Canute the Great DNA

Started by Justin Durand on Tuesday, February 10, 2015
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This situation continues today in the U.S. with the pharmaceutical takeover of our medical schools which began in the early 1930s when the Rockefellers began giving huge grants to the schools to wipe out the many alternative medical practices that were common at that time. It was a very successful tactic, and they continue with this by preventing many helpful alternative therapies and treatments from being covered by Medicare & Medicaid through campaign donations and lobbying gifts to our elected representatives so they'll vote in their favor on the desired legislation. Our medical system has become a huge scam.

Relative to so-called witchcraft, of course there were variations of laws and practices in each era and country. But earlier on it was also about replacing paganism with Christianity, destroying indigenous cultural practices and forcing people to become Christians.

Unfortunately our ancestors knew a whole lot of really important things, some of which were lost because of this cultural genocide, including how to live in harmony with the land. We need to recapture that now if we hope to survive into the future. We're currently headed the way of the dinosaurs at an alarming rate, a 'climate catastrophe' according to the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change, and the worst extinction crisis since the beginning of the last ice age with humans on the list.

And of course like Wanda said, there have always been people who are psychic to varying degrees. I personally know a couple of psychics who have worked with police on missing person cases. This can be very threatening to those who have something to hide.

Does ordinary people think that they can change the system, or that they have any power at all except giving away their freedom and right to speak by a voting system? I guess many people want a change, but they are to self occupied and locked in the machinery to do anything real in order to achieve it. The question we all should ask us self are, do we really love our children, do they love us? The future we are giving them right now, shows the truth.

Well that actually funny or actually not funny. Figure of speach, but in Denmark it was not the wize men and woman that was a accused. On the contrary it was those you went to if you had a witch problem! somebody put a spell on you or something like that.
The wize people was the peoples choice and although the church of Denmark was screaming theire faces blue on the topic, the eviness of these people did not catch on in the people. High or low.

They were exstremely rarely punished! or accused!

Some people I believe as well has some talents that others dont and also talents that is not known much about and most would like to ignore because it scares them.

Anette, read this:

1693: Anne Palles, the last witch executed in Denmark
April 10, 2010.

On this date in 1693, fortified with a half-pot of wine provided at public expense, 74-year-old Anne Palles was beheaded and then burned as a sorceress — the last “witch” put to death in Danish history.

Huh. I did not know of her.

The witches I have been deeling with was in the timeperiod of 1550-1650. At the higt of the witchtrials. Here they were burned to death as descriped above.
The witch trials for this specific period took a very different turn of event than the normal witch trials of Denmark.
This period was the first time mass witch trial occured in Denmark as such. Here you would also find the more European model of witch trials, and here it was also authorities that was the accuser. Not a normal citizen.
The beheading you would also see later, but it was not the way in the period of withctrials in Denmark:

Superstition in Africa is alive and well. In the newspaper today:
"A thirteen year old girl was rescued from chains inside a church in Motherwell on Friday afternoon.The girl, who has not been identified yet, was allegedly taken to the church by a relative who believed she was possessed, to have the demons taken out.Following her rescue, the teenager was taken to a place of safety.The matter is under police investigation.-Zandila Mbabela"

I believe in witches . My aunt was one. I once stole her broom and kick start it by using the magic word ABRAKADABRA seven times..

And then she walloped you with it :-)

Dear God Sharon that is a horible story.

Dries I bed you still cant sit problely after what she did to you
I though it would be a model Harry Potter style!

There is a modern religion called Wicca. The members calls themselves Witches. They claim to be a survival of a pre-Christian pagan religion. Most experts think Wicca was created by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s from pieces he thought were pre-Christian (but mostly weren't).

It's confusing to think of witchcraft as being both people who are trying to harm their neighbors (the anthropological and historical witchcraft) and also people who are using positive energy to improve their lives (modern Wicca).

At the beginning when the historians tried to explain the Witchtrials and the background for it.
They claimed that the witches was remnants of a pre Christian pagan cult. That of furtility. However that have never been proven in anyway. Some think that comes from the "witchhammer" written by two Catholic munks. A misunderstanding so to speak!

I do not think witch cult today has much to do with the witch trials back in! In Denmark it was far more about negative and amoral behaviour than that of actual sourcery. The anti christian thing mixed with some bad luck for other people = Witch!

It's like Yin and Yang, good, or evil, opposite forces, you can use it for good or evil, just like everything else. In pagan culture there have always been a great amount of superstition, everything from the evil eye to small voodoo dolls that they projected wishes upon, several thousands of year with no ending, does it work? Well, sometimes it's just like the placebo effect, believing make do wonder, other times it just bs, but sometime things really happens that are hard to explain with modern science.
Coincidences or not, there are more hidden in the nature than we yet understand. ; )

It actually ment to say witchcult today has not much to do with witchcult back then, but yes we do not know it all.

