Hello, I am searching for help in finding the father of prominent Dutch Adam Brouwer Berkhoven. While he was born in Cologne, we believe this was to a Dutch family. Adam immigrated to New Amsterdam very early. Adam worked for the West Indies Company and was even sent to Brazil on the ship "Swol".
One theory is that his father is Pieter Clementsen Brouwer, one of the founders of the West Indies Company, but there is no proof of that. I did find a roster for WIC and VOC in New Amsterdam, and there was only one WIC soldier listed, (Adam), and about 8 or a dozen VOC soldiers. To me, this makes me question why he would be the only WIC person. Perhaps because he was in a capacity larger than just a normal soldier.
In addition to the Brouwer link there, there is also the Hendrik Brouwer link of the VOC. Hendrik Brouwer created the route known as Brouwer Route to the Indies, and the VOC designated that all ships follow this after 1617. Hendrik died. After this Pieter Clementsen Brouwer helped found the Dutch West Indies Company. Here I question if Pieter, Hendrik and Adam were all related. It is awfully "convenient" relationships,
Adam claimed that his name was Berchoven, and the only link that I have found to this was an area in Germany that is known as Berghof. The ruling family here was forced out sometime after the 1300s. We have no other links.
Any help or information would be helpful.