few generations into europe . Then leave it there and if they are interested in knowing more that will give them a good start at looking at how things happened in the dark ages ...And hopefully figure out that we never want to go back there again ...
To me Royalty in europe was the greatest slavery of all . It was just another part of that old social casting system ... And in truth the most powerful people were the bishops and priest . They had a huge say in who would be King . ..And the royal family was not immune to getting the heads put on the chopping block . I did have several that were beheaded and many that were killed in battle and imprisoned in the old world order .
Justin Swanstrom ... I do so agree with your point of view . The only advantage given to me be having some high profile people in my tree , is that it gave me an opportunity to trace migrations . And Migrations I think will give us a better understanding of human nature and how to make those processes go more smoothly in the future ... Cultural clashes and such were often times deadly in the past . Misunderstanding and over reaction to perceived or potential threats .. which may or may not have been warranted . I am very positive about the philosophy that states never judge anyone until you have walked a mile in their shoes . This has served and is serving as a great tool for me in learning about a more realistic history . Not reading it from some book written by some kings minion that had an ax to grind . But finding out how history affected the individuals that had to live through those times .
As far as cannonization of certain people . The way I view that is , having been a student of sociology . We all view the world through the eyes of our culture . Example being . For Native Americans we called it tribes and Chiefs . Europeans Called it Kingdoms and Kings ... For Native Americans they called them Warriors . For Europe they called them Knights . They are exactly the same things .. Just in different cultures .
I will say that I have seen in this country a demonization of the Early colonists .. I myself cannot imagine someone leaving the comfort of their homelands and sailing across the ocean , knowing that they may not make it to the other side ... The process of travel in those days was very risky and at it best was very uncomfortable ... Last estimation I saw was that 80% of the europeans that sailed for the Americas in those early times did not survive past the first year .. and that is if they were not buried at sea .
So common sense and knowing human nature as I do ., tells me that that was not a pleasure trip and if at most it was an act of desperation .
Also having been a student of science and having some basic knowledge of biology and adaptions . The reason things happened like they did is obvious .. and I see no demons . Just people trying to survive in a brutal conditions .
The Europeans were coming from a harsh and cold climate with short growing seasons . Less sunlight . The physical adaptation to those conditions would be lose of melatin to enable them to absorb more sunlight in conditions where there was less sunlight . Also the further north you go the shorter the growing seasons and therefore those tribes that survived those conditions developed a tendency to store ... In other words when the harvest is good they harvest well to take advantage and put back reserves to get themselves through leaner times . This tendency many times became percieved as greed .
And the peoples of this country have evolved where they are today .. Through assimilations and cultural exchanges . I always say . In any conflict there is a right and a wrong on both sides .
Holy of Holies ?
St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog, circa 419,Brycheiniog, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom, son of Anlach Goronog Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland and Marchell verch Tewdrig; husband of Menedog . ferch Custennin; Tegon Eurvron; Banhadlwedd . verch Banadl; Proistri . of Spain; Eurbraust . verch Meurig; Prawst verch Tudwal and Ribrawst verch Vortigern; father of : St. Nennocha Wencu Gwengustle ap Brychan; Brychan ap Brychan; Nevydd . verch Brychan; St. Cynbryd . ap Brychan; Rhieingar . verch Brychan; Envail . verch Brychan, Saint; Hychan . ap Brychan, Saint; Gwendydd . verch Brychan, Saint; Dogvan . ap Brychan, Saint; Tybïe . verch Brychan; Mathaiarn or Marthaerun ap Brychan; Elined or Eiliwedd verch Brychan, Saint;Tydvyl . verch Brychan; Rhun . ap Brychan, Saint; Goleuddydd . verch Brychan, Saint; St. Dyvrig . ap Brychan; Hawystl . verch Brychan, Saint; St. Cledog Clitaucus ap Brychan; Gwen . verch Brychan, Saint; Tydiau . verch Brychan, Saint; St. Ceindrych or Cerddych verch Brychan; St. Cymhorth or Clydai verch Brychan; St. Cyvlevyr or Cylflifer ap Brychan; St. Cenedlon . verch Brychan; Llechau . ap Brychan; Mechell . verch Brychan; St. Cadog . ap Brychan; St. Dyvnan . ap Brychan; St. Caian . ap Brychan; St. Dwynwen . verch Brychan; Dilic or Ilick ap Brychan; St. Ive or Sion or Johannes ap Brychan; Wensent . ap Brychan; Gwenrhiw . verch Brychan; Tudwen . verch Brychan; Tudwen . ap Brychan; St. Lanent Lelant ap Brychan; St. Curig or Keri ap Brychan; Callwen . verch Brychan; Wynup or Gwenabwy ap Brychan; Callwen . ap Brychan; St. Adwen . verch Brychan; St. Morwenna . verch Brychan; Cynidr or Kenhender ap Brychan; St. Helie . verch Brychan; St. Clether . ap Brychan; Llud or Juliana verch Brychan; Llofan . ap Brychan; St. Mabyn . verch Brychan; Bethan . verch Brychan; Llonio . ap Brychan; St. Tedda . ap Brychan; Hunydd . verch Brychan; St. Menfre or Menefrewy verch Brychan; Heilin . ap Brychan; Afallach . ap Brychan; St. Endelienta Cynheiddon verch Brychan; Tamalanc . ap Brychan; Beiol . verch Brychan; Enoder or Wenheden ap Brychan; Edwen . verch Brychan; St. Yse or Issey verch Brychan; Gwynnyn . ap Brychan; Gwynnys . ap Brychan; St. Ceinwen or Keyne verch Brychan; St. Nectan . ap Brychan; Rhain Dremrudd ap Brychan, Saint, Brenin Brycheiniog; St. Cynan Ap Brychan; St. Cynog or Canauc ap Brychan; Nefai or Neffei ap Brychan, Saint; Pabiali or Papai ap Brychan, Saint; Pasgen . ap Brychan, Saint; Gwladys . verch Brychan, Saint; Gwdfil verch Brychan; Tudhistil verch Brychan, Saint; Saint Gwawl ferch Brychan; Nyfain verch Brychan; St. Gwenllian . ferch Brychan; Gwrgon Goddeu verch Brychan, Saint; Rhain ap Brychan; Meleri verch Brychan, Saint; Cledwyn . ap Brychan, Saint; Rhydog . ap Brychan; Arthen ap Brychan, Saint; Dingad . ap Brychan, Saint and Gerwyn ap Brychan, Saint, is your 44th great grandfather. St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog