Is it possible for GENI to hold onto records who have come into disfavor?

Started by Dale C. Rice on Friday, January 16, 2015
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The "amplifications" I added to the story surrounding John Rice and Anne Hackley are my direct family members and you have the gall to tell me that adding a different side is VANDALISM?

What you did to invent from whole cloth a person named John Rice and slap that story up as somehow more accurate than the Aural hisotry I put up is VANDALISM.

You'll find that I directed another Curator whom I had never seen before her arrival in November to contact Erica Isabel Howton about ANN RICE. I have 12 pages of messages between my self and others where I asked for a change of date because it was out of whack by 15 years or more and changed that date after clearing it with Erica on the DOB of Anne Phillips Perrot and the newly minted Robert Phillips. We just talked about that remember?

Ms. Erica: please talk to Gweneth MacNeal manager of the Allin File, she add the Ann Rice daughter of sister: Dorothy Hackley-Allen. I specifically warned her not to mess with file without clearing it with you.

My father's story is just as Valid as the one you made up Justin: You call it great research...I call what you did to John Rice a Lie that you invented and dressed up to make yourself feel good.

We will not be adding anything to this discussion Ms. Erica: I have put all the citations into the Geni Doccuments file that Justin insists I did not present any evidence. More than a dozen citations...and the last were about the captain of the Sparrow naming John Perrott....

I trust the people at Geni will look at that segment of data I put forward for the entire community to look at a refutation of self-serving statments: "You have provided nothing of Proof" It's plenty of proof that I uploaded a dozen citations as back up to the Aural History over the years here....what about those? Did you ever look Justin....Obviously NOT!

Justin: When adjusted for the time spans you will find that two proved Rice brothers in my family have a single step mutation between us and to John Rice 1630, and a first cousin line has two step mutations in the same century.

Multiply those rates across 400 years and all those Perrott matches will fall into place. AND I predict that Sutton will be a 61/67 match or 92% accurate. You will have to eat your words yet! ANd you have slung plenty of drivel, my way.

Your rush to judgment here is understandable. You are out on a limb, so I understand you don't WANT the 67 marker results known....They should vindicate the story by linking a Sutton to the Paternity of the NON R1b Perrotts of Sir John 1528 and John Perratt II 1565. What I don't understand IS WHY you want to stop my claiming the illegitimate son of an illegitimate son?

Customer Service - time to close this discussion as it has deviated from discussion into negativity and personal insults.

It did that many pages ago, Hatte.


Look again at the revision history for "Unknown Father". Erica copied it for you. It says:

Sir Thomas (Son of John ap Rice) 1540 ap Rice (Rice), I was added as unknown father of John Rice of Dedham's husband by Dale C. Rice.
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:44 PM

Margaret ap Rice (Mercer) was added as unknown father of John Rice of Dedham's mother by Dale C. Rice.
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:41 PM

Maven, I added the Alumni Oxonienses entry to the profile of John Perrot, II (1565).

This is one of the men Dale is confusing with "John Perrott 1572".

Others are (or have been):

John Parrott, of Paraketo Point c1590

John "the Quaker" Perrot c1620

Justin: You called the John Perratt of Carew not possible because it was taken back 1592. Well how about the gift granted by Queen Mary before she died until 1592...He could certainly have been there and Havorford West. You and Maven are not accounting for Genetic Drift/modification of relatives. My brother is one step out from me...same generation. Once that is understood the values should put the Perrotts exactly where they should be. Some of the dates spanning 400 years or more will pull them into alignment.

The above notations are simple mistakes...that's all nothing vandalizing about them...You and Maven are no longer welcome to work on my family. We have a DNA report that you are trying devilishly to destroy. WHY? Just tell me who's paying you?

JUSTIN: OXFORD LISTS THE SONS OF Knight Sir John Perrott of CAREW in the matriculation there. SO now you have intentionally vandalized the account of my 7th great gand father. Who does match the Perrotts and we are awaiting the full report on 67 markers with an understanding of fast moving changes on the alleles to account for the time span 1565-1948. Some of the Perrott who are I-1 have values that can be understood in that light.

