Bugs & Questions about Smart Copy

Started by Dan Cornett on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
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Since SmartCopy is not particularly in the "Beta testing" phase, I thought it appropriate to start a new topic for collecting information about 'problem areas'.

Please include the version number of SmartCopy
(which is shown on the Chrome "Extensions" page -- get there from the Chrome 'menu' at the upper right, move to 'Tools' and then click on 'Extensions')
... as well as the URL of the page from which you were 'invoking' the SmartCopy.

v1.51.1 - Parsing burial information from BillionGraves isn't working as one might like! See this match: http://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-10147/billiongraves?i...

v1.51.1 - On the "Update Profile" section of the focus profile's info, when the full set of fields are expanded (by disabling the SmartCopy Configuration Option of "Simplify form by hiding unused fields") -- there is no option/field for changing the Gender. Just had an occasion yesterday where I wanted to change an 'unknown' gender (based on information in the 'matching' page).

v1.51.1 - This one is interesting: two wives listed - neither gets parsed:

v1.51.1 - more 'gender' issues

If a sibling or child is initially parsed with the wrong gender -- and there is an existing Geni profile that one would like to update --, after the gender is changed in the S.C. panel the 'choices' of Geni profiles to select for updating does not change.

Thanks Dan - will check it out.

Update v1.51.2
* Fixed parsing SmartMatch BillionGraves location
* Fixed gender change refreshes update listing
* Fixed living status change updates ribbon display
* Fixed parsing of family members listed at bottom when not listed in main (Census link - two wives bug & billiongraves link - spouse)
* Fixed FindAGrave image not showing when "You are taking a random walk through our online cemetery" is displayed.
* Living Status - If death or burial information is present, mark deceased.
* Added version number at the bottom of the menu
* Added Gender and Vital (living/deceased) option to focus profile
** If Gender of Geni is unknown and parsed profile is known, it will default to being checked.
** If Vital status of Geni is Living and the parsed profile indicated Deceased, it will default to checked.

While I haven't used 1.51.2 yet, twice today having the "hover" to check the match of the Geni name to the 'source' name kept me from attaching to the incorrect Geni profile! (where I had selected the wrong one from the history which had similar names! ... neither was on a "MH match" source page).

I also appreciate the links to the 3 other tools at the top.

First attempt found this bug:
2extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of null
at parseSmartMatch (chrome-extension://ofikakkdpjlipbnhbfloclbkcabdhjah/collections/smartmatch.js:425:67)
at chrome-extension://ofikakkdpjlipbnhbfloclbkcabdhjah/collections/smartmatch.js:172:127extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 handlerextensions::uncaught_exception_handler:100 exports.handleextensions::event_bindings:384 EventImpl.dispatch_extensions::event_bindings:401 EventImpl.dispatchextensions::SafeBuiltins:19 target.(anonymous function)extensions::utils:94 publicClass.(anonymous function)extensions::messaging:316 dispatchOnMessage

on this page: (FamilySearch match)

Suggestion: by the version number, have a link to the SmartCopy Geni project. The links at the top all go to the HistoryLink tools/project; no links back to *this* tool's project.

1.51.2: Another bug:
buildform.js:495 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of undefinedbuildform.js:495 buildFormbuildform.js:83 updateFamily

against this MH Census page:
(I had just successfully added 2 additional children from this page just previously, so it may be some temporary inconsistency in Geni data update, too)

(buildform error still occurring)

Thanks - 1.51.3 fixed your first error and added link. Pushing out 1.51.4 now to fix the other bug.

Thanks, the 'hangs' no longer happen; however, even with 1.51.4, this match:
does not "recognize" the picture (& thus no 'option' to copy it).

v1.51.4 - twice now I've accidentally click on the version/project link when I meant to click on the trailing 'submit' ... could you move the version/project to the left side (similar to how the 'Show History' is on the right) to provide a little more "separation"?

That image is a tough one to get. The image url is actually a redirect and it's not consistent in returning the image. Sometimes it returns, sometimes it returns the silhouette. So, I'm not sure if I should try to get the FamilySearch tree images.

re: image redirect. Ah, I didn't think to look at the url of the image. Are all the FamilySearch images such re-directs? If not, I wouldn't put any effort into it; if they all are, however, that may warrant a bit more to see if it can be workable.

Maybe, in cases where you can detect there may be an image but you can't retrieve it, put a "note" in the "photo slot" that the image can't be retrieved.

I haven't been able to get the url after redirect to the image where I might be able to check it - it's all done automatically. Half the time I get the image, half the time I get the silhouette image. It's weird.

A problem with a particular cemetery name and location. Lumbee Memorial Gardens in Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina. The name and city show correctly but the place field is empty and the city is a strange one that I don't recognize.

Eldon: If I just try that on a Geni profile's location:

The "Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina" is fine.
However, if I add "Lumbee Memorial Gardens, " in front of that string, the API comes back with city of Parkton in Robeson County, not Lumberton.

Interestingly, if I add to the base "Lumberton" string by hand, I can type "Lumbee Memorial" and the lookup still returns city of Lumberton. As soon as I add the "Gardens", the API returns Parkton.

So, it doesn't look, on the surface, like a S.C. issue.

re: the "picture problem" ... if I do an 'inspect element', it shows some deprecated function references. So may not be something that can be resolved by the client browser.

Dan: The problem has not shown up before for me but that may be because I always enter locations from the Edit fields. I am going to try a search to see if I can find profiles with the city Parkton because I know I missed some of them

As I consider where to link the project page / discussions, I wonder if I should do some rebranding, maybe remove the HistoryLink title / icon and change it to SmartCopy.

Some ideas I was playing with:
* https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=project&photo_id=600...
* https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=project&photo_id=600...

Of the two, I like the arrow better than the leaves. I do like the idea of separation of 'context' ... although I certainly would leave the links to the HistoryLink tools! I use those links regularly, even if not often.

+1 Dan

- rebranding is timely
- Arrow more than leaf
- suite of tools

v1.51.5 - Some rebranding, removed link from version (added it to the top logo). Added discussion icon / link.

re: gender unknown & birthname (v1.51.7)

If reasonable to do so, I suggest that -- for FindAGrave, at least -- that the siblings and children, where the auto-detection of gender leads to 'unknown' gender, to fill in the Birthname field with the Lastname (if the option "Auto-populate empty birth name fields" is on, as it is by default).

The reason is that most 'unknown' siblings/children are male; if they are female, the fact that they don't have a "married" name means they can safely also get the birthname field filled in (99 times out of 100).

That's not the assumption to make for parents that are parsed as 'unknown' gender, though.

I think it would save time/copying of lastname... (for what I typically see with FindAGrave, anyway).

Trying to add from Ancestry - http://trees.ancestry.ca/tree/51174505/person/13925285202 into Charlie Carman Stewart. When I run SC only the "About" information is picked up by SC, no option to choose to add birth or death information for any of the family members. Also all siblings are being picked up as "Unknown" gender. Using 1.51.7, only configuration option turned off is Burial date estimation.

Kimberly Louise Fraser, if you can, right click on the SmartCopy icon and choose "Inspect Popup". That will bring up another window alongside SC. If there is an error, it will often display in the console, which will help me troubleshoot the issue.

Alternatively, if you could give me access to the tree so I can run some tests on it or send me the HTML source code for the page via email (send me a PM).

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