Maryken Molenaar (Molenauer) - merging required

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, December 26, 2014
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12/26/2014 at 6:22 PM

father's seem a match but lots of data conflict, mothers dont match, all siblings match

Private User
12/28/2014 at 7:34 AM

Alex, been researching my Dutch ancestors for quite awhile now- I think that's where I started because I always knew GGM was a Newkirk- it took awhile w/ the Miller until I found 2 sources saying Molenauer was new Dutch for miller (the occupation). I found that after the Minnisink Indian war (June 7th, 1663) where 39 hostages were taken -a lg chunk of which were ancestors that Joast Adriaensen Miller (Molenauer) (vanPynacker) whose first wife was sisters w/ Macyken Hendrickse Krom VanMeteren that she insisted returning to Holland after being rescued. She died and he ret'd and married her niece Lysbet Krom(VanMeteren) their son:Hendrick m. his first cousin Lysbet VanMeteren I found both Joast VanMeteren's and Joast Adriaensen Miller (Molenauer) (vanPynacker) wills and believe that's why my 7GGF Joast(named for both his Grandfathers) wound up in Salem Co., NJ he inherited land from his Grandparents. I also have a land grant from Joast Miller's Uncle John VanMeter, of Prince George's Co, MD dated 25 March 1730 conveying 200 acres adjoining 200 acres bought by elisha Bassett to 7GGF Cornelius Newkirk whose son Cornelius m. Mary Molenauer (Miller) her parents Joast & Christianna Garrison Miller were apparently good friends cause he was named as a bondsmen for my 7GGM Rachel TenEyck when her husband Cornelius Newkirk died.

12/28/2014 at 9:17 PM

wow, i read that 3 times before it started to make sense!

"...Joast Adriaensen Miller (Molenauer) (vanPynacker) whose first wife was sisters w/ Macyken Hendrickse Krom VanMeteren..."

1663 04 May; Joost Adriaenszen, jm van Pynacker; Femmetje Hendricks, jd van Meppel [13]
1663 20 Mar; Joost Ariaensen, of Pynaker, Holland, jm; Femmetjen Hendricks, of Meppelen, jd, both liv Kingston. [9]

"... he ret'd and married her niece Lysbet Krom(VanMeteren)..."

1668 28 Oct; Joost Adriaensen, of Opynen, wid Femmetie Hendrix; Elisabet Willemsen Krom, jd, of Pynaker. [9]

"... their son:Hendrick m. his first cousin Lysbet VanMeteren..."

Hendrick Joosten Molenaer and Catherine "Catalina” Van Meter

" 7GGF Joast(named for both his Grandfathers) wound up in Salem Co., NJ ..."

Joost Ariansen Miller

1/1/2017 at 6:32 PM

Cleaning up, i think Catherine "Catalina” Van Meter is Hendrik Joosten Molenaer's 2nd wife but i need to check before connecting.

I disconnected her (as wife) from Hendrick Molenauer (who was connected as Joost Adriaensz Molenaer's brother but no evidence for that).

1/1/2017 at 9:06 PM

This site is recommended by other compilers.

Husband: Henry (Henerick Mulliner) Miller
Born: bef Apr 24 1681 in prob Ulster Co., NY
Died: bef Mar 4 1719 in New Jersey
Baptized: Apr 24 1681 in Ulster Co., NY
Wife: Catherine (Catalina) Bodine
Born: abt 1688 in Richmond Co., Staten Island, NY
Died: 1725 1
Father: John (Jean/Jan Bodin) Bodine (1662 - 1695)
Mother: Mary (Maria) Crocheron (1660 - 1703)

Other spouse 2

Isaac Van Meter (son of Father: Jooste Jans Van Meteren (1656 - 1706) & Sarah DuBois)


I have never seen any original sources listing the names of John Bodine and Mary Crocheron's children. As far as I can tell, the best list of these children would be John, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Catherine, Peter, and Abraham. However, one should realize that this is only an educated guess. Hopefully, more information will come to light on who John and Mary's children were, but it is not likely. These children were probably born on Staten Island, but there is no source for this information either.

Info from Theodore A. Bodine says that she later married Isaac Van Meter. Henry Mulliner appointed Adrian Mulliner (Molenaer) and Isaac Bodine as executors of his will. Adrian was probably his brother and Isaac must have been Catherine's brother.

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