Before They Sailed: Mayflower DNA

Started by Justin Durand on Monday, February 2, 2015
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2/2/2015 at 5:06 PM

Here's a new research study, with a book coming out: Before They Sailed: Mayflower DNA ("this first of its kind book that will identify the DNA and trace the genetic ancestry of twenty families that sailed aboard the Mayflower.")

"The book will identify the DNA and trace the genetic ancestry of the following Mayflower families: Alden, Billington, Bradford, Brewster, Chilton, Cooke, Doty, Eaton, Fuller, Hopkins, Howland, Mullins, Rogers, Samson, Soule, Standish, Tilley, Warren, White and Winslow."

The author is looking for both direct paternal line and maternal line descendants of the Pilgrims.

2/2/2015 at 7:52 PM

Thank you, for finding AND posting this, Justin!!! I have just "signed up" / offered myself, to be a Mayflower Guiniea Pig!!!

2/2/2015 at 10:06 PM

It has to be mtDNA (your maternal line goes back to a Mayflower passenger) or Y-DNA (paternal line ...)

Neither is the case for me :)

2/3/2015 at 5:21 AM

My biological mother (and her brother) are related to God and the World (including William Brewster, through to his daughter Patience), through their/our Grosvenor/Whitney lineage... so, it would be mtDNA, for me. :-)
They're also, looking for cousins of Mayflower passengers (which would mean I also, can offer/have Myles Standish, John Cooke, Warren, Hopkins, Bradford, White and more) and not only direct descendants!
So, maybe, there is still something in there for you, too, Hatte. ;-) <3

2/3/2015 at 5:49 AM

Linda Wellman
Erica Howton
Private User
Carol Sidders
This might interest you, too

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2/3/2015 at 7:48 AM

I am having my DNA done thru Nat Geo Genorme 2.0 thru the maternal line. Should get the results back within 10 weeks. I am hoping i will be able to read it. I am also allowing them to use my DNA in their ongoing project to map paths used by our deep ancestors. Will be happy to share it with the group

2/3/2015 at 9:59 AM

thanks. I might not be of much help here. Kitty Munson Cooper could explain more... I am a dna beginner.. I had my autosomnol tested at but a I am not sure what to make about it and B am not sure this would be of help because it would involve testing mom and not sure she'd be willing.. and also interbreeding could some one explain that? the southworth paper trail to him i have says that his son married a female southworth which I connect to but I also connect to him thru his daugther (elizibeth) so 11th ggf or 11th great uncle?

Private User
2/3/2015 at 10:03 AM

I'm not a direct line, but it will be nice to validate part of the relationships I do have through DNA. :)

2/3/2015 at 10:06 AM

you see Me 1984 Michelle mccann my mum 1953 Donald Lapoint 1927-2012 (grandfather) Marion lapoint 1896-1992 (great grandma) J.g douglas 1870-1906 (2nd great grandma) sgt ogilvie southworth 1834-1916 (3rd great grandfather) Samuel southworth 1800-1875 4th great grand father chester south worh 1764-1817 5th great grandfather
Josiah southworth 1719-1791 6th great grandfather
Nathaniel Southworth, Sr. 1692-1731 7th great grandfather (path to john alden from here rebecca souuthworth nathaniel's mom elizibeth (pabodie?) her mom daugther of john alden I also connect to david son of john because the southworth men's line goes further back and one of the daugthers mary (nathaniel sr cpt william southworth son of ensign constant southworth and elizibeth southworth (collier) His sister would be mary southworth (alden) she would mary david son of john. So there fore john alden would be both my 11th great uncle and 10th great grandfather right?

2/3/2015 at 10:20 AM

Thanks, Theresa Renee. I'm a Mayflower cousin (no direct lines) several times over, and sometimes through "up tree" in England (or so Geni says).

My first cousin did Geno 2.0 testing so we'll see where that intersects.

2/3/2015 at 12:50 PM

Yes, Michael, that should/would make you a direct descendant and an indirect one! lol! (That's also, a prime example of generation collapse, at work! And we ALL have that, in our lineages!) ;-)

Your welcome, Erica! I could've sworn, you were a descendent, from one of them, though!!! :-/ Will be great to compare that DNA, of your cousin. I'll bet, latest then, one of them, will pop up!!! ;-)

Susan, I was looking at that Nat Geo project (as the Grosvenor's who are the founders of the National Geographic Society and Magazine, are also, in my blood lines!) sounds fascinating and I look forward to you sharing, not only your findings, but your experiences!

