Is it possible for GENI to hold onto records who have come into disfavor?

Started by Dale C. Rice on Friday, January 16, 2015
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Luckily people who "really are related" to those who fall into the "inductive reasoning broad sweep" take an interest or this tree would be entirely hosed.

And they'll smack him down a lot faster and harder, because it will be much more obvious to them, right from the get-go, that he hasn't got the shadow of a suggestion of a hint of a clue what he is talking about.

I can't resist this because I don't know how it can be made any clearer


Dudley Families of early New England

Governor Thomas Dudley yDNA haplogroup: R-M269
William Dudley, of Guilford, CT yDNA haplogroup: I-M253


This project was started on 24 Jan 2015 "because" the Dudley lines on Geni such as the (fictional?) "Squire" Thomas Dudley had been hosed.

Does make me wonder if rumors about the Earl of Leicester had anything to do with it.

"[T]hey'll smack him down a lot faster and harder"

The whole point of feeding him DNA info day after day after day is to make it clear there is nothing here. If he doesn't get it, everyone else will -- even if a few of them gnawed off a foot ;)

Any guesses what will happen now? Will Dale just blow it off (again)? Or will Dale remember tomorrow that his dad didn't say they are descended from Squire Thomas Dudley, and it was really someone else?

Erica and Hatte, the Dudley project came through for us. Good job. I think this highlights the potential for projects in general to help people understand the problems in a particular area.

Thank you. Even though I have taken a dislike to Gov. Dudley (his son was even more arrogant) that is no excuse not to have his tree as good as we can get it.

Since this is the I-1 Duley's it's clear to me that the Dudley Name was misunderstood by my father. Clearly there is not an I-1 match within this line of persons that have tested so far. I can see we are well on the way to eliminating this line. Are there others? We know for sure that all the people with the Dudley sure- name fit into this single group yes? No body out there with I-1 Blood named Dudley right? Now if you'll turn your attention to Sir John Perrott where we have a son named, born 1565.....

Erica, I'm pretty sure the Earl of Leicester had EVERYTHING to do with it - the trashed profile had been repeatedly disconnected from him and/or Lettice Knollys.

"Dale - these connections are entertainment. They do not indicate DNA connections."
Some trail in the blue line of the DNA jungle.

Thomas Dudley is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 11th cousin 16 times removed!

That was a joke: Good night. Sweet Dreams M.B.H. :-)

OH no you don't! You're not starting THAT again!

I found your "Margaret ap Rice", the alleged "wife" of your "John Perrott II". I found her in the *exact same* Pembrokeshire Historian volume you kept waving at us (the site is still not easy to use, but at least it's not completely crashed now).

According to them, she died an old maid in Brawley parish, and never married anyone at all.

"Smoke on your pipe and put that in." ("West Side Story" reference.)

Dudley has been a given name in my family since the early 1800s, but I've never figured out how it weaseled in. My father and grandfather were both named Dudley, and I escaped being Dudley III only because my mother balked when they were filling out the paperwork.

Very funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.

MBH: She had a child at 13: She couldn't have anymore children just like Margaret Beaufort, so she was of no interest to anyone else. Backat you!

She was not his wife: she was abused by her grandfather: and that boy went to Oxford as John Perrott and came out swinging like a Quaker....LOL...wait and see Missey!

My surname is the exception that proves the rule.

It appears all Howton's are related.

There are few other surnames that are.

Re: "Dale - these connections are entertainment. They do not indicate DNA connections."

Some trail in the blue line of the DNA jungle:

Ulf, that is better put, thank you.

If Geni shows the connection as all blue, and gives you a "cousin" message, you can "climb the tree" to find the common ancestor. Theoretically DNA will prove it out but it would usually need to be autosomal DNA testing, as Geni does not tell you if this is a paternal line, a maternal line, or a zig zag.

Just realized (for the first time ever) my 3rd g grandmother was a Sutton. Maybe . . . no. Never mind. Don't want to know right now. That could be a conflict of interest ;)

Nancy Howton is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 23rd cousin twice removed!