Unfortunately witchcraft in modern Africa is far far worse than locking kids in churches. I'm not a believer in superstition being used for good or evil, or anything at all, because it feeds on irrational behaviour.

In South Africa, witchcraft finds many faces. We do have a pagan Wiccan movement that is mostly driven by the white middle class, and has a fun hippy vibe; - it bleeds into (as I'm sure it does everywhere) the teenage Goth subculture; which runs parallel with a small, seriously reality-disconnected group of online gamers, including the anthropomorphising Furries.

Then there is the enormous belief in witchcraft as a potent medicinal/curse/divination force that still pervades Africa, and in most places simply absorbed missionary Christianity into its whole. It is pervasively practiced by people from all classes, and because it is believed to be very powerful, powerful acts are committed in it's name.

"Muti' is medicine made by witchcraft, which it is believed is made stronger by human body parts - especially those of young children. In a country stricken by AIDS, there is a big demand. "Muti killings" for body parts occur quite frequently; and I've read studies that say 1 in 5 adults in rural SA have seen at least one dead body that has been dismembered for muti. The equally violent result is witch hunting by mobs.

It sounds scary and hard to understand when living in 2015 with medicin actually can do something about Aids
But ofcause a lot of people cant pay for the medicin.

I dont think I ever come across something like that .Using human bodyparts as potent instrument for sorcery. That wiches was eating children yes, but that was again something that came with the "Witchhammer" the pact with the devil and so on.
In Denmark it was mostly people that became sick died, death among the lifestock and such. It was neither the evil Eye. Always sorcery. At this period of time per definition we did not have witches, we had people that messed with magic. But no one was born a witch. Evil eye for instance was rare.
But some of the believes did stay alive for a very long time! Superstition is not easy to change.

The christian custom to eat part of mummies or use them in medication goes back far in time, ever heard of that?

No I dont think I have, but going back in time there was insanely many Christian sects. All with different tituals and ideers, so nothing is impossible. They might even have incoorporated some of the local customs that predated Christianity!

They used to sell "ground mummy" (pulveriserad mumie) in the pharmacies in Scandinavia and elsewhere for same reason.

The 'mummy' botttles in the Apothem were labelled "stött mumie"...

Well I must admit I find that pretty disgusting although it was problely just pulverised bones from animals.
But a lot of weird things could be made into something. Pic flowers at midnight on a graveyard. That made the potend healling or damaging parts of the plants more power full. But ofcause it has to be on a full moon or on midsummer or something like that

You only need to watch Bergman's "Jungfrukällan" (Spring of Virgin or, in Danish Jomfru Kilden) to get the drift of some of that old stuff...

Just go to a Sankt Hans bonfire and you got it all. It is still very much in place.

Private User
Look at this Ulf. I believe this is the sword you mentioned.

"De 18 bogstaver på sværdets blad danner den kryptiske tekst
the 18 letters on the swords blade creates the cryptic text,


Tekstens sprog er stadig ukendt, hvilket gør det endnu mere besværligt
the text language are still unknown which make it even more difficult
at knække beskeden."
to breake the meaning.

Yes, that was the same story I read in DM, and it is still an unsolved puzzle. It would have been nice if we could have solved it for them ; )

Yes that could have been fun. Most likely its a mix of different languages, withch makes the meening hard to understand!.

@Anette Guldager Boye and @Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinson - This sword could be of Scandinavian origin.

The last four letters combine together in the word "Orvi" - ant that is the old word over to Induce; Persuade; Encourage; Motivate someone.

The question is whether the letters/symbol´s "X" are separators of some kind (paragraph´s ?) and the letters between the "X-es" could be acronyms of some sort over words or meanings.

Just a thought of mine...

Yes, but I have also tried to connect the ending with Norwich, XORVI+I,
but then of course, the writer were indeed half dyslectic. ; )

@Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson! The last symbol, behind the word "Orvi" is a Cross (probably a Crusador's Cross).

It's very common in old inscriptions for a + (cross) and an x to be used as word and phrase separators. That doesn't have to be the case here, but it would be the simple and obvious solution.

So, the inscription would be just ND O CHWDRGHD ORVI.

I'm not an expert, but from other inscriptions I've seen it seems like ND O ORVI ought to be Nomine Domini Omni Orvi [Orbi] -- In the name of the Lord of the whole world. Variations on that idea are fairly common in inscriptions. I think many other people have already suggested this. Word order is not as important in Latin as in modern European languages, because Latin uses noun declensions.

That would leave CHWDRGHD, which could be a name or an acronym for something. Remembering that CH is often an abbreviation for Christ, I wondered if the W might also be some kind of separator, but I don't know the answer to that.

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