Bob Odenkirk

Started by Private User on Wednesday, March 11, 2015
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Hi guys,

While watching a TV series I had a genealogical inspiration, I created a profile for an actor Bob Odenkirk. So far I didn't find any path to the World Tree (there are two profiles of his paternal ggggrandfathers which need to be merged).
Still, I decided to write here, because the path can be found, and also Bob Odenkirk has some ancestors of the Jacobs family.

Unknown Profile
His tree:
Path between Bob Odenkirk and Thomas Jacobs:

Maybe someone could help with it. :) He's a good actor.

Merges are done, Karol.

Thanks Unknown Profile. I found another essential merge: regarding this person: Unknown Profile
He was Bob's 7th great grandfather, and is greatly connected to the Tree. If the merge is completed, Bob is the cousin for most of us. :)

Mainly it's about Unknown Profile
7th great grandmother of Bob Odenkirk, she's got a great number of ancestors.

Done too. :-)

Bob Odenkirk is my 16th cousin twice removed.

Unknown Profile

He is my 46th cousin once removed. This is through my third great grandmother Nanette Arnstein Kohn. Unknown Profile

Nanette's family tree is very long and wide, and until the Holocaust it was also very proliferative. This tree was recorded well due to the inclusion of a number of "famous rabbis" as my mother used to call them.

I like that we are finding so many rabbis in this man's past -- the name Odenkirk, of course, means "Church of Odin."

I don't know how SmartCopy works, but it looks like it input locations (and maybe other info?) in Polish since that's Unknown Profile's default language. I've been individually editing profiles, but I wonder if there's a faster, comprehensive way to do it?

Here's an example, from Unknown Profile's profile:

I've also been finding some "Pensylwania" (sp?) and "Germany, Niemcy" locations.

Any suggestions, Unknown Profile?

What you are seeing, Ashley, is that the locations return from the Google API are using the native language of the user (e.g. Karol). Normally that is what is desires; however, the issue you bring up is when the location has a "native language" that is different.

Since the location fields do no currently support multiple languages (vs. names, which do), I don't think there is any easy automatic solution (that I can think of).

The mis-spelled locations and alternative "location-part" sequences are simply source-data problems, not a SmartCopy matter to deal with. You would probably have the same 'issues' if you cut-and-pasted those location strings into the "native" Geni profile ... just that when you do it by hand you would note the problem and revise the 'source location text' to give the desired results. SmartCopy can't "judge" the (semantic) results returned from the API.

What you are seeing, Ashley, is that the locations return from the Google API are using the native language of the user (e.g. Karol). Normally that is what is desired; however, the issue you bring up is when the location has a "native language" that is different.

Since the location fields do no currently support multiple languages (vs. names, which do), I don't think there is any easy automatic solution (that I can think of).

The mis-spelled locations and alternative "location-part" sequences are simply source-data problems, not a SmartCopy matter to deal with. You would probably have the same 'issues' if you cut-and-pasted those location strings into the "native" Geni profile ... just that when you do it by hand you would note the problem and revise the 'source location text' to give the desired results. SmartCopy can't "judge" the (semantic) results returned from the API.

Thanks for clearing that up, Unknown Profile! I figured there'd be no simple resolution, but I held out some hope. :) I'll keep doing the manual edits.

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