All of the above Parrot's can be tracked on the same I-1 DNA that I found: his 7thgrandson uncovered without any assistance from you...the DNA expert.

I found the recurring values: I noted them here and I regard your vandalism of my family records unforgivable.


1. Despite the conspiracy theories you've circulated, the British government is not trying to keep you from claiming the throne. As far as I know, Her Majesty's Government does not feel threatened. No one is paying me.

2. You added false parents to a profile. You say that's not vandalism. Just a simple slip of the fingers in the middle of everyone telling you it could not be proved.

3. I added an entry from an official publication of Oxford University giving biographies of students from their records. You say that's vandalism.

4. I don't know where you get the idea I ever argued against student John being son of Sir John, of Carew. One of the first things I ever found on this family was the Oxford directory. I've known that Sir John was named as being "of Carew" in 1583 since we started. In fact, I'm the one who pointed it out to you.

Genitic Drift of 400 years....applies to the Perrott Family as identified by myself....

I found the matriculation date of all 3 sons and brought it everyone 2 + Years ago, now you want the entire world to believe that Perratt never lived at CAREW...that's vandalism.

All of the possible explainations have been explored so that leaves Genetic drift within the Perrott family and since Parquito Point leads to other Perrott's who match John Rice within that sir are making an intentional misdirection of facts to undercut my claim to my GRAND FATHER....Your statements about the crown are foolish and disrespectful...just answer the questions or leave. I've made it clear to GENI that my intention here was to find that 7th great grandfather and you are an advisor...not the owner of my family information.

Comply or please the discussion.

Comply or Please LEAVE the discussion thread!

This is the current relationship path to John Perrott of Paraquito Pt. arrived 1623 and brought wife Prunella to America later. This is a branch that can have an impact on this discussion once everyone understands we are trying to find the common ancestor as named by Samuel G. Rice.

If you can find DNA of I-1 Haplogroup among the Perrott's then finding the rest of the line by backing out the genetic drift within the family the allele values should fit. Im banking on that in the 67 marker test and I'll leave that discussion to an expert from Family Tree. Not someone here who is utterly disrespectful to my 4 year search.

PS: More than a year ago I brought this person to your attention and Woodman Mark was part of the discussion at that time. His comment: "And you found it by traditional method"....So Mark will recall that Im sure. Anything else you want to claim has been uploaded into the Research files here at Geni over the past 3 years, you may want to review what's there...since to tell everyone I have brought no proof to this discussion!!!

since YOU tell everyone.... not to tell ....

You are correct Ms. Blejer: My conversation with Mark was interrupted 3 pages back by the outrageous MS. M.B.Helms who on full attack mode as Justin always does to my search when I get close.

two years ago it was someone by the Name W....who was doing the bidding of Justin. Now we see Ms. Helms in that mode. Complete and utter disregard for me and what I am attempting to do....Now I have to stave off daily attacks by person's who are supposed to give guidance, not take over family files and smear searchers on this OPEN TO THE PUBLIC platform. I do not understand his hold on this great public arena.

This discussion has indeed degraded into a personal attack on the reputation of a long term genealogist with an excellent track record. We have painstakingly addressed every question raised by Dale Rice and attempted to explain "likely," "less likely," "not likely.". Again and again and again.

No personal attacks are tolerated here.

Everyone, please refrain from further posts until Geni has a chance to review the discussion.

My thanks.

Erica, volunteer curator

I made some checks on the line that you presented Dale, here's what I found.

Samuel Ware is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 17th cousin 10 times removed!

Capt. William Daniel is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 14th cousin 12 times removed!

Eleazer Wood is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 15th cousin 9 times removed!

Sarah Parrott is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 23rd cousin!

Unknown Father of John Parrott is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 23rd cousin's husband's great grandfather!

No problem, Ulf, it's nice to see the thread "closer" on an interesting & positive "path."

Here is my CURTIS ANCESTOR named by my father (1978) a cousin to John PERRAT II 1565 also named by him. You once told me that I had no connection to the Perrott's.

Im done!

Closing this discussion.

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