It might be interesting to determine the person who is AJ's most distant cousin with a connection through common ancestors. My connection is probably one of the more remote ones.
" A.J. Jacobs is your 40th cousin 20 times removed."
View the full relationship path:
Anyone else know of a more remote connection excluding the zero connections?
Thanks for humoring me.
A.J. Jacobs is is my 57th cousin 7 times removed!
A.J. Jacobs is Hecebolus "The Tyrian", Governor of Pentapolis' 54th great grandson!
Hecebolus "The Tyrian", Governor of Pentapolis is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 42nd great grandfather!
A.J. Jacobs is "Isaac the Jew", Charlemagne's Diplomat's third cousin 44 times removed!
"Isaac the Jew", Charlemagne's Diplomat is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 11th cousin 32 times removed!
A.J. Jacobs is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 51st cousin 13 times removed!
A.J. Jacobs is Lord Youxiong 有熊's 102nd great grandson's wife's aunt's husband's third great niece's husband's great aunt's husband's wife's 44th great grandson! Unknown Profile
In the middle of the path Sushan-Dukht Shah of Persia is William Owen "Bill" Irwin's 41st great grandmother! Unknown Profile A.J. Jacobs is Sushan-Dukht Shah of Persia's 44th great grandson!