2/3/2015 at 12:53 PM

Here's where they mentioned that they will not only be comparing direct descendants. And I quote (copy and paste)
"Following the DNA

The DNA falls into three Mayflower categories: descendants, genetic cousins and genetic ancestors."

Private User
2/3/2015 at 1:23 PM

I have a direct line to Samuel Fuller, Edward`s son, who married Jane Lathrop, but thru my father`s line, he is my 10th great grandfather, so i guess there is not much i can do there

2/3/2015 at 1:55 PM

I've got Brewster, Cooke & Hopkins thru my father's line. Think I should pass this on to my brother, though.

2/3/2015 at 4:28 PM

I'm of the Howland line Rosemary Bridges Berman

2/7/2015 at 8:54 PM

Sounds like a worthwhile. I will contribute DNA information and anything else I can.
I am from Bradford and Bradstreet lines y-dna done ftdna and Geno 1.0&2.0

2/8/2015 at 7:16 PM

Well, it'll be interesting to see whether or not he can raise $49,645 or more for his kickstarter campaign in the next 24 days. I descend from 5 of the surnames listed, but not in a direct yDNA or mtDNA line. My guess is the likely big donors will be direct y or mt DNA descendants, provided they learn of the project in the next month.

2/9/2015 at 11:05 AM

I have signed up. Thomas Rogers is my 11th ggrandfather and Henry Samson is my 10th ggrandfather. My husband is also a direct descendant John Alden 9th ggrandfather and Priscilla Mullins is his 9th ggrandmother.
This study will be very interesting.

Private User
2/10/2015 at 12:56 AM

This is great news

2/10/2015 at 3:56 PM

Hope I'm not intruding here but has anyone heard of the Mayflower Barn in England? Supposedly a building built form wood salvaged from the original Mayflower.

2/10/2015 at 4:04 PM

Yes, I have heard of it! And I believe there are some interesting other artifacts about the ship Mayflower associated with the property / papers of William Vassals, the shipmaker.

2/10/2015 at 5:09 PM

Here's a notice that they're starting with Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger.

Origin Hunters is "looking for descendants of Stephen Hopkins who have their autosomal DNA tested and entered into Gedmatch"

2/12/2015 at 9:29 PM

@ iva tennison
I am a direct descendant of William Bradford. I am related to Fuller, White and Winslow passengers. I have completed Family Tree DNA [mtDNA].

Private User
2/16/2015 at 6:19 AM

Yes the Barn is near Burham in Bucks Alan

4/22/2015 at 11:24 AM

Researching the record of my great-grandfather Dublis Wilkins as recoreded in 1880 Louisiana census.

Lawrence Wilkinson
of Avoyelles Parish, Bayou Rouge/Evergreen, Louisiana USA.

4/22/2015 at 7:04 PM

The notice about Stephen Hopkins is gone because the work have been completed and a paper published. I offered my autosomal DNA (4 lines of descent) but don't know if it was used. The paper can be seen at

4/22/2015 at 7:10 PM

Thanks, Fred. The link doesn't work for me. I found it by googling the title. Then, got the same url you posted. Apparently they don't want people sharing links quite so easily ;)

4/24/2015 at 11:36 AM

How I found the paper: I went to the original link to the blog and found it was gone (but it seems to be back now). To the right of the blank space was an ad for OriginsConnector. That web site has a link to "Papers". The 1st of 3 papers is the one on Stephen Hopkins and autosomal DNA: "Autosomal Haplotypes and the Genetic Reconstruction of Family Trees". All the papers are by Mike Maglio. It seems that OriginsConnector ( ) is a new company based on these finding which (for a fee) will tell you if one of your ancestors is confirmed by DNA. They already have about 1000 names they can check.

Private User
4/25/2015 at 9:27 AM

I picked up on the Mayflower reference;m I am a Cousens on my father's side but on my mother's side there is one Thomas English, who sailed in the Mayflower to command a coastal ferry, but died in the first winter.
Jon Cousens
Budleigh salterton, Devon UK

4/27/2015 at 1:10 PM

Looking over the papers by the author it seems like he is breaking some new ground in DNA assisted genealogy, which if true is pretty cool for all of us.

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