Closing inactive and fake accounts

Started by Günther Kipp on Thursday, December 18, 2014
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12/18/2014 at 2:42 AM

Dear Geni fellows
I have been thinking of what to do in order to speed the process a little. Something that irritates me more than just a little bit, is inactive and fake accounts, if it was possible to close an account that have been inactive for fx more that a year.

Private User
12/18/2014 at 2:58 AM

Check the recent development in the curator discussions about this topic: Growing the World Family Tree (sorry folks, this is not public information -yet)

Private User
12/18/2014 at 1:26 PM

It is one thing for a Site to Have a Policy that, if you do not log in for over a year, your account will be closed - or some variation on that -- another to have a site which without having told you any such thing decides to act in that way. Or give it away to someone else. (Which the poster feels is worse probably varies from person to person).

Geni has varied as to how it treats inactive accounts. Current policy is in part due to folks such as one I remember reading, who was quite upset - had been dealing for two years with his wife dying of Cancer, finally, having lost her and recuperated himself a bit, turned to work on his Geni account - and was horrified to discover it was gone.

I also know there are folks who entered all they knew, and then felt no need to go back to it as they waited for their children to grow up and show an interest - fully expecting that since all they knew at this time had been entered, that it would be there for them when they chose to look at some future time.

Private User
12/18/2014 at 4:14 PM

Denna var udda...

Mstislav Vladimirovich, Grand Prince of Kiev
Förvaltas av: 177 personer varav en är Михаил Дорофеевич Дорошенко, död 31.05.1628

Hetman Mykhailo Dorofeyevich Doroshenko

Private User
12/18/2014 at 10:33 PM

Louis, the only trees that is deleted on Geni are fake trees, accounts just started to post spam, trees based on fantasy/series like Harry Potter, royal lines where the user obvious is fake or a weird collection of celebrities..

A tree which is a part of the world tree cannot be deleted automatically since it would ruin the tree of other users.

The case you mention is similar to a complaint I found in the help section, and the solution was simple and not Geni's fault: The person had registered an account on Geni two times, with different email addresses, one where i had built a tree and the second one was just empty. When returning to Geni he had logged into the empty account and went out quite hard both in help section and other places that Geni had deleted his tree. There was no excuse when he was directed to the correct tree, but unfortunately such stories lives on by their own.

12/19/2014 at 2:24 AM

I too am dealing with a likely inactive account since the relative in question has died about a year ago and I will need to expand on their tree as I receive information from other sources and close family members which I will eventually share with many other people including their children, grandchildren and cousins. Deleting this tree would be difficult for me to reconstruct and delay many hours of hard work and research into the family.

12/19/2014 at 2:49 AM

When a Geni member is deceased, their tree passes over to the closest family member active on Geni. Legacy is intact.

Private User
12/19/2014 at 3:02 AM

Dirk Timothy Fransen, PM me a message with a link to that tree so that I can see the status and connections of it.

Please use Report.-> deceased on profiles/users you are close related to and cannot edit to deceased yourself or are able to contact the manager. If a user-account Geni will close the account and release the profile to the closest relative which is a Geni user as Erica describes above.

I am a bit unsure how standalone trees are dealt with if they are reported as deceased and there are no other users in that tree.

I am trying to return a civil war soldiers' bible to his relatives. His name is J. Longfoot Root. His wife's name is Lovina Root. He fought for the north. He lived in Burlington, NJ. This bible is one of only 3,000 printed in this form. I wish to keep them in geni, although the couple are a standalone tree. Please don't remove them. This bible would be precious to Mr. & Mrs Root's ancestors. (not to mention the rarity of this bible). If anyone can help to trace it back to a living relative, I would surely be indebited to them..

Private User
12/19/2014 at 5:12 AM

Theresa, inactive accounts are accounts not logged in on for a while, and as the one who added those profiles you by your posting above clearly shows that you are not inactive ;-)

Anyhow I suggest you start a separate discussion based on the profiles to get help for your case. As an input?:

Dear Mr. Brox,

That is why you are the professional. I will try other means. Delete away. T

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