Elizabeth Louvina (Viny) Howton is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 20th cousin 7 times removed!

You could have NOT MERGED until you knew what you were dealing with - that's what RESPONSIBLE people do.

But you're not interested in being responsible, are you?

As far as I know: I din't merge anything. if I did it was unintentional.

Ms. Helms, you are begining to make me wonder if you are all right. As in Okay? Most adults do not exercise their emotions in such a public way....would you like me get you some water?

You made *several* reckless and irresponsible merges of "Elizabeth Hall"s Dec. 31 2014/Jan 1 2015. These things can be tracked. These things ARE tracked. Your name is on the merges and your fingerprints are all over them.

Ulf - Viny (Ross) Howton may have had a "touch of the tar brush.". And/ or some American Indian ancestry. We know that she was a very tough (and mean) pioneer woman who had (at least) 10 children and traveled by covered wagon over a number of years from Tennessee to a new frontier in Idaho.

Oh - and the odds are decent she's from the Kings of Scotland. Also. One way or another.

this dicution is very interesting to read..exept for the personal atack,

bonjour ,Mr Rice

Having just reviewed the Family Tree DNA files of the Projects which I belong there are now 19 matches on the Perrot family at 12/12 or higher but not above 25 markers. Which Justin says I should Ignore even though the tesimony of 1978 names a Perrott as our 7th great grandfather.

No! I will not ignore the evidence of a 7th Perratt great grandfather and the testimony of Sam G. Rice. We know the life spans of people back then genearlly exclude 90 year that only leaves one option. The Boy born to young Margaret Rice 1618 was educated and made his own way in the world. That birthdate corresponds to whom? You can guess, I have and the matriculation at OXFORD Divinity school fits.

Having been discouraged from speaking the name of John Rice in the same breath as Edmund has put a road block in this entire effort. It simply evaporates if you open the mind to the possiblity of an accidental NPE, and young John Rice not being Edmunds Son was left behind with his father, Perrott ap Rice of Tenby who got the child back to his people in 1640. Tamzine was forced to give the child back when they left in 1638 accounting for the "Family Disturbance" registered here in some Ma. reference books. That's the connection: Edmund Rice and LDS church caved on the relationship because the DNA proved him not to be Edmud's son but he does match 19 Perrott's.

All the values of John Rice 1620 fit inside the min, max, mode of the Sutton Project, and the Sutton which agrees the closest to John Rice begins & ends with the exact number of alliels of 35-35 11-10 and the numbers which extend to his 67th markers do not vary more than 3 steps from the other Suttons.

Since I am a betting man I bet that John Rice's alleles on those same markers also do not vary more than 3 steps pulling John Rice back into the I-1 Sutton family.


- please post the link to the Sutton project and kit number where you see the match. Also - the haplotype il is for the Dudley of Guilford CT family, who are not Sutton-Dudley's.

- are you perhaps looking at a "different" Sutton family which is il? Can you be more explicit please?

There is no evidence of an NPE by Tamzin. And from respect for her thousands of living descendants it really needs to be left off the table unless there is substantiating evidence beyond your speculations.

Re: "Family Disturbance" registered here in some Ma. reference books."

A precise citation is needed.


Now watch him invent and traduce a "sister" of Perrott ap Rice, just to keep his fantasy going....

There isn't a better phrase to describe a person, or a fantasy, that requires someone to have been born not only fifteen years before she actually was, but when her father was ten years old and her mother still in nappies.

(I actually censored it myself, the system didn't do it for me. :-P )

H-1956 Robert Sutton

That's 37 Markers first 25 match 22/25 the last 4 of 37 match 35-35 11-10.

Maven: We are about the business of finding the Truth: some want it squelched...some want it out in the open. That's where I fall. Come what may John Rice 1630 matches the Perrott's at lower levels...we await upper levels. Too Bad.

The estimated birth of Margaret ap Rhys was taken from the testimony of a 13 year old girl...That would be Perrott ap Rice's and Margaret Littleton's daughter...who never married. Breathe deeply now...because you'll pass out if you hold your breath